Author Interview Form Please noteFIELDS WITH RED STARS ARE REQUIRED. You will not be able to successfully submit this form if any fields with red stars are left blank, nor can you save your answers. If you are not prepared to fill in the entire form at this sitting, please bookmark this page and return when you have all your information ready. What email should be used for correspondence? *(Example: Title of the book (Please, DO NOT type the book title in all caps.) * Subtitle of the book (optional) Author's name associated with the book (Please enter name as it appears on the book cover.) * Author's initials, based on the name entered above. (ex., "John Smith" would enter "JS", not "J.S.") * The book's publishing company Synopsis (What the book about? DO NOT include endorsements, reviews, excerpts, etc.) * Link to your book trailer (Optional. Must begin with "http://".) Question 1: Where did you get the inspiration to write your book? * Question 2: What sets your book apart from other books in the same genre? * Question 3: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to your book getting out to the public? * Question 4: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish your book? * Question 5: What's next for you? * The author's main website (Must start with "http://".) Author's twitter account (Must start with "http://".) Where can the author be found on Twitter? Author's Facebook account (Must start with "http://".) Where can the author be found on Facebook? Author's Google+ account (Must start with "http://".) Where can the author be found on Google+? Author's LinkedIn account (Must start with "http://".) Where can the author be found on LinkedIn? Additional websites Are there other places the author has a presence on the Internet? List each website on a separate line here. Attach the author's head shot in .jpg format that is at least 250px in height (up to 1MB) *(This picture should be of the author ONLY with minimum distractions in the background. Please, no additional people or animals in the photo.) Attach an image of the front bookcover ONLY in .jpg or .png format that is at least 250px in height (up to 1MB) *(Upload only a 2D version of the book's front cover. DO NOT upload images of the front and back of the book nor 3D images of the book cover.) Is there anything else the author would like to add that wasn't mentioned above? Maximum words allowed: 200. Total words: 0 VerificationPlease enter any two digitsExample: 12This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank