Category Archives: 5 minutes 5 questions with

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Dyphia, author of “Dicmatized: The Doctor Is In” Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Dyphia, author of “Dicmatized: The Doctor Is In”
(Gemini Phoenix Publications LLC)


Dr. Lenese Stringfield Puts the “Sex” in Sex Therapy as she takes the profession by storm with her new and innovative techniques. Her seductive nature and sexy demeanor has her clients eating out of the palm of her hand – among other things.

Lenese has loved once and lost. If she can’t be with the one she loves, she will love the one she’s with. But, amazing sex doesn’t come without a price tag.

Too bad life has a lesson to teach this freaky therapist! She will soon learn that Karma is the ‘one bitch’ that has everyone’s address. Fooling around with another woman’s husband is dangerous, but falling in love with one can be deadly.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Dicmatized: The Doctor Is In”?

Dyphia: My grandmother always wanted to be a writer, so I dabbled in a little erotic poetry myself. One day, my cousin Neiima Edwards read some of my poetry and told me I should write a book. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Dyphia, author of “Dicmatized: The Doctor Is In”

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… V. Brown, author of I Am Her, The Mistress Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
V. Brown, author of “I Am Her, The Mistress
(G Street Chronicles)


“I Am Her, The Mistress” is about a chick named Tyquasia “Ty” Roberts who is a good girl turned mistress. She was born and raised in Miami, Florida. Ty finds out some secrets about her boyfriend Benzino when he gets locked up. She packs her stuff along with a large sum of his money and heads to Atlanta to start a new life.

In Atlanta, she runs into one of the hottest club promoters/party host Down South, Nasir Cruz. They are instantly attracted to each other. The only issue is that he’s married to Lorraine Cruz a high fashion model.

“I Am Her, The Mistress” is filled with love, lust, lies, deceit, and murder. Friends become foes, and the people that you think are one way are totally different.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “I Am Her, The Mistress”?

V. Brown: I initially got the inspiration to write “I Am Her, The Mistress” from an experience that I had a couple years ago. Although the person I had this experience with wasn’t married, they had been with their significant other for quite sometime. This individual was also a club promoter/party host. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… V. Brown, author of I Am Her, The Mistress

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Arthur J Gonzalez, author of The Photo Traveler Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Arthur J Gonzalez, author of The Photo Traveler
(Fahrenheit Publishing)


Seventeen-year-old Gavin Hillstone is resigned to being miserable for the rest of his life. Left alone in the world after his parents died in a fire when he was four, he was placed in foster care. This meant ending up in an abusive home with an alcoholic adoptive father.

He learns that he is one of the last descendants of a small group of Photo Travelers—people who can travel through time and space through images. But his initial excitement turns to fear, when he soon discovers that he and his grandparents are being pursued by the fierce remnants of a radical European Photo Traveler cult, the Peace Hunters. What Gavin has, they want!

His adventure will take him to past eras, like The Great Depression and the Salem Witch Trials. Gavin will have to discover who he really is and must make choices that spell the difference between life and death for himself, for the relatives he now knows and loves, and for the girl he will come to love.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “The Photo Traveler”?

Arthur J Gonzalez: One of the most important people in my life was facing a difficult time when their grandmother passed away. It affected him in such a deep way that it consequently affected me. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Arthur J Gonzalez, author of The Photo Traveler