Category Archives: african american author

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Adrienna Turner, author of The Day Begins with Christ Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Adrienna Turner, author of The Day Begins with Christ

adrienna turner the day begins with christ

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The Day Begins with Christ is a spiritual and inspirational non-fiction book. It has biblical examples and stories in comparison to our hardships of today. Moreover, The Day Begins with Christ educates, elaborates and explains the social, psychological, spiritual, and physical conditions of man/woman’s relationships with God.

Additionally, this book is a valuable tool to reach unbelievers as well as to enlighten Christians to have a deeper walk with God. Furthermore, as believers, we are to study, meditate and apply God’s Word on a daily basis. Many of us have lost sight of nurturing our families, studying God’s Word and seeking after God. We have become lukewarm. (Paul calls them ‘carnal’ Christians). Most of us are striving to know God, but the Bible states we will not know Him without hearing and knowing His Word.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The Day Begins with Christ?

Adrienna Turner: Today, we have 70% secular Christians according to the book “unChristian”. There are many I have blogged with or sent emails to online that are unsure about our Christian walk, are not Bible scholars and do not know what God expects from us.

Therefore, the benefit for this book is to give factual and biblical information on building healthy relationships even at work and at home It encourages discipleship and making better choices in our social-economical environments such as entertainment. It will challenge the reader to look at their daily lives in a godly perspective and gain an understanding how our Heavenly Father perceives us-to become the person God created us to be.

The idea and inspiration came from the Holy Spirit while I was in church service listening to the “sermon”. I heard the title “Let Your Day Begin with Christ”. I wrote it down on my sermon notes. Later, God woke me up while I was sleeping with the chapters and topics covered in the book.

JP: What is The Day Begins with Christ about?

AT: There is biblical and practical aspects that still applies today. God’s laws [Ten Commandments], informative about our diets and what we put in our bodies since it is viewed as the Temple of the Lord, elaborates on home, relationships, and work-to put God first in everything we do. In addition, The Day Begins with Christ is to encourage our prayer life, social life, sharing the gospel to others and most of all to glorify the Lord in all that we do. It lays out examples and experiences to put in our everyday lives. This is a value tool to reach unbelievers as well as enlighten Christians to have a deeper walk with God. After each chapter, there are biblical discussion questions and scriptures.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The Day Begins with Christ getting out to the public?

AT: The motto I live by is, especially as an author, I cannot just market my product (book), but market me. We are branding our God-given talent to the world. “Dreams come true when you believe you can achieve”. You have to bless others with what God has blessed you with. Whatever talent you possess, you give yourself to help someone else. We have to refresh ourselves with the holy anointing daily. This is why I have to let the world know what was shared with me. Next book, Unleashing the Spirit, is very controversial and needed for those who lost sight of God’s original plan for each one of us. It is also a non-fiction, spiritual/Christian living book.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish The Day Begins with Christ?

AT: For this project, it took consistency, discipline and lots of research from various mediums such as print, online, the Bible, secondary resources and my own personal testimonies. It took about a year of research and writing to complete this book. I started around August 2006 and finished around September 2007, then edited in December 2007. I reviewed this manuscript several times before went in print, even after editing process with Kathleen Jackson, and after it was ready to be published in December 2008 (a year after it was completed). Also, I stayed up 12-18 hours a day, working on this project and other non-fiction projects simultaneously. I hope readers are receptive. I learned new things about God’s Word and our Heavenly Father.

JP: What’s next for Adrienna Turner?

AT: I am working on several projects right now. I am seeking a publisher for Unleashing the Spirit and the “Miss the Mark Christian fiction Series”. My other titles for upcoming spiritual books: Counsel Me Lord to be a Vessel for Christ; and Desire at Will: Giving all the Glory to God through Prayer, Praise, and Worship — Let it Overflow! I have completed other several projects. I also write poetry/songbooks and short stories. Keep a look out for more inspirational non-fiction and fiction projects in the making.

Adrienna is also a former member of ALA (American Library Association), LITA (Library Information Technical Association) and National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Additionally, she volunteered with youth based programs and faith-based organizations in Milwaukee, WI, during 1999-2006. She would someday love to open her own non-profit organization called “Dream in Paradise” for children and young adults to display their God-given talents to the world through media, TV, radio, and online/print magazines. Lastly, Adrienna has a live online radio talk about important topics and meeting with other authors on their writing projects at

Adrienna was involved in the Obama Campaign, Democratic Party, as Deputy Field Organizer and Staging Location Manager.

Author’s websites:


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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Tremayne Johnson, author of A Drug Dealer’s Dream Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Tremayne “GS” Johnson, author of A Drug Dealer’s Dream
(Strip Kidz Entertainment)

tremayne johnson a drug dealers dream

(click on the picture to see reviews of this book on

Take a walk with one of the most relentless drug kingpins to ever promenade the streets of New York: Ahmed Yung. His father was an old-school gangster, and his mother passed away after giving birth. That left Ahmed to fend for himself. Witnessing his father’s death at the early age of 12, Ahmed made a commitment to become one of the most respected hustlers on earth.

Upon his release from six years of incarceration, Ahmed, 23, is forced to deal with the pressure. His comrades have the game on smash, and they’re just waiting for his return to the streets. Christal and Malique, his girlfriend and son, depend on him to adjust his lifestyle. The choices he contemplates ultimately determine his destiny.

This is the story of almost every hustler who decides to play the game. Mistakes are made, hearts are broken and lives are lost. But one thing is for sure: decisions will have to be made. Strap up for a ride down a path of pain and glory. This is A Drug Dealer’s Dream.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write A Drug Dealer’s Dream?

Tremayne “GS” Johnson: The idea and inspiration for the book came about from life experiences, seeing and being involved in the game first hand. The trials and tribulations of making those decisions I made at a young age had me speeding down a long road to nowhere. Writing has always been a part of my life, whether it was music or just writing down exactly what I felt at that particular moment. I was incarcerated for a couple of years. I figured if I didn’t make use of my time, I’d more than likely be right back in the same position. That’s when I put the pen to the paper and birthed A Drug Dealer’s Dream.

JP: What sets A Drug Dealer’s Dream apart from other novels detailing the pitfalls of drug hustling?

GS: It doesn’t matter if you aspire to be the president, a pro athlete, doctor or hustler, we all, at some point, dream about becoming something. We try to set goals and focus on obtaining them. My book is not only a street tale; it’s a JEWEL to the children of the future letting them know the choices we make dictate our destiny. It sets itself apart from every other novel because the story is told through the characters. It feels as if you’re watching a movie or right in the midst of what takes place.

Question 3: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to A Drug Dealer’s Dream getting out to the public?

GS: I apply my hustle tactics and my drive to push this project to where it needs to be. I’m determined to make a mark in the literary world. I feel like anything I put my mind to gets done. I’m dedicated to my work, and I strive for nothing less than greatness. A Drug Dealer’s Dream will solidify my spot in this game.

Question 4: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish A Drug Dealer’s Dream?

GS: My process is rather odd because I usually come up with an idea, form a plot, map out the main characters and from there, I begin writing. The story forms itself as I go along. Most of the time, I don’t even know what the exact outcome is going to be. I have an idea of what I want it to be, but things always change as the procedure goes forward. I do this so I don’t become bored while writing. It took me about a year and a half to complete A Drug Dealer’s Dream.

Question 5: What’s next for Tremayne Johnson?

GS: Right now, I’m just on my grind pushing A Drug Dealer’s Dream. It’s set to drop in December ‘08. Since I’m self-publishing, I have to really get out there and make the public notice my work. I’m trying to be everywhere with this. I’m promoting this book as if it were the newest hip-hop album by the best rapper in the game, you know?

Other than that, I’m getting the sequel correct, finishing that up, and working on a few other projects. The world needs to get ready for the new face of urban lit.

Joey, thanks for the luv. I appreciate it. Peace!

Tremayne ‘GS’ Johnson

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Urban Lit is DEAD!

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Urban Lit is DEAD! by Joey Pinkney

Yep, I said it… Urban Lit is dead. Done. Finito.


Who am I to say that? I don’t have the same status in the Urban Lit industry as Nas has when he said the same thing for his music. I don’t have to. I read a lot of Urban Lit, and it’s dead.

Why do I speak such blasphemous words? This sentiment stems from an email conversation I had with Therone Shellman after reading and reviewing his novel No Love Lost. (Read my review of No Love Lost, click here.) His novel was atypical and his approach to life after the streets was refreshing. Another one that comes to mind is Erick Gray’s Crave All Lose All. (Read my review of Crave All Lose All, click here. Read my interview with Erick Gray. Part I, click here. Part II, click here.)

In brief, we discussed how Urban Lit doesn’t do justice to the situations that people are relegated to in hoods across America and beyond. The immorality and reality of the streets isn’t present in a lot of stories on the market today. Without going into detail, that book was the first one that I read in a long time that actually shined the light on the side of the game that most people see but few want to talk about.

Call the Coroner…

The Urban Lit genre is pumping out books with the same book covers and the same stories. Most of the authors have to boast their jail experience to get the attention and respect they think they need to sell their stories. (Sounds like rappers who have to talk about their hood exploits in order to be respected, instead of being lyrically proficient.)

The Urban Literature landscape is taking the natural life cycle of all cultural trends. It’s just like Hip-Hop, born from desolation and neglect. Just like the Hip-Hop that influenced its current direction, Urban Lit has gone from being an obscurity to being shunned to being assimilated into popular culture. That’s why the larger publishing houses are following suit and creating imprints to cater to ravenous readership that Urban Lit definitely has. That’s why you can go to Barnes and Nobles or Borders or even Wal-Mart and see the latest and greatest in the (unofficial) Urban Lit section. It’s selling.

Before it got it’s name, authors like Omar Tyree (who recently stopped writing Urban Lit), Sistah Souljah and Teri Woods wrote books that spoke to a group of people who couldn’t get the time of day from the larger publishing houses. The prevalent thought at the time was that “those people” don’t read. Urban Lit has now been digested and regurgitated by the large publishing houses just like Master P did to rap music during his hey day. And just like his albums covers, words are blinged out, the men look mean and the women look horny.

From the Cradle…

With a “for us, by us” mentality, what would later become Urban Literature was strictly a person-to-person enterprise. Authors were printing up there own books and selling them out the trunk, on the corner, mom-and-pop stores and beauty salons. Full of sex, violence and grammatical errors, these books and the readers who loved them were looked down upon by the mainstream book industry.

Then the book industry got hip. “Those people” were buying those books terrible books. “Those people” were requesting sequels and anything else their favorite hood author put out there. Why? Because those books were entertaining, but they also had an underlining message. Readers could relate.

Fast forward a couple of decades. Now every book cover either has a young black dude with braids, two ear rings, tattoos, sagging jeans and a mean mug or the book has a young female in her early twenties wearing something that makes it easy to figure out what the birthday suit is like. The stories are still about the hood, but nowadays there is a twist. The money, clothes, hos, jewelry, expensive cars, huge houses and the swagger runs the stories.

Urban Lit authors still have to get on their grind, print up the copies and sell them by any means necessary. The difference now is that they have to compete for shelf space with the larger publishing houses. A lot of times, they have to compromise the integrity of their story to fit what the readers will buy. It’s no longer a novelty to have a book with the hood as the backdrop.

To the Grave…

The immorality and reality of the streets isn’t present in a lot of stories. This article actually stemmed from an email conversation I had with Therone Shellman, author of No Love Lost. Without going into detail, that book was the first one that I read in a long time that actually shined the light on the ___ side of the game. (Another one that comes to mind is Erick Gray’s ___.) Shellman is a person is has been there and done that, and it shows in his approach to his story.

A lot of people complain that most of the Urban Lit books are the same three or four stories with a different title and character names. For that matter, most of the authors have the same felonious background story in their bios. It’s just like Hip-Hop nowadays. You could take a black male between 16 and 36 (because you know we stay young looking for a while) and give him a grill, some tatoos, a fitted, a throwback (or white tee), some sagging jeans (and boxers), a gold necklace with some goofy pendant, a diamond encrusted watch, and some Air Force Ones. Then put him in front of a mansion with a couple of Lambourghinis and Escalades with a buch of women in their early 20s in bikinis. Throw on some music, let him pose and point around aimlessly showing off that goofy pendant. Oh yeah, I almost forgot let him rap…

That’s similar to what you see in Urban Lit. Most Urban Lit books has the guy that’s a drug dealer with all the name brand clothes and cars. He has enough jewelry to finance a small army. The problem is that that guy gets robbed and/or killed in real life.  A perfect example is all of these rappers getting their chain snatched left and right. They talk all that stuff on the albums and still get robbed when they leave the studio. Where are the guns? Where are your boys?

On top of the hood watching you, the cops are watching harder. Most of the dudes that make it to BET’s American Gangster get an episode because of one big mistake, being too flashy. Make a solid gold crown if you want, the cops will do everything they can to take that and everything else, including your life.


I understand what’s going on. People don’t read Urban Lit to get the scoop on reality. Like my girl Davida Baldwin said it, “You don’t read Street Lit for self-help and motivation, you don’t read street lit to help out the community, you read it for entertainment.”  If you put the average thug n!gga or hoodrat on the book cover, it wouldn’t sell. It would probably make it hard to sell the book right next to it, too. (LOL!) If it takes a model on the cover to get noticed, then sex has sold again. To be honest, authors don’t spend months and years to write a book for it to sit in a book store. They write it to hopefully put money in their pockets.

The larger publishing houses are in the game to sell units. If you like it, they love it. Business is business, but we the readers should expect more from Urban Lit authors.

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