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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Oneal Walters, author of The Age Begins Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Oneal Walters, author of The Age Begins
(The Age Begins Books)

(One of the first ten people to comment on Oneal Walters’ author interview will win a FREE copy of The Age Begins poetry collection!)

Oneal Walters writes about the intimacy between women and men. In vivid detail, he shows the problems and pain that he faces in separate relationships. His motto, “to truly love, you have to be a willing giver”, fits this collection of poems brilliantly.

Each relationship poem depicts a deeper and more engaging aspect of him. As the search for love matures, his understanding and feelings ripen and as he understands and changes how he responses to women, it is clear that he is on the verge of defining love for all.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The Age Begins?

Oneal Walters: The Age Begins was the birth of multiple ideas. I think readers appreciate my book after they read it, but I don’t think they really understand what I tried to accomplish with the cover of the book.

The back cover shows a boiling world and the ground is cracked; this world is not a livable place. The front cover shows footprints to a castle. The footprints represent a journey that leads away from a dying, boiling world, or a world in a state of recession, to a place of prosperity and life, hence the title The Age Begins.

Life is shown in the grass, trees and brushes. The two camels are a symbol of love. The back and front cover illustrates what you are going to get inside the book.

The idea for this book is that we have to transition from what is dying to get to what is life. Continuing on this thought, we begin in a dying state and must move towards what is most beneficial for us. The title, The Age Begins, is statement for everyone. We have to begin to move in the direction that is life.

As to the situations in the poems, I am glad to meet wonderful people who have touched me emotionally and mentally. The vividness of these experiences printed within this book is a gift for all who relate to my reflections on love and life. My first collection of poetry, Frozen Stare, was an intimate look inside my life. The Age Begins does have an intimate look inside me but has also taken on universal themes.

Joey Pinkney: In the book industry, poets are usually as self-motivated as they come. You discuss this in The Age Begins. What did you learn about yourself in completing this collection of poetry?

Oneal Walters: I realized that poets are singular. I had a negative experience, I can share that with other poets so that they don’t have to discover the same disappointment. I realized that there needs to be a concept to creating a book.

I read many poetry books before making The Age Begins, and there was no after-taste, no experience to hold onto. This book has experiences that you will hold onto and will relate to. It’s not just a collection of poems; it’s a voice speaking directly to you while you are reading.

I realized that all my poems are about people and that I didn’t like poems that were solely about trees and birds chirping. I learned that the elements that I enjoyed most about poetry were narration and people.

I realize that my favourite writers are Irving Layton and Maya Angelou, and that it was perfectly fine to say, “I’m a poet. These words make more sense once people see that you have a second collection of poems that is selling. The art comes before the sales, but the sales is just an explanation of how many people the art has reached.

I also came to realise that I am competitive because I wanted the Love and the Mis-justice sections of The Age Begins to have the same impact after it is read. I realized that success comes twice, once when you accomplish the desired effect and twice when everyone else sees it.

Joey Pinkney: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The Age Begins getting out to the public?

Oneal Walters: The first key to success is to write what you want to say, then make sure an editor reads your work to ensure you said it effectively. The second key is to be persistent in staying true to you. In other words, write about what you enjoy the most. This makes writing enjoyable, especially when you have to create a book.

The third key is adaptability. Writing a book is much more than forming a collection of poems and giving it a title. You have to know your audience. Know how to build your audience. Know how to remain visible. Know what publications are beneficial to you and what is wasting your time. Not everyone that wants to publish your poems will project your work in the right ‘light’.

Joey Pinkney: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish The Age Begins?

Oneal Walters: This is a good question. The length of time isn’t really the issue; it’s the time it takes to complete the book to the time the book is released that is tricky.

Let’s first comment on the writing itself. There are hot times when I have many thoughts and experiences that I want to explore, and they flow beautifully through me and on to the screen. There are times when I spend two to three days trying to perfect a stanza or a line because it doesn’t match my sense of excellence.

Then there are those moments when I look at poems that I wrote years ago. Inspiration comes, and I write the topic in a different way. From a writing perspective, The Age Begins took many months. This includes writing, editing, grouping and then master order.

Joey Pinkney: What’s next for Oneal Walters?

Oneal Walters: I am very blessed to have my two annual poetry contests: Women Inspirational Poetry Contest and, Love Poem Poetry Contest. Here is where I recognise and celebrate talented poets. Full details are at

There is OW News, which is a monthly newsletter emailed to my readers. In 2010, Sheila B. Roark’s poetry book, Shattered Hearts, will be published by The Age Begins Books. Also, my third book will be published around fall-winter.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Deondriea Cantrice, author of Rhythm Can’t Keep Time Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Deondriea Cantrice, author of Rhythm Can’t Keep Time, Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough
(GSH Publishing)

(One of the first ten people to comment on Deondriea Cantrice’s author interview will win a FREE copy of Rhythm Can’t Keep Time.)

Can people really be two halves of the same whole? If so, Sterling and Sheridyn are a perfect fit. After experiencing one betrayal after another, Sterling puts his heart under lock and key. When beautiful Sheridyn enters his life, will he grants her access to the one place no one can enter? Or, will he be afraid of another disappointment?

When Sterling and Sheridyn’s worlds collide, will they be able to control the passion between them? Or will their harmonic rhythm, laced in humor and vicarious personas cause this seductive dance to burn up in flames?

Rhythm Can’t Keep Time, Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough is not a sappy love story or an unrealistic male-bashing narrative but explores love through an erotic lens.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Rhythm Can’t Keep Time, Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough?

Deondriea Cantrice: I’ve met people that have made life-altering decisions because of great sex. This book tells the story of a woman searching for love and a soul mate. It tells of the extreme measures she went through to find it, the pitfalls of not finding it and settling for less.

My intent was to write a book that would inspire, entertain and encourage people. I was surprised that men, women, old, young, white and black was able to relate to at least one aspect of the book.

JP: The cover for Rhythm Can’t Keep Time is one of the most enchanting I’ve seen in a long time. What is the significance of the book cover in relation to the relationship that builds between Sterling and Sheridyn?

DC: I chose the cover because it evokes emotion and raises curiosity. Why is he clutching the Bass? Is he passionate about music? Sorrowful? Grateful? Is he missing the cello-shaped hips of the one he loves? More importantly, the cover is symbolic of Sterling’s and Sheridyn’s perfect rhythm and the music they made.

JP: As an author, what did Rhythm Can’t Keep Time teach you about love that you didn’t see before embarking on its journey?

DC: I’ve learned as an author and from readers that most people enter relationships without knowing or clearly defining their expectations. Nor do they make their intentions known. Sterling’s and Sheridyn’s relationship lasted over 10 years without them ever discussing or defining their relationship.

I also discovered most people believe love is an adjective rather than a verb. Without trust, commitment, loyalty and truth, love is just a feeling rather than action. Hince the subtitle: Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Rhythm Can’t Keep Time?

DC: My writing process would make my high school English teacher cringe. My writing style is to pour my thoughts onto paper without paying attention to grammar or punctuation.

At some point, I review what I penned and divide it into sections by subject or situation and write according to what I am feeling that day. For example, if I am happy I write a happy scene.

I have found that this abstract outline style of writing cures writer’s block. It took about 3 months to write Rhythm Can’t Keep Time, but the editing/publishing process took about 9 months.

JP: What’s next for Deondriea Cantrice?

DC: I am simultaneously writing two works of fiction entitled When Emotions Lie and Hellava. In my spare time, if there is such a thing, I am working on the screenplay for Rhythm Can’t Keep Time. I guess that’s why I’m accused of being an overachiever.

About Deondriea Cantrice:

I can also be found on most writing and social networks ie Book Tour, Authorden, Linkedin, iseecolor, etc., with the screen name Deondriea. I am the Colorado State Director of Protocol for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowships.

I am recognized as an influential leader/learner by Regis University 2009, and I hold the pageant title of Ms. American Ambassador 2009. This proves “with discipline and direction accomplishment in attainable.”

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… K.L. Brady, author of The Bum Magnet Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
K.L. Brady, author of The Bum Magnet
(LadyLit Press)

(One of the first ten people to comment on K.L. Brady’s author interview, after the special comment, will win a free copy of The Bum Magnet.)

Congratulations, Natalyne! She won a free copy of The Bum Magnet by K.L. Brady.

Real estate agent Charisse Tyson seems to have it all: a great job, a dream car and a McMansion in “high-and-mightyville”. Everything in her life is just right…except the Mister. While lamenting the break-up with her most recent “the one” during a holiday meltdown, Charisse realizes she has a type when it comes to men: players, players…and more players.

A magazine article motivates her to swear off men and examine the complex roots of her romantic fiascoes. Laugh loud and often as Charisse discovers whether her choices in men reflect more than a penchant for good looks, great sex and bad judgment.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The Bum Magnet?

K.L. Brady: The story came to me in an epiphany as I was reading a self-help article about dieting. I laughed to myself because I thought, “How many of these dang articles have I read?” They give you 12 steps, and the first I do in my mind is negotiate. “Well, I don’t have to walk two miles a day, maybe just two blocks” or “I can eat vegetables three times a day, but I’m going to eat them with fried chicken.” Yet, I still expect to lose 112 pounds.

So, I thought I’d write a story about a woman who attracts players. She knows it’s a pattern in her life that she needs to stop. She sees a self-help article about emotional baggage and toxic men, and one of the suggestions is a “man diet.” Just like a dieter that drives past the McDonald’s, stops for “one little Big Mac” and knows full well she should go home and eat a carrot stick, the main character Charisse stops for a big “something else.” That’s how her journey begins.

JP: Many women tend to question their decision-making capabilities after suffering a string of bad relationships. What does The Bum Magnet offer in terms of insight for women in this predicament?

KLB: I think the most important thing The Bum Magnet offers women in this predicament is accountability. It tells women to stop pointing the finger at men and start looking inside yourself to see what issues you have going on that repeatedly draw you into these types of relationships.

It also tells women that it’s okay to call yourself out on the carpet and laugh at yourself. At the end of the day, the point is to get to the root of the problem and deal with it, whatever that problem is.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The Bum Magnet getting out to the public?

KLB: As a debut author that most people don’t know from a can of paint. My success is really going to come from generating buzz via word of mouth. I’m doing all the signings, book fairs and events that I can squeeze into my schedule. Hopefully, the book will make it into some book club reading selections.

I have been getting such wonderful feedback from the readers so far. It is really overwhelming to think that I put something into the world that so many women relate to. Hopefully they will spread the word, and I’ll build some momentum.

I’m very passionate about writing and was equally passionate about telling this woman’s story. Sometimes I think as authors we become so passionate about “our art” and “our story” that we tend to be stubborn when it comes to taking suggestions.

As a new author, I feel like I grew pretty quickly. I have learned how to process criticism, not take it personally and incorporate the suggestions which really ended up helping me make my work the best that it could be.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish The Bum Magnet?

KLB: I know many authors who write elaborate outlines and give a lot of structure to their stories. Right now, I just transcribe the voices in my head. They wake me up in the middle of the night, say what they have to say and I write it down.

I’d say it took me about 8 to 9 months to finish the book. I wrote the first draft in about four months because I was trying to beat the deadline for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards. That helped me get it finished.

Over the following four to five months, I put the book in critique groups and shopped it with agents who gave me feedback about what needed fixing. Then I hired a former editor from Simon & Schuster to give it a final overall editorial review. That was it.

JP: What’s next for K.L. Brady?

KLB: More writing. If there’s anything that I regret in my life, it is suppressing my love of writing for so many years. Now that I’ve accomplished my first goal, I just plan to keep writing until I can’t write anymore.

Writing gives me more enjoyment and fulfillment than I’ve gotten from anything else I’ve done in my life. I can only pray that God will give it wings and let it fly.

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