Category Archives: interview

Joey Pinkney returns to Adrienna Turner’s BlogTalkRadio Show (12-20-08)

I had the honor of returning to Adrienna Turner’s BlogTalkRadio Show on 12-20-08. (To check out the first show click here.)

This show was a great experience. I talked about:

  • how book reviewers can help authors sell more books
  • guerilla marketing tactics to gain more exposure
  • why building a following is more important pursuing large publishing houses

Check it out here:

Listen to it and let me know what you think.

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5 Mintues, 5 Questions With… Angel Mechelle, author of Another Man’s Husband Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Angel Mechelle, author of Another Woman’s Husband
(Shannon Holmes Communication Media)

angel mechelle another mans husband

Bree Michaels is young, sexy, single and raising two children alone. As if being single was not bad enough, Bree has a problem: she misses having that special someone in her life. It’s been a while, but Bree isn’t desperate or even looking for love when things jump off.

She never wanted to be someone’s slide and definitely never wanted to be the other woman . In Bree’s mind, she was a catch, wifey material. It was when she met Dre, her fine and married neighbor when all her self-control and morals flew out the window.

Bree surprises herself by her willingness to compromise her soul to be with Dre. Things get hectic when Dre’s wife Neecy begins to suspect the true nature of the friendship between Bree and Dre. Neecy goes crazy when she learns the truth. Neecy vows not to let Bree break up her family or take her man not without a fight.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Another Woman’s Husband?

Angel Mechelle: Another Woman’s Husband is inspired by actual events. I knew that many women were in similar situations, and I wanted to share this story.

JP: How is novel different from other urban fiction that deal with adulterous situations in the ‘hood?

AM: I feel that Another Woman’s Husband is written from such a real perspective. The story connects with most readers on a personal level. They can relate in some way. Readers feel like they are actually reading about someone they know. Another Woman’s Husband is not just a story…it is someone’s life.

JP: How did you hook up with Shannon Holmes publishing company?

AM: I hooked up with Shannon’s company through MySpace. He was calling for submissions to the Anthology Hood2Hood. I submitted a short story and, to my amazement, it was chosen. He also read a little about the book on my page and was interested in reading the entire manuscript. Thankfully, he enjoyed it and offered to publish it. That was a complete blessing that hanged my life.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Another Woman’s Husband?

AM: I really try to write the most at night. That is when I feel most relaxed. Sometimes I write a little during downtime at work, and I absolutely have to have music! I usually pop in a CD according to my mood, slide on the headphones and let the story come. Lyrics inspire me tremendously. Another Woman’s Husband took a little over a year to complete. I re-read and re-wrote that story over five hundred times…easy.

JP: What’s next for Angel Mechelle?

AM: Ohmygoodness! So much. I’m excited about the future. I have a short story featured in the upcoming Anthology Flirt. I’m also working on a couple of projects right now related to Another Woman’s Husband. Women wanted a sequel, and that is definitely coming. Before I do that, I’m working on sort of a prequel. You wanted to know all about Bree and her life and what made her make the choices she did, and I’m going to tell you. Readers want to know Neecy’s side of the story too. The possibilities are endless, for Another Woman’s Husband.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at or

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Joey Pinkney on Adrienna Turner’s BlogTalkRadio Show (12-13-08)

I had the honor of being on Adrienna Turner’s BlogTalkRadio Show on 12-13-08.

I was on the show with:

  • Author Starr Sanders
  • Agent/Publicist/Author Chamein Canton-Smith
  • Editor Kathleen Johnson

I talked about my website, my take on Urban Fiction and my book industry friends. Check it out here:

Listen to it and let me know what you think. I’m going to try to make it on the show on 12-20-08.

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