5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Aaron D. Taylor, author of Alone with a Jihadist

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Aaron D. Taylor, author of Alone with a Jihadist
(Foghorn Publishers)

aaron taylor alone with a jihadist on amazondotcom

While many fundamentalist/evangelicals tend to ascribe to a Zionist theology which believes that it is good to be at war with anyone who opposes the Christian rite to expedite the glorious return of the Messiah, there is one crusader, Aaron Taylor, who believes otherwise. Taylor believes that the church has sadly missed the most pronounced message of Jesus Christ: peace.

The very Bible, which Christians read, refers to their founder as The Prince of Peace. Despite this, many Christians support warmongering and unnecessary bloodshed rather than peacemaking. In a room for seven hours with a radical Muslim, Taylor shares the story from his face-to-face encounter, of how Islamic people view the United States of America, our present Administration, and the state of the Christian Church.

It is one thing to look at Christianity from a Christians’ perspective, which is typically an altruistic viewpoint, but things change quite a bit when Christianity is viewed through the eyes of Muslims. Taylor says, ‘Their [Muslims] view is one every Christian must hear!’

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Alone with a Jihadist?

Aaron D Taylor: The book came out of an actual experience I had with a radical jihadist in London. I spent seven hours over a period of two days in a cold, abandoned warehouse as part of a taping for a feature length documentary called Holy Wars.

When Khalid, the jihadist, posed the question of how I would implement the Bible from a governmental point of view, I knew that he was onto something that I hadn’t given much thought to before. I also knew that the standard pat evangelical answers didn’t get to the core of Khalid’s moral objection to Christianity.

I left London feeling perplexed and defeated. I took a year off from my missionary travels to get to the bottom of the issue. Alone with a Jihadist is the result of the intense soul searching and Biblical research in the year following that dramatic encounter.

JP: What sets Alone with a Jihadist apart from other books that attempt to bridge the Christian/Muslim gap?

AT: Nearly every book on Muslim/Christian relations written from an evangelical perspective emphasize the evils of Islam and the virtues of Christian civilization. Nearly all are heavily slanted to a right-wing Pro-Israel/anti-Palestinian perspective.

What I do in Alone with a Jihadist is essentially say, “Wait a second here. When it comes to Holy War, we Christians in the West need to remove the plank from our own eyes and realize that there’s a lot of us with the same crusader/jihadist mentality as our Muslim counterparts. Until we come to grips with the ethical teachings of Jesus and apply them towards our understanding of war and peace, we’re not offering the world much different than what exists in Islam. We’re just wrapping Jesus in an American flag and asking Him to bless our bombs.”

It’s a controversial message, but it needs to be said.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Alone with a Jihadist getting out to the public?

AT: I think if this book gets a massive public reception, it will be because I’m committed more to the message than I am to making a profit off the book. I’m so committed to my message that I’m willing to take a financial loss to get the message out. Because I’m so committed to getting my message out, no media venue is too big or too small for me. I’m taking a no-holds-barred approach, and I believe it’s going to pay off.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Alone with a Jihadist?

AT: I wish I could say that I had a disciplined routine in writing this book, but it’s not true. I didn’t have a certain time set aside that I wrote every day. Usually I found myself struggling to find the time to write in light of daily life and chores.

I also had to start over twice before arriving at the final product. That’s because my thought process evolved throughout the project. It took me about 16 months to complete the rough draft. I wrote most often at home or at the public library. I even wrote some of it while I was doing medical studies to help make ends meet.

JP: What’s next for Aaron D. Taylor?

AT: Besides the constant promotion of Alone with a Jihadist through writing articles, doing talks and engaging the media, I also travel several times a year and teach a Bible Story workshop to pastors and missionaries around the world.

My wife and I are also adopting a baby boy from Ethiopia this year and, as it usually happens, as soon as we started the adoption process, my wife got pregnant. Within a year, we are going to have two new additions to the family. I think my wife and I are going to need all the prayer we can get.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or http://myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Anieshea Dansby, author of Nookie

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Anieshea Dansby, author of Nookie
(Art Official Media )

aniesha dansby nookie on amazondotcom

Eighteen-year-old Joy is a naive girl who found something else to fill the void in her life left by a broken heart and her parents’ death. Going purely off of instinct, she survives using what she discovers is the key to getting what she wants: the power of “nookie”. She becomes far removed from the downside of her life that left her stranded when things start to look up. Suddenly, she’s able to live her life like a queen, with no worries. But will life in the fast lane leave her set for life, or will it all crumble before her nineteenth birthday?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Nookie?

Anieshea Dansby: Nookie started out as a short story I wrote for a creative writing class. I always liked to write but never thought of it as a career until I had trouble finding a job.

JP: What sets Nookie apart from other novels in its genre?

AD: Nookie is different in the sense that it is not the normal street novel with hustling and drug addictions. It has a little bit of everything: love, violence, drama and betrayal.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Nookie getting out to the public?

AD: The key is to market myself and get the word out in as many ways as I can. It helps to go out and talk to people directly.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Nookie?

AD: Sometimes, I can just sit down at the computer and the ideas will just flow. Usually, I like to write all my thoughts out as an outline for each chapter. Everything falls into place from the chapter outline. It took about six months to write Nookie.

JP: What’s next for Anieshea Dansby?

AD: Right now I’m working on the sequel to Nookie. For more information about me visit my publisher’s website http://www.artofficialmedia.com/ or find me on http://www.myspace.com/aniesheadansby.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or http://myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Michael McGrew, author of My Kinda Girl

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Michael Mcgrew, author of My Kinda Girl
(Good Game Ent.)

michael mcgrew my kinda girl on amazondotcom

(One of the first ten people to comment will win a copy of Michael McGrew’s My Kinda Girl).

Congratulations to SiStar Tea for winning a FREE copy of My Kinda Girl!

Bobbi Williams dreamed his way to the top not taking “No” for an answer. From street hustler to a successful conman, he finds himself lost and confused when his best friend/sister is murdered in cold blood.

Now doing a six year bid for a string of robberies he is friends with his late-sister’s boyfriend James. They plan their way back to the top together. When Bobbi is released from Atlanta State Penitentiary with a lot to prove and a legal hustling game plan, his life begins to take a successful turn for the worst.

Starting with James’ fiancé, Jennifer, recognizing that she is his kind of girl. Bobbi has it all: the money, fame, a fantasy and a family until his past and a little karma catches up to him. My Kinda Girl is a tale that travels deep in the mind of a man with secrets that manifest into problems, too hard to live with, and death is the only way out!

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write My Kinda Girl?

Michael McGrew: I got the idea for my novel one day when I was accompanied by a close friend of mine. He happened to invite me to the beach with some lady friends of his. After a couple of drinks and a lot of socializing, I became interested in one of the women whom seemed to be my buddy’s girl. It was something about her that captured me. With my standards, feelings like that were rare.

I am a man of principle. With that being said, I battled with myself temporarily because I was tempted to come on to her anyway. Fortunately, I chose to abide by my principles and decided to honor my friendship but always wondered how far could I have went with her before I got caught!

JP: What sets My Kinda Girl apart from other novels in its genre?

MM: Well, a lot of male authors try to write from a woman’s perspective, and I think that’s great. On the other hand, women are captivated by a man’s point of view and need to understand that we are logical thinkers and not emotional. I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel but only elaborate extensively and creatively with my gripping and unique style of writing.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to My Kinda Girl getting out to the public?

MM: The keys to my success is the passion that I have for my lifestyle. I wouldn’t call what I do a hobby or craft but just what it is, and that’s a lifestyle. I understand that hard work is involved in every success story. I plan to continue my social networking and bookmarking. I have been running my website and selling my novel with the intentions to discover an agent to represent me with hopes to sign with a major. I am a hard worker and look forward to the opportunity to prove myself

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish My Kinda Girl?

MM: It took me four months to write my first novel and three months to write my second. I also wrote a movie script in two months and I’m getting better as I come along. I would say that my estimated time to complete a novel would be two to three months.

JP: What’s next for Michael McGrew?

MM: Next I plan to complete my third novel by the end of the year at least, if not earlier. I also start school in July for film production. Networking with the right people will ultimately land me where I need to be. My only motivation is being a role model for my son. I have tremendous plans, and all I need is the opportunity.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or http://myspace.com/joeyreviews

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