5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Kanika Reese, author of Disillusion

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Kanika Reese, author of Disillusion
(Nu Cherte Publishing)

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Nestled amongst the drama that unfolds in their lives, Haelo and company find themselves shifting away from their goals and dreams. Will Tarion ever be able to forgive himself for the destructive path he paved? Can Haelo bear the true meaning of her name? The Universe provides pertinent information -if only they choose to listen.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Disillusion?

Kanika Reese: Life gave me the idea and inspiration for writing Disillusion.

JP: What sets Disillusion apart from other novels in its genre?

KR: The characters in Disillusion tell their own story the way they want to tell their story, the way that it really is and the way they see it through their own eyes. Nothing in Disillusion is sugar coated. Lots of issues that we as humans don’t want to face are well pronounced in this novel. Haelo Barring, Tarion Anderson and Ms. Anderson pull you into their world and make you pay attention not only to them but to your inner-self. This sets Disillusion apart from other urban fiction novels.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Disillusion getting out to the public?

KR: As an author, it took determination, persistence, a thick skin, networking, hours and hours of researching and totally believing in me as well as my manuscript. For some reason, when I decided that writing Disillusion was what I was supposed to be doing, everything fell into place. At the time, I may have thought that the entire world was landing on my shoulders. I had to hold it up by myself, but now looking back, everything happened for a reason.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Disillusion?

KR: It took me nine months to complete the manuscript for Disillusion. I committed to the entire project and prepared for it mentally and physically while promising the Universe if this is what I was supposed to be doing then I’d make it happen. No matter what I was going through or what I ended up having to do to get things done, dedication worked.

I normally begin my writing process in the evening and dedicate 2-3 hours Monday through Friday and 2-3 hours in 2-3 increments on Saturday and Sunday. Once the story begins the words come easily. It’s just a matter of typing them out. I constantly keep a spreadsheet of my progress including but not limited to, date, starting word count, ending word count, words typed, page number, chapter titles etc…so that I can actually see my progress. That also keeps me going.

JP: What’s next for Kanika Reese?

KR: Right now, Kanika A. Reese is enjoying the accomplishment, promoting Disillusion and three fourths finished with the final sequel Disillusion Too? I am also in the process of finalizing dates for book signings, locations and writing workshops.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Steven Jackson, author of Instant Message (IM)

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Steven Jackson, author of Instant Message (IM)
(AuthorHouse Publishing)

steven jackson instant message on amazondotcom

Based On True Events, Instant Message (IM), is filled with sex, lies and hatred! It will text you through the lives of an interracial couple who meets online and falls in love. This interracial couple is faced with public prejudice and family persecution in a small southern hick-town called Cullman, Alabama.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Instant Message?

Steven Jackson: First let me introduce myself. My name is Steven Jackson, and I am a published writer with AuthorHouse Publishing Co. I was born in Harlem Hospital. I’m a Leo, and I was raised in New York City. I first started writing screenplays while practicing as a Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Prior to becoming a published author, I ventured into background acting landing work with Universal City Studio’s production of “Friday Night Lights” directed by Peter Berg. I was also fortunate to work on director Roland Emerich’s production of “Day After Tomorrow”. As a writer, I worked for a local newspaper called, “Visions Metro Weekly” hired as a columnist to write in the “Arts and Entertainment” section.

My desire to write came from a good friend who mentioned to me that he manages people who write stories for a living. Believing I had a story to tell, I decided to challenge myself and take on the task of writing about my experience with online dating.

During that time people were meeting other people in Yahoo and AOL chat-rooms. Then there was a website called Match.com. This website required you to fill out a profile of yourself and the website would match you up with a potential partner with a similar profile. But most of my text time was spent in the chat-rooms instant messaging with other texters. That’s where I came up with the title, Instant Message (IM).

JP: What sets Instant Message apart from other novels that detail the perils of online dating?

SJ: Instant Message (IM) will take a reader into an uncut and step-by-step view into the lives of my main two characters. You will see how they encounter one another in the chat-room, finally meet face-to-face and bravely endure challenges of abandonment and racism from family members and friends.

Sadly, you will see how they experience public hostility because of their racial differences and struggle to keep their love for one another alive. Remember, this story is based on true events and some of the language is pretty graphic.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Instant Message getting out to the public?

SJ: First of all, I try my best to be a good story teller based on the facts and my creativity. I devote alot of time and energy to my writing. I’m very selective in the way that I try to effectively market my work, and I feel blessed to have come in contact with you. Authors speak very highly of you. Plus, I see your reviews and promotions out there! That’s why I reached out to you. Of course perseverance and prayer helps alot too!

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Instant Message?

SJ: Since this particular story is based on events of the past, I had to back-track mentally, view my saved emails and do the necessary research for certain events that had taken place. Now with the drafts, final drafts and editing from start to finish it took me six to seven months to complete this project.

JP: What’s next for Steven Jackson?

SJ: Well as I make my rounds across this country attending book fairs, book expos and book signings, I anticipate a best seller. In the same breath I’m working on a long over due writing project titled, Numbers…A Gangsta’s Child. This story is about a young girl who runs away from her parents’ home in the South to seek success in the business world of New York.

In time, she ends up in the eerie domain of organized crime and becomes one of the most influential female mob figures in New York City. Because of the nature of this project, I’ve been working on this story for ten (10) years. This story is also based on true events. I have to be careful with this one. When completed, you will enjoy it!

In closing, I want to thank you for this interview, your time and patience!



P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Shewanda Riley, author of Love Hangover

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Shewanda Riley, author of Love Hangover
(Suncreek Books)

shewanda riley love hangover amazondotcom

“God told me to break up with you,” he told her. After 18 months of dating, he had the nerve to throw God’s name in it – whenever woman was still at the root of it all. So she confesses in her book — Love Hangover: Moving From Pain to Purpose After a Relationship Ends – that yes, she did want to heave that brick through his windshield.

In this best selling inspirational book, Riley shares her journey to wholeness through journal entries and offers practical advice for those seeking healing from emotional traumas.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Love Hangover?

Shewanda Riley: Love Hangover came from a painful breakup I had with a boyfriend. We dated for about 18 months, and he told me one day that God told him to break up with me.

One of the ways I dealt with the breakup was to write daily journals detailing my feelings. Those journals eventually became the heart of the book. They show my emotional roller coaster with the hopes that it can help others in the same position.

JP: How did you go about collaborating with Germaine Hawkins on Love Hangover?

SR: I met Dr. Hawkins when we both participated in a job fair in Dallas about 6 months after I started writing the book. Since he liked writing, he agreed to provide the more clinical perspective to the relationship breakup.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Love Hangover getting out to the public?

SR: For me, it was being persistent and thinking outside the box. I worked full time as a radio broadcaster when the book was released. I was able to use those relationships to create “buzz” in the media.

I began a column in a local community newspaper and founded an annual relationship conference for singles. I believe that it was these combined efforts that helped the book become successful.

JP: What is the most interesting response to Love Hangover that you can remember?

SR: The most interesting response was from a young man who stated that he was too embarrassed to admit that he’d also gone through a love hangover. He appreciated what the book was about and the fact that when he bought it, I didn’t call him out.

JP: What’s next for Shewanda Riley?

SR: I’m completing a book of prayers for writers called Writing to the Beat of God’s Heart and a fiction book.


The book was named an Essence best seller, endorsed by TD Jakes and Les Brown. It’s also been featured in JET Magazine, The Potter’s Touch TV show, USA Radio Networks and ABC Radio Networks. My contact info is info@shewandalriley.com or 972-533-3543. I’m also on Facebook.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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