5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Kiexizia Rodriguez-Green, author of BEautiful

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Kiexizia Rodriguez-Green, author of BEautiful

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Tierra Rodriquez is a talented and successful business woman. She has to make her professional dreams come true, in spite of running from a painful past. In walks the handsome, smooth-talking client Malcolm Turner set on sweeping her off her feet, no matter the cost. When her best friend Aquarian shows up at her door after the death of a loved one and says it was that loved one’s dying wish that he reconnect with Tierra, life gets a little out of hand.

As she tries her hand at love with Malcolm, Aquarian is hit by a dunk driver. Malcolm isn’t happy about all time she’s spending at his bed side. When past secrets are revealed, her estranged mother shows up to help her get her life back together. Unexplained emotions begin to stir within her, leaving her confused and out of control for the first time in her life. Will the hours she’s been racking up on the therapist sofa rid her of her memories, or will her past continue to be the blinders that keeps her in the dark at the cost of all she has before her?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write BEautiful?

Kiexizia Rodriguez-Green: BEautiful is the result of my attempt to write my story. In the end, my life was too emotional, and this is the result of what my heart lead me to write…

JP: What sets BEautiful apart from other novels in its genre?

KRG: I think this book is set apart from the others because it’s not set in one genre. It has a little of several genres. There’s no sex nor violence. People think, “Oh my God, there’s no sex scenes! I don’t know if I’ll like it.” Once they read it, they find they love it! It leaves them on edge wanting to know what happens next.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to BEautiful getting out to the public?

KRG: When I wrote this book, I really had no idea of what I was doing, what to do once it was complete, anything! I basically took the advice of a friend who had just published a book herself and went from there. I told people, my church, my job, my school and online. I told everyone I knew and met. It actually kind of made me come out of my shell a bit.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish BEautiful?

KRG: As a single mother, before anything else, my writing process is limited to when I have free time: after work, after dinner and after putting kids to sleep. That leaves little time to create, so I bring my notebook with me everywhere I go just in case a plot comes to me. I jot a lot of stuff down on the fly. BEautiful took about two years to complete. It started off as a totally different book, then evolved into the novel it is today.

Question 5: What’s next for Kiexizia Rodriguez-Green?

KRG: Currently, I am overdue for my own time table for the sequel to BEautiful, entitled Loves Seduction. There are three more sequels planned, all ending with a final book combining all the characters again. Each sequel will take on the life of and introduce you more intimatly with characters introduced in BEutiful.

I am also currently cast in several plays locally. I continue to do book and music reviews for AAMBC.com and Fuze Magazine. I also promote for local venues that expose new and inide artist to the New England market through a montly venue called Organix Soul.


BEautiful was nominated for best new book in 2008, and Kiexizia Rodriguez-Green is nominated for Best New Author for 2008 with AAMBC (African Americans on the Move Book Club).

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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Book Review: Dancing with the Devil by Mark Curry

Dancing With The Devil: How Puff Burned the Bad Boys of HipHop
by Mark Curry
(New Mark Books)
5 out of 5 Stars

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Did you ever want to know what it’s like rolling with Diddy and being a part of the world-famous Bad Boy Records? Mark Curry gives you his experience with the mogul in Dancing With The Devil: How Puff Burned the Bad Boys of HipHop. Curry fans away the smoke and dismantles the mirrors with his debut release as an author. What you will find is the good, the bad and gritty lifestyle that Diddy provides to those artists unfortunate to get caught up in the Bad Boy empire.

Although Curry had the talent to carry Bad Boy into the new millennium after the death of The Notorious B.I.G., Diddy dangled a lucrative multimillion dollar career in front of Curry to use him for personal development for Diddy as a HipHop artist. A perfect example of this mimicry is seen and heard in the “Bad Boy For Life” video where Diddy emulates Mark Curry’s style perfectly. Throughout the decade Curry spent getting swindled for his knack for being a superb lyricist and performer, Curry either saw or experienced what Diddy did to become a media magnate. From enticing his artists with riches to doling out terrible contracts to injecting himself on each track and in each Bad Boy video, Diddy did what ever it took to make him richer.

If you grew up listening to HipHop during the Bad Boy era, Dancing With The Devil will give you an intriguing history of rap music during that time from a person lived it. Curry’s attention to detail and ability to weave his personal experiences and research makes this book easy to read and hard to put down. This is more than an expose from a disgruntled artist. Dancing With the Devil is a journey that separates the fact from the fiction. This book shows you the music industry for what it is — harsh and cut throat. If you can go online, Google and YouTube will be your best friend as you journey with Mark Curry through the maze of music, murders and mayhem.

Fans of The Notorious B.I.G. and 2Pac will find Dancing With The Devil especially interesting. Curry links together Diddy, Suge Knight and their associates in a way that is sure to get you sitting on the edge of your seat fully attentive to a captivating back story that lead to the early deaths of the brightest HipHop stars the world will ever know. If you thought there was more than meets the eye with Diddy’s situation with Shyne, Curry will lay out what he saw as Shyne’s room mate in one of Diddy’s three-bedroom apartments during the time of the club shooting and Shyne’s subsequent prison sentence. If you wanted to know who wrote the rhymes while Diddy wrote the checks, Curry will give you an inside look at what means to be heard but not seen.

As a biographer, Curry makes this book much more than an expose on Puffy and Bad Boy. He documents his own history, even shedding light on his musical roots. Curry does a great job of detailing his families roots in Gospel, his dad’s connection to early Rock and Roll and his own immersion into the hip hop culture swept across America in the late 70s and early 80s. He even details his experience with the then prepubescent music in Atlanta in the late 80s and early 90s. There is also a section of pictures in the middle of the book that gives you a look in the development of Mark Curry from a little boy to a grown man. It’s almost like Curry invites you into his house to sit down and have dinner with him.

Once you finish with this book, you will have taken a trip that few have the heart to speak about. Dancing With The Devil is more than a one-sided account of a wannabe artists mad at the world. You will have a thorough understanding of why artists such as The L.O.X., Faith Evans, 112, Total, etc. are no longer a part of Bad Boy’s roster. You will hear those Bad Boy classics in a new light once you gain the understanding of why Diddy added his chatter to songs and his presence to the videos.

You might even feel sorry for current Bad Boy artists such as Danity Kane (or what’s left of them), Day 26 and Da Band. The infamous contract signing scenarios take on a new meaning once you are aware of Diddy’s history of jerking people with terrible deals. Curry acts more like a journalist than anything else as he sifts through tons of information and personal experiences to show how the music industry can promise you diamonds with intentions of giving you coal.

Curry’s Dancing With The Devil can easily be considered Bad Boy Records’ version of Fredericks Dannen’s The Hit Men.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Daphine Robinson, author of Caring What People Think

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Daphine Robinson, author of Caring What People Think
(Truthful Press Publishing)

daphine robinson caring what people think on amazondotcom

Russell Brown is the most eligible bachelor at Outreach Fellowship Church. He’s career minded, has his own money and is successful. He’s tired of dating and has vowed not to casually date. He’s on a mission to find “Mrs. Brown”. Battling depression since her father’s death, Dannica Rawlins sees nothing good in her present or future. At the end of her rope, she meets Russell in the nick of time.

After dating for only a few months, Russell is sure she is the one to take his last name. Will Dannica allow God and an upright man to love her pain away? If you liked Daphine Robinson’s first novel, Brotherly Love and Betrayal, you’re sure to love Caring What People Think.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Caring What People Think?

Daphine Robinson: I wanted to write on the topic of depression in the African American community, but didn’t want it to sound clinical. I was sitting in my driveway one afternoon waiting for my garage door to go up one day when I had a light bulb moment which ended up being the inspiration behind the suicide scene at the beginning of the book.

JP: What sets Caring What People Think apart from other novels in its genre?

DR: The characters will be identifiable as people you probably know. Readers say it is very conversational, and they swear I’m talking about someone they know. Christian-fiction authors write differently. Yes, there is redemption. Yes, there might be scripture quoted. But it is for all people.

If someone reads my work and they are not a believer, they might be inclined to check out this Jesus afterward. I don’t hit them over the head with a lot of religion. However, you know where the characters and I stand by the time you finish. I want readers to be entertained as well as changed by the time they get to the last page.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Caring What People Think getting out to the public?

DR: My first book was a huge hit, especially among “church folk”. They like reading books that are edgy. I take them right to the edge. Then they realize it’s fiction and Christian at the same time!

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Caring What People Think?

DR: I always have ideas for new stories, and I write them down. As life happens, I’m always in character mode. For instance, I could be waiting in line at the grocery store and overhear a conversation that sounds like something one of my characters might say. Or it may cause me to go in a different direction with a current story.

It took me about nine months to write Caring What People Think. I had the outline in my head about a year prior.

JP: What’s next for Daphine Glenn Robinson?

DR: I am currently working on Jailhouse Religion, a story about three friends whose lives change drastically the night of their high school graduation fifteen years prior.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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