Cystic Acne, What causes It and How Is It Treated

Cystic acne is considered by many dermatologists to be one of the most severe forms of acne lesions. As certain hormones increase in the body, the body’s oil glands react by producing an excessive amount of sebum. So much sebum forms under the skin that the excess forms into nodules. The nodules later harden into painful cysts and rupture because they unable to release through the small pores in your skin. This causes much pain and irritation.

This type of acne vulgaris requires Continue reading Cystic Acne, What causes It and How Is It Treated

eBay Auction: 5 African-American Acne Factors

Click here to go to the eBay auction for the Special Report: 5 Things Every African-American Should Know About Acne.

This Special Report Covers everything from acne to acne scars which can cause keloids to how your hair care products can be the cause of those little bumps on your forehead and on the sides of your face.

There are 5 things which are unique to people of color which contribute to acne and this special report will help you go to the root of your problem instead of spending tons of money for nothing…

Speaking of money. This exclusive report is less than $2, yet it’s worth ten times that much.

I’ve also added a FREE bonus worth $20. The Ultimate Acne Relief Guide is added in free with the purchase of the Special Report and comes with Master Resale Rights (images, sales page, etc).


So if your are a person of color that suffers from acne or knows someone who does, let them know about this auction ASAP. It’s a steal priced at less than $2 with a FREE bonus worth $20.

Click here to go to the eBay auction for the Special Report: 5 Things Every African-American Should Know About Acne.

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