Tag Archives: 5 minutes 5 questions with

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Joe McKinney, author of The Red Empire and Other Stories

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Joe McKinney, author of The Red Empire and Other Stories
(Redrum Horror)

Joe McKinney’s debut collection, “The Red Empire & Other Stories”, brings together eight tales of haunted policemen and cosmic horrors. A chance encounter with a homeless man one hot summer night opens the doors of perception for a Houston beat cop. Genetically engineered fire ants threaten to devour a small Texas border town, and the only thing in their way is a grief-stricken county man.

An ex-detective can no longer run from the ghost of his greatest failure. A rare piece of non-fiction chronicles the author’s fifteen year investigation into a century old cold case. Police work can be hell. But there’s no hell like the catacombs of the mind.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “The Red Empire and Other Stories”?

Joe McKinney: The stories in “The Red Empire and Other Stories” cover several years of my writing career, and each one has its own unique Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Joe McKinney, author of The Red Empire and Other Stories

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Tristan Gans, author of Stranieri: Life Among Italy’s Tourists, Expats, and Immigrants

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Tristan Gans, author of “Stranieri: Life Among Italy’s Tourists, Expats, and Immigrants
(Belfort and Bastion)

In 2008, Tristan Gans and his fiancée Sarah went to Italy to recuperate from college. They found themselves in an industrial city where the locals were hostile—but not the other foreigners, “Stranieri,” living and working in Italy despite the objections of the “real” Italians.

But, as Gans soon realizes, it is the Strangers who hold the whip hand. It is they who provide the services, labor, and energy that the Italians cannot seem to produce for themselves. In this thought-provoking book, he asks what will Italy be, and how will “native” Italians react, when Italy is as much African, Pakistani, and Slav as it is Latin.

But Gans doesn’t stop there. In this multifaceted, multilayered work, Gans uses Italy as a metaphor for the West as a whole—a West that may be, he suggests, sliding into postindustrial irrelevance.

And for Gans that possibility has a unique piquancy. He is, he explains, a Millennial, and like most upper-middle class members of his generation he has from his earliest youth been taught to seek success, even greatness at all costs. But “greatness,” as Baby Boomer parents defined it, may not be possible in an age of decline.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Stranieri: Life Among Italy’s Tourists, Expats, and Immigrants“?

Tristan Gans: I tried to do a lot of traveling when I was living in Europe–backpacking, taking local trains and low-cost flights to see friends and go to Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Tristan Gans, author of Stranieri: Life Among Italy’s Tourists, Expats, and Immigrants

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Rudy A. Mazzocchi, author of Equity of Evil

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Rudy A. Mazzocchi, author of Equity of Evil
(Twilight Times Books)

A Venture Capital Fund makes a risky investment to start a challenging new business that appears capable of reaching profitability with modest capital requirements. The real challenge: optimizing one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in the World — Abortion.

Founding Partner, Roman Citrano, a successful entrepreneur turned venture capitalist, soon struggles with what he believes is his choice to establish the controversial new company. He soon realizes that he and others are but pawns on a massive, ugly chessboard being manipulated to benefit a far larger, illicit market in human organs for transplantation. Unknowingly, prime, hyper-enriched organs are spawned from the aborted fetuses and grown like hydroponic vegetables.

Based on true events, this bold novel involves some of the world’s oldest, most emotional and controversial issues. At the core of each matter is man’s predisposition to control and take ownership of the human spirit for the sake of profit and personal gain… Such is the dark and brutal new world where life becomes the equity of evil.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write Equity of Evil?

Rudy A. Mazzocchi: As a serial entrepreneur and CEO of nearly a dozen med-tech/biotech companies, I’ve been privileged to work some of the most Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Rudy A. Mazzocchi, author of Equity of Evil