Tag Archives: joey pinkney

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Mercedes Terzol, author of 999 Ways 2 Say No 2 a “No-Good Man”

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Mercedes Terzol, author of 999 Ways 2 Say No 2 A “No-Good Man”

mercedes terzol 999 ways on amazondotcom

In an analytical, inspirational and creative manner, 999 Ways 2 Say No 2 A “No-Good Man” takes an uncensored look into the ways of the no-good man and exposes him for who he truly is. 999 Ways encourages women to transform their pain into power by looking inward. Women will learn that independence and a new beginning are not just limited to July 4 and January 1.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write 999 Ways 2 Say No 2 a “No-Good Man”?

Mercedes Terzol: After a very difficult experience with someone I thought was my soul mate, I was inspired to reteach important and basic concepts of arithmetic: subtraction and addition. My message to women is simple. Subtract the negative so that you can add the positive.

JP: What sets 999 Ways 2 Say No 2 a “No-Good Man” apart from other novels in its genre?

MT: It’s raw. It’s emotionally provocative. Everything that takes place in real life is expressed in 999 Ways. I’ve also managed to analyze and shed light to ongoing of self-esteem and relationship issues that women go through.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to 999 Ways 2 Say No 2 a “No-Good Man” getting out to the public?

MT: Dedication and faith. For the past 3 years I have been advertising and spearheading my own campaign. I have no help or professional guidance. My book is self-help, and I rely on and have faith in my own ability to get ahead.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish 999 Ways 2 Say No 2 a “No-Good Man”?

MT: My writing process is very unique because it’s not traditional. I start from the back and move forward. With this book, I finished the last chapter before I began the first. I also concentrate on the details before I come up with the general or overall concept.

JP: What’s next for Mercedes Terzol?

MT: Possibly law school or more writing. My future is definitely an open book!


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Allbook Reviews Best Mystery/Thriller of 2008 Award Winner Johnnie Bunting, author of Enterprise Corruption

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Allbook Reviews Best Mystery/Thriller of 2008 Award Winner Johnnie Bunting, author of Enterprise Corruption
(Krhyme Publishing)

johnnie bunting enterprise corruption on amazondotcom

Enterprise Corruption is the fast-paced, action-packed novel. Tammuz and his two friends go on a quest to get rich. The quest includes robbery, extortion, and prostitution. Tammuz puts his girlfriend through a test to prove her loyalty, and the results casts them into a downward spinning spiral of lust, lies, and murder!

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Enterprise Corruption?

Johnnie Bunting: I wanted to put together an Urban classic, but I didn’t want to sound like a lot of the Urban titles which use names of old songs or urban phrases. I wanted the title to be catchy, yet have meaning behind it. Enterprise Corruption was the perfect name for it since it’s an urban crime novel. Enterprise Corruption is actually the name of a criminal charge under New York State’s Penal Law. It’s sort of like New York’s version of the Rico Law.

JP: Many people might perceive the creation of this novel as an attempt to glorify criminal activities. What was your personal goal in writing and publishing this novel?

JB: Many people do write novels that glorify criminal activities. This is part of the reason why I started writing the Urban Crime Mysteries. My goal is to give readers a look into the lives of criminals which involves their home lives and their basis/logic/lessons for getting into the criminal life. I also aim to teach a valuable lesson of law and the consequences of the criminal activities that my characters commit. I show the sides from the police and the prosecutors point of views and have crimes affect the family members and loved ones.

JP: What did you learn from the process of writing and publishing Son of Solomon that you were able to use to make Enterprise Corruption a better novel?

JB: I learned that the publishing business is no joke, and a publisher and/or author has to do a lot of promotion to sell books. I won an Award for Best Mystery/Thriller of 2008 by Allbooks Reviews for Son of Solomon. I relaxed on promotion, and the bootleggers took over. That lesson taught me to promote Enterprise Corruption as much as I can through as many venues as I can because if I don’t there’s someone who won’t mind making money off of my work.

As far as writing the books, I’ve learned that readers appreciate novels that are multidimensional. I’ve had quite a few people comment and compliment me on the romance aspect to Son of Solomon. Enterprise Crime is a crime mystery, but I also have a romantic aspect in it. We all need a little love in our lives. As long as I don’t overdo it, the romance only makes the book a better overall story.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Enterprise Corruption?

JB: I think of a story and put at least two different obstacles for the main character(s). This will be my plot and subplot. I make a list of characters with their physical description, traits, habits, etc. Then I make an outline on how I want the story to progress chapter by chapter. This helps me to push the story along. Every chapter has a purpose and a point to get across that will entertain and push the story. It took me close to eight months from start to finish on Enterprise Corruption.

JP: What’s next for Johnnie Bunting?

JB: I am striving to publish a book which will feature poems and inspirational writings from myself and other prisoners called Letters, Lyrics, and Life Behind the Wall, and I am working on an autobiography and memoir book called Adaptations: The Story of a Loser. I have two debut authors to be published by my company, Krhyme Publishing, Inc. (Lorenzo Ross, Addiction; and Jonathan Dobey, You Can’t Be Serious) I have a screenplay penned for Son of Solomon, and I’m just starting to do a sequel to Son of Solomon.

In my free time I’ll still do interviews for promotion and speak to the youth about prison life and the importance of staying out of trouble and staying in school.



For orders, fan mail, questions, write to:

Krhyme Publishing, Inc.
Attn: Mr. Johnnie Bunting
PO BOX 1090
Yonkers, NY 10704
United States

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or http://myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Donneil D. Jackson, author of Chante’s Song

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Donneil D. Jackson, author of Chante’s Song
(Pure Bliss Publishing)

donneil jackson chantes song on amazondotcom

Chante Chambers is a self-proclaimed princess. What mama wants her ex fiancé, Jason, makes sure she gets. The one task he failed at was being faithful, so Chante moved on. In a pursuit for love, happiness, and monogamy sometimes mistaken for sex, she encounters an array of men. If you took the best traits from them all and combined them, they still didn’t create the perfect man.

Just as Chante was ready to admit defeat in her quest for love in walks Keith, a caramel Adonis. Chante has plans of living happily ever after with Keith. That is, until Jason re-enters the picture. A lunch hour spent in between the sheets with Jason can complicate things, or can’t it?

What’s a girl to do when she’s torn between two lovers? Does she grab her panties off the floor and vow to never drop them again? Or does she go back for seconds?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Chante’s Song?

Donneil D. Jackson: Back in 2000, Chante Moore had a hit single got called Chante’s Got a Man. I was on the phone with a good friend of mine Shauntae, and she was singing the song. I liked how it sound. I took the concept and began writing. As time progressed, I took all of my feelings and poured it into my writing.

JP: What sets Chante’s Song apart from other novels in its genre?

DDJ: The way the story is told. I tried my best to be as descriptive, candid and realistic as possible. I think we all have read a “Chante’s Song” before, yet we have never read the story being told in the manner in which I tell it. That’s what sets my novel apart from other novels in genre and same subject matter.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Chante’s Song getting out to the public?

DDJ: The keys needed for me being a successful writer are determination, the ability to tell a great story and a strong support system. Determination is the Number 1 key to my success. I am determined to make this happen for me.

I believe you have to keep your readers entertained and coming back from more. This is achieved by being able to tell a great story. I pride my self in reeling the reader in as if they were a fly on the wall.

The next key is a great support system. My family is very supportive in getting the word out about Chante’s Song. My father stands outside of the bookstore and passes out bookmarks. My family is my street team. They are very good! Even, my daughter goes up to her friends’ parents like, “Do you enjoy reading?”, with a bookmark in her hand. She has watched me enough to know how to spread the word about “Chante’s Song.

I have recently enlisted the services of Dana Pittman of Nia Promotions to help take Change’s Song to the next level.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Chante’s Song?

DDJ: In a perfect world, I set the atmosphere, slow music, the computer and me. Prior to my seven year old going to bed, it’s me, the computer and my munchkinneck asking me fifty million questions. It works. For the most part, I have something on paper. I can always go back and tweak it. I also get a lot of writing done at work (don’t tell my employer-LOL).

Chante’s Song was started in 2000. I finished it in 2004. I transitioned a lot since I first began writing Chante’s Song. I went from living with my mom, to living on my own, to becoming a mom and just being a full-fledge adult. During that transition, Chante’s Song sat on the shelf for a while. But once I picked her back up, there was no stopping me from seeing it to a finish product. And although it took 4 additional years to get it out, it’s out!

JP: What’s next for Donneil D. Jackson?

DDJ: Only greatness! I want my name to be a name that will be around for a while, if not forever. I want to be up there with the Terry McMillians and Lolita Files. I know I am not on their level yet, however, my goal is to one day be where they are.

Currently, I am working on my second novel, Happily Ever After. It’s a sequel to Chante’s Song. I am also getting my thoughts together for my third novel. I haven’t decided on a title yet. I have, but I don’t think I am going to go with Fairytale Bullsh*t. It’s a book about a scorned woman’s broken heart and her need for revenge.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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