Category Archives: african american author

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Lesley Hal, author of Blind Temptations Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Lesley Hal, author of Blind Temptations
(Pleasure Principle Publishing)

lesley hal blind temptations book cover

(click on the pictures to see reviews of this book on amazon)

Blind Temptations: The Seduction of Sex, Lies and Betrayal is a juicy saga about three friends: Chante Micheals, Michelle Ramsey and Karissa Waters. The characters in this book are hell bent on vengeance, treachery, power trips, seduction and sexual deception!

Chante Michaels lives in a fantasy world. She has the perfect job and the perfect family. That is until her husband, Alex Michaels, step out on her with a Tyra Banks look alike, Paris Chere’ Du’Moore who has a little secret of her own that will unleash all kinds of hell.

Karissa Waters would love nothing more than to be accepted by her mother that disowned her when she was only eleven. She meets the heir to a multi-billion dollar oil estate Andre Williamson who wants to give her a lifetime of happiness. Karissa won’t marry him without her mother’s blessings; a woman who makes Mommy Dearest look angelic.

Michelle Ramsey is in love with the devil himself Brandon Thomas. She’s a master at hiding what she doesn’t want people to see like the abuse she endures at Brandon’s unloving hands. Greg Wallace is the man she needs but won’t give a chance because her heart belongs to only one man…Brandon.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Blind Temptations?

Lesley Hal: A series of life altering events led me to write Blind Temptations.

JP: What sets Blind Temptations apart from other novels in its genre?

LH: Its shocking twists, dealing with real life issues like sexual deception, adultery, abuse, and neglect among other things. Unlike many of the other novels, the characters are not super beings defying all odds without feelings being attached. I make it my mission to make every emotion be seen, heard, and felt no matter the situation. Readers want to that in a character. It makes the book more enjoyable. Most importantly, according to readers, it’s a page turner. Everyone that’s read the book is after me week after week about the sequel, which is in the works and a blessing.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Blind Temptations getting out to the public?

LH: Patience, determination, knowledge about publishing, honing my craft, learning from my mistakes not letting them become a setback but a step up and having a true love for writing.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Blind Temptations?

LH: I started Blind Temptations while in college. It took me 10 years to write it since I didn’t get serious about it until 2006.

JP: What’s next for Lesley Hal?

LH: Currently, I’m a NY Times bestseller six times over thanks to Zane! My short story Riding the “Friendly Skies” was featured in Succulent: Chocolate Flava II where it was dubbed on of the creme de la creme. My second novel Pleasure-n-Spice and Nothing Nice is due out early 2009. I’m pushing for a Valentine’s release. Since it’s what started my journey into the world of erotica, it will be released under my pen name Ms. Lediva.

Blind Temptations II is also slated for release late 2009. Then there’s “Double the Pleasure” which will be featured in Bedtime Stories, an anthology with Brian Smith author of S.W.A.P. Game and Final Fling, coming this summer 2009!

JP: Add any other links, awards and contact information directly involved with the author and/or the book. I would like to highlight your achievements and let people connect with you.

LH: I’ve done a lot of promotional work such as a campaign with Starbucks, the Come Out & Play sampler for 2007 with other noted authors and the Come Out & Play event that took place in the Bahamas in October 2008 which was a huge success.

I was featured in Noire’s online magazine with short story “Stormy Weather” which is the prologue to Pleasure-n-Spice and garnered me a lot of attention from the erotica genre. Blind Temptations & Pleasure-n-Spice are both currently being considered by Kensington Publishing.

Last but certainly not least, I’m one of the founding members of the Authoress Suite with authors N’Tyse: My Secrets Your Lies and Stacey L. Ford: Selling the Fantasy.

Thank you Joey for such a wonderful interview, and I look forward to reviewing Pleasure-n-Spice with you soon!

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at

P.S.S. If you want to be featured in the 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at or

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Moses Miller, author of The Trifling Times of… and The Game of Trife Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Moses Miller, author of Nan: The Trifling Times of Nathan Jones and Nan: The Game of Trife
(Mind Candy Media)

the trifling times of
moses miller headshot the game of trife book cover

(click on the pictures to either go to see each book’s review on or to go to Mind Candy Media’s website)

Nan: The Trifling Times of Nathan Jones Synopsis:

The story is labeled fiction, but his truth is the reality of many young Black males.

On Christmas Eve 1985, young Nathan “Nan” Jones and his parents were headed home from a day of last minute shopping when tragedy struck. A few blocks away, a crazed drug addict on a PCP fueled rush had committed a double homicide and was frantically fleeing the scene of the crime. As the police pursued, he made a desperate attempt to evade them, which sent his car careening into a sea of unsuspecting pedestrians.

As EMS workers arrived on the scene, they noticed a thirteen year old boy standing alone in the middle of the street, his facial expression emotionless. In less than a New York minute, his life had tragically changed.

Nathan would spend the rest of his teenage years in an orphanage, where he befriended another teen named, Joseph Hayes. They share an unfortunate similarity. On the same fateful night, the same man murdered both of their parents. As future prospects began to look more promising for both youths, tragedy rears its ugly head once again.

Traps are set, lives are lost and hidden agendas will be revealed.

Nan: The Game of Trife Synopsis:

In the city that never sleeps, Nathan “Nan” Jones, a young man that never slept, just survived a vicious assassination attempt on his life. On the same cold streets of Brooklyn, Jada Dupri, a Black girl lost, desperately searches for some meaning to her convoluted life.

Nan’s execution was sanctioned by the criminal underworld, in an elaborate plot to be carried out by a corrupt group of bloodthirsty NYPD killer cops. Even though he barely lived through the attack by the skin of his teeth, everything that meant something to him was stolen away in less than a New York minute. He had survived-but, his mere existence may only be short lived. A massive manhunt has ensued, and the word has been put out on the streets to bring him in dead or alive. The clock is ticking, and he’s living on borrowed time.

Since Jada’s birth, the beauty of her skin has been her sin…over time it became both a gift and a curse. She yearns to find the father she has never known, to develop a relationship with her mother that she has never had and to feel the unconditional love that she so desperately needs.

Even though these two individuals will never meet, and their paths will only cross on one fateful night, the critical decisions they both make will greatly impact the lives of one another.

After all, just like you and me, they are both merely pieces in The Game of Trife.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Nan: The Trifling Times of Nathan Jones and Nan: The Game of Trife?

Moses Miller: Death actually spawned the life of that story. A teenager named Timothy Stansbury was murdered in cold blood by police the night I started writing The Trifling Times of Nathan Jones. Even though the story has nothing to do with him or his life, it did inspire my creative juices. Actually, I guess they both do have one similarity when I think of the influence that the police played in both of their lives. There’s definitely the element of victimization there. The Game of Trife was just a natural continuation of the first story. Readers of part one knew that there had to be a sequel. They demanded it.

JP: What sets the Nan series apart from other novels in its genre?

MM: I don’t really compare my books to any other in any genre. From the gate I purposely established my own lane. I said, “I write Intelligent Urban Fiction,” which is the tag line for my company Mind Candy. I will say that what separates me from many authors is that I don’t allow my books to be constrained by events that I personally experienced or just hood stories that were passed on to me.

Every book signing I do somebody comes up to me and says, “I got some stories from my hood. I just need to write it.” It never fails. But the thing about it is that everyone knows a hood story. As a matter of fact, a lot of us know some of the same stories, or stories that are similar with the only differentiator being the name of the characters. That’s why there’s some that feel that originality is lacking in the genre.

I challenge myself and my readers, and I draw heavily on my imagination and the exposure I’ve received from traveling the United States and abroad when I write. I refuse to put myself in a box. My characters are multi-dimensional and my story lines are also multi-layered.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to the Nan series getting out to the public?

MM: Persistence. It starts with a good product. You have to know how to structure a story, develop characters, strong plots and memorable scenes. I always knew I had a good story, so all it would take would be for someone to read it. Word of mouth does the rest. I push my books by any means into the hands of readers. I have full confidence that once they read one of my books they’ll be supporters of everything I publish thereafter. I give them more than their money’s worth.

I also have put out some of the most original book trailers up to this point for an author of any genre. As a small press and a new author I was fortunate enough to have my trailers spread virally and be viewed by over twenty thousand people on the web alone. I understand that this is a business and I manage it as such. I’m an author, but my business requires me to wear many hats, and I make certain all of them fit.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? What did you learn in doing The Trifling Times of Nathan Jones and lead you to do something different for The Game of Trife?

MM: I write what I want to read, and I write everyday. With me, it’s all about quality and consistency. I can write no matter what’s going on around me. As a matter of fact, the other day I was writing on the highway while I was stuck in traffic on the way to a book signing. However, I don’t rush the creative process. I’ll write a book and let it sit for a year just so I can read it from the perspective of a new reader.

A story needs to excite me and leave me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. If it doesn’t, my readers will never see it. They’ll never get the chance to critique it, because I’m my worst critic. I write intuitively. Most of the time I know how the story begins and ends, however the path I’ll take to guide you there develops as I write. I may even write two or three different “middle” sections to my stories and then decide later what is the most consistent with the story and the characters I created. I did that with The Game of Trife.

Now as far as learning new things from Trifling Times to The Game of Trife, that’s an interview in itself. I learned many things, from marketing to continuing to develop my craft in order to get better.

JP: What’s next for Moses Miller?

MM: As always, I’ll continue to promote literacy in our communities, working with teenagers and young adults. It’s always important to me to give back and pull others forward. As far as writing, I’m developing screenplays. I have a few books that I’ll be publishing as well, but I’m really excited about the inquiries I’ve been getting to have Nathan Jones’ story portrayed on the big screen.

I would also like to put out novels by other authors, but I haven’t read anything that has really excited me lately. I’ve come across a lot of manuscripts that are similar to stories I’ve read before. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they would sell if they’re published. However, I’m looking for something special. With me, it’s all about building a brand with novels that consistently raise the bar. When I find the right author, I’ll know it.

Awards and Accomplishments of Moses Miller:
Most Outstanding Rising Urban Novelist, YOUnity Guild 2007
Best New Author, Infini Awards 2008
Most Underrated Author’s List, Urban Book Source 2008

Awards and Accomplishments of Nan: The Trifling Times of Nathan Jones
5 out of 5 Top Shelf Rating,
Best Characters, Infini Awards 2008
Best Street/Urban Fiction Novel, Afr’Am Fest’s Literary Awards 2008

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at or

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Tavy Day, author of Love X’s 2 Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Tavy Day author of Love X’s 2
(Johnson Publications)


Love X’s 2 fills the current gap of African-American children’s literature addressing the challenges and rewards of single/co-parenting in a fast-paced world. It’s a book that can be used repeatedly as a bedtime story and quiet-time picture book. Love X’s 2 will soon reach reading lists of elementary classrooms in cities around the country.

Read in one sitting, Love X’s 2 teaches young and newly single-parents and children valuable lessons while captivating their imaginations with lyrical, poetic prose. Sentences are short and simply constructed.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Love X’s 2?

Tavy Day: Love X’s 2 is loosely based on my personal experiences of raising a child who is fortunately, Loved X’s 2, by having both myself and her father as (or appearing as) active parents.

JP: What sets Love X’s 2 apart from other novels in its genre?

TD: In this story, the main character, 6 year old India, speaks with much intelligence and insight to her present situation. She is outspoken, without being disrespectful. She is African American, and so are her friends; their names reflect that. This story is very realistic, age appropriate, topic concise and URBAN! There is nothing like Love X’s 2 on the market, and no matter what the culture, Co-Parenting relationships exist. This is the “in your face” proof.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Love X’s 2 getting out to the public?

TD: Re-released: I have the backing of Lati’a D. Johnson, Publishing CEO and mentor! She is very creative and full of “idea bulbs” that spontaneously pop on…

My Publicist Sharmina Ellis and I, are both the master keys to unlocking the success of Love X’s 2. With her dedication to the project and business sense, I have no doubt in her ability to enhance the buzz behind an already awesome product. Me, I’m passionate about this topic and want to see it addressed in the best light possible, and that’s through India’s story. Horn tooting & all, I am TavyDay and my public a waits!

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Love X’s 2?

TD: I’m not sure if I so much have a process or just an impulse. Love X’s 2 was written in one (several hour) sitting. The editing of course was much more in depth with creating a solid voice to the storyline. As a poet, I will tell supporters that I am an “I” poet. Most of my poems are about me, the people close to me, and the personal experiences of both. If it’s not real (in some sense), I can’t write about it. I believe this was the same mindset behind Love X’s 2.

JP: What’s next for Tavy Day?

TD: God willing; Oprah! I love that woman, and I bet she’ll love me too!

Love X’s 2 + 1: Coming Soon!

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