Category Archives: african american book

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Rochelle Campbell, author of Leaping Out on Faith Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Rochelle Campbell, author of Leaping Out on Faith


“Leaping Out on Faith” is a collection of short stories about four women at different stages of their lives and the decisions they make.

Depending upon their age, the women choose vastly different paths. Some of those paths are reasonable. Some? Not so much. Yet each story represents a truth for a woman in that moment that rings true emotionally.

There’s teenage romance in one story. Violence and abuse in another story, and still another story has the glitz and glam that we find in Harlequin romances. And the final story deals with religion and how it plays into this particular relationship.

“Leaping Out on Faith” is about life and how these four women handle the cards Life dealt them and the consequences of their actions.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write Leaping Out on Faith?

Rochelle Campbell: Inspiration came in dribs and drabs over approximately 15 years. The first story in this book was written during my last year in high school, and the last story was written a couple of years ago. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Rochelle Campbell, author of Leaping Out on Faith

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Ladi M., author of 9 Orange Roses Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Ladi M., author of 9 Orange Roses
(Sexy City books)


“9 Orange Roses” chronicles the relentless sexual escapades of a woman whose insatiable sexual appetite leads her into one new experience after another.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “9 Orange Roses”?

Ladi M.: I had gone through a very rough period in my life. I was on the beach looking at the water and contemplating killing myself. Then I saw a rock in the middle of the water, and my imagination took over. Could I swim to the rock, or would I let the water swallow me? Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Ladi M., author of 9 Orange Roses

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Nicole Dunlap, author of Miss Scandalous: Shaw Family Saga Book 2 Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Nicole Dunlap, author of “Miss Scandalous: Shaw Family Saga Book 2”
(Self Published)


A Mother’s Love vs. A Daughter’s Revenge.

Charlene Shaw has gone through hell. She was raped and left for dead, yet she continued on her quest for fame. She’s a beautiful, desired actress who has found her Mr. Wright.

According to the magazine headlines, her life is perfect. There’s just one thing her heart cries for…her daughter, Raven. This might be her hardest challenge yet: building the mother-daughter bond she’s prayed so hard for.

Raven Shaw has been abandoned by love. Her mom preferred Hollywood and her childhood best-friend, now ex-lover, disappeared when she became pregnant. Now, she’s adjusted to a “new” kind of love…motherhood. She’s determined that her daughter will have everything she didn’t.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Miss Scandalous: Shaw Family Saga Book 2″?

Nicole Dunlap: “Miss Scandalous” is the second part of the dysfunctional lives of Raven and Charlene Shaw. I was initially inspired to write about Raven because I have counseled a lot of children and teens who’ve been abandoned by their parents. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Nicole Dunlap, author of Miss Scandalous: Shaw Family Saga Book 2