Congratulations The Cubicle Chick, winner of the’s 250 Business Card Giveaway hosted by!

From January 6th through January 13th, and partnered up to offer readers of this website to win 250 Business Cards. People were asked to leave comments detailing the most creative way a person could use a business card.

Congratulations The Cubicle Chick.

Here is The Cubicle Chick’s comment:

“The most interesting way to use your business card? Giving it to all the people who said you could never do it as proof that you are succeeding!”

On behalf of and, enjoy.

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Check out Joey Pinkney on Page 12 of Newbie’s Magazine!

Yours truly was recently featured in an article in Newbie’s Magazine.


Check it out and let me know what you think.

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You need to advertise with! (Click here for more information.)

Listen to Joey Pinkney, guest on BlogTalkRadio’s AM to PM Show (01-14-10)

Alicia McGhee, aka PreCise, recently invited me to BlogTalkRadio’s AM to PM Show to talk about my short story “Like Father, Like Son” which is featured in The Soul of a Man Anthology.

(Alicia McGhee has been featured in the’s “5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…” author interview series for Wet Dreams.)

During the show, I talk about:

  • the making of that story, the toils of being a “step” parent
  • my upcoming book in the works
  • recent book reviews
  • the “5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…” author interview series
  • my future in the literary industry
  • my feelings on the recent earthquake in Haiti

My segment starts around the 19 minutes mark and runs for about 30 minutes. Check it out and let me know what you think.

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your favorite book reviewer's favorite book reviewer… period!