5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Madison, author of Scattered Lies

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Madison, author of Scattered Lies
(Influential Writers Publishing)

(One of the first ten people to comment on Madison’s author interview will win a FREE copy of Scattered Lies from JoeyPinkney.com)

Scattered Lies grabs your attention with its cover. The shattered glass and the reflected images are representative the stories plot. It presents a different approach from the regular contemporary hood dramas.

Denise, Gabrielle, Morgan and Tony are four characters on different life paths that deceit brings together through a complicated chain of unpredictable events. Their decisions will sometimes prove we will do anything for self preservation. When it comes to personal happiness, nothing is sacred.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Scattered Lies?

A few years back I was on a trip with a group of friends. One night we decided to have an “interventional dinner”. A lot of things were revealed, some were hurtful and others were shocking.

That’s when I realized we live in a world full of “scattered lies”. Many of us have been lied to all of our lives, some were intentional and some weren’t.

JP: What sets Scattered Lies apart from other novels in its genre?

Madison: Three of the main characters are people of substance who have accomplished many things but still struggle with the same problems that we all face in their pursuit of ultimate happiness.

In addition, it also exposes how the people we love and trust are the ones that will hurt us the most. The people in Scattered Lies all have so much more living and growing up to do. Readers will want to see how these characters eventually prevail.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Scattered Lies getting out to the public?

Madison: One thing I’ve learned in order to be successful: you can’t do it alone. Anything you do in life, you must give it a hundred percent. Also, you must be able to accept constructive criticism.

We are so passionate about our work that it’s hard for us to see something through someone else’s eyes. It is the only way to get an unbiased perspective. Most of all, you must believe in yourself and allow your work to speak for itself.

When I decided to go public with Scattered Lies, I made sure I had a “real” people around me. I sent my manuscript to several people of different ages and races and asked them to give me there honest opinion.

I must be honest, most of them thought it was a “good read” while one or two suggested I tone down the profanity. I had to ponder the suggestions regarding profanity, however, once I saw it through their eyes I toned it down.

Although I’m still learning the key to success, once thing is certain, you must have patience, motivation and support system.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Scattered Lies?

Madison: I started developing the story years ago. At first, I brushed if off because I wasn’t sure if I could develop a good read. As time went on, I started jotting down ideas. I incorporated things that were around me into a story.

Then a friend of mine, Antoine Inch Thomas told me I needed to develop an alter-ego. He instructed me to go deep into my, thoughts.

JP: What’s next for Madison?

Madison: To be honest with you, I really don’t know what’s next for Madison. In addition, to writing the sequel to Scattered Lies and another novel, I’m currently working on achieving my Master’s in Public Administration. I just try to take it one day at a time and count my blessings.



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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Art Noble, author of The Sacred Female

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Art Noble, author of The Sacred Female
(Trafford Publishing)

(One of the first ten people to comment on Art Noble’s author interview will win a FREE copy of The Sacred Female from JoeyPinkney.com)

In his radical and sensitive book, The Sacred Female, Art Noble both enlightens and enthralls his readers with a novel that explores the intimate connection between a man and a woman. Noble brilliantly shows how sexual love manifests into a shared magical experience.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The Sacred Female?

Art Noble: From experience, then research to validate the experience.

JP: From the outside looking in, female ejaculation seems to be more sensational than sensual. What could the uninitiated reader stand to learn about this phenomenon?

AN: First, it increases female sexual pleasure by a reported factor of 10! This increase in pleasure was first noted by Dr. Reginald de Gaff in 1660. Also, I see pleasure as an indicator of the quantity of electrochemical energy generated that may be transmitted to the man to increase his sexual pleasure.

Ejaculation may not be a necessary element of transcendent sex or spiritual bonding. Also, the physical definition of the female prostate varies so all women may not be able to ejaculate.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The Sacred Female getting out to the public?

AN: The teleseminar on Wed Dec 2, at 4PM, simulcast on www.hotmix106.com, of course a fantastic review by Joey Pinkney, and persistence.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish The Sacred Female?

AN: It was 5 years in gestation: 1 year in writing and 3 months of editing with a great editor. We read the manuscript aloud three times (over the phone) to smooth out all the rough spots. It is an easy read now.

JP: What’s next for Art Noble?

AN: More seminars and workshops on sexuality, and perhaps another novel with more information about anatomy and physiology so men and women may feel more comfortable about their fantastic bodies.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Rhonda McKnight, author of Secrets and Lies

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Rhonda McKnight, author of Secrets and Lies
(Kensington Publishers)

(One of the first ten people to comment on Rhonda McKnight’s author interview will win a FREE copy of Secrets and Lies from JoeyPinkney.com)

Secrets and Lies is the story of a couple struggling to keep their troubled marriage together after the husband’s coworker accuses him of the unthinkable.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Secrets and Lies?

Rhonda McKnight:
I was deep in marital woes when the pain of this couple came to me. I would say that helped with the realistic, emotional struggle that unravels as you turn the pages, but it’s not my story. That would be boring.

I did the “what if” thing. What if a marriage was bad and then something happened to make it worse? And that something was out of their control? And it not only affected the marriage, but a career? The career of a work-a-holic? I just rolled with the “what ifs” from there until I had the twist and turns.

JP: Marriage is simply complex. What are some of the lessons that can be drawn from Secrets and Lies that can make navigating the difficulties of marriage less of a blind journey?

RM: Communicate. Know that marriage is a union where emotional intimacy is critical to the success of the relationship. Trust your partner with all of you, all of your hurts and pains. Don’t turn secrets into lies. It’s a betrayal of trust.

JP: How were you able to get so many in depth reviews of Secrets and Lies before it was released?

RM: I think being with a mainstream publisher helped with the credibility of my writing, but I didn’t rely on that. I developed relationships with reviewers. I mean they’re book lovers just like me, so I introduced myself to them on their blogs and in chat rooms and message boards.

When I put out the call for reviews, people were interested. I’m naturally out going, and I love to meet people, so that was easy for me. It might not be as easy for an introverted author. Suggestions for them would be to make sure they have a professionally developed press kit. Also, make an effort to publicize some samples of your writing.

I introduced some short stories on a blog way back in February and posted it everywhere. People knew ahead of time that I could tell a story, and they were probably fairly certain they wouldn’t want to throw the book against a wall.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Secrets and Lies?

RM: Secrets and Lies from start to finish – forever. Four years on and off. Maybe a good year or more of actual hands on the keyboard writing and editing time. I had a baby and finished grad school while I was pecking away at this story.

As for my process, I write the beginning of my story because it comes to me very visually; usually through two or three chapters. Then I do extensive character outlines, so I get to know the people. I follow that with plotting. I like a detailed outline.

I didn’t do one for Secrets and Lies, but I did for my second book and wrote the first draft in less than six weeks. I’ll never not outline again.

JP: What’s next for Rhonda McKnight?

RM: I’m promoting this novel and working on several writing projects. I have a book release party scheduled for Saturday, Dec 5th here in Atlanta and on Dec 13th in Manning, SC. (More about those on my website on the events page).

I have several Internet radio interviews and blog features (like this one) scheduled through the end of February. I’m participating in several local booksignings, and then in the March I’ll do some touring that will last through June. I’m working on an anthology project that will release Spring 2010.

My biggest event for 2010 will be the annual Faith and Fiction Retreat – June 18 and 19th in Atlanta. Details at www.faithandfictionretreat.com. I’ll be there with some awesome authors, like Kimberla Lawson Roby, Victoria Christopher Murray , Tiffany L. Warren and more, and then of course our beloved readers. Wouldn’t be any fun without them.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html.

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