5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Elva “Precious Love” Thompson, author of A Mother’s Cry

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Elva “Precious Love” Thompson, author of A Mother’s Cry
(GSH Publishing)

(One of the first ten people to comment on Precious Love’s author interview will win a FREE copy of A Mother’s Cry from JoeyPinkney.com)

This book is an inspiring autobiography about a young woman who stayed in a fifteen-year abusive marriage for the sake of her children. Without notice, she finds herself filing for divorce on the grounds of abandonment because her husband walked out on her and their daughters.

She then had to put her business on hold, moved her family to another state to start over where she tries to adjust to becoming a divorced single parent. With being in a new state, she strives to get her business back together, the ups and downs of raising her children alone, and at the same time, going through the struggle of getting to know herself again.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write A Mother’s Cry?

Elva “Precious Love” Thompson: Past life experiences. I was a victim of domestic abuse for a duration of 15 years since 1985 at the hands of my ex-husband. I felt like I had no outlet besides staying in prayer, so I decided to write a journal. What started out as small writings here and there turned into chapters and chapters of words because there was something new happening everyday.

JP: A Mother’s Cry is a story that many women can relate to from the abandonment to raising kids alone to having to find oneself amidst the things life throws your way. What has been readers’ responses to this novel?

ET: Here are some of my readers responses:

  • I read this book about a month ago and found it to be an excellent book. As I read this book, I felt lots of emotions such as anger disbelief, hurt and joy.The author of this book, who tells her story, is an amazing woman. She and her children are very courageous individuals. I would recommend this book for any woman who is seeking strength to make it through a troubled relationship. I love to write, but I have always hated to read. This book turned me into a reader. Once I read this book, I was anxious to read her next book, and I did. ~Shelly U., Austin, Texas
  • This book is such an inspiration to my life as a divorced single mother of two children. I think that the author is an ideal role model for me and women all over. I recommend this book to both men and women. ~Mirta H., Orlando, FL
  • I’ve read a lot of books, but when I came across this one I was stunned. The author out did herself when she wrote this book and backed it up with a second to continue. This book is great, and I recommend it to anyone and everyone.  ~TCollins217
  • I had been going through the same type of things as the character in this book. Since I picked this book up, it strengthened me to leave my situation and move on forward. Thanks to the author because this book has truly made a difference in my life. ~Lisa B., Riverdale, GA
  • I really enjoyed reading this book. Its one book that I have introduced to my reading group. I passed it on to some of my coworkers as well, and they all loved it. You don’t get to read many books that are about really talking about something these days. ~Melissa W., Jacksonville, FL

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to A Mother’s Cry getting out to the public?

ET: Turning negatives into positives. I turned my negative situation into a positive by forgiveness first and then shared my testimony with the world in hopes that my story can be of some help and an inspiration to others.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish A Mother’s Cry?

ET: My writing process is constant. It’s imperative that I keep a notebook and pen underneath my bed. Different thoughts and inspiration may hit me at odd hours of the night, and I like being prepared. As far as the amount of time it took me to write this novel, I would say approximately one year. Life happened in between.

JP: What’s next for Elva “Precious Love” Thompson?

ET: I would like to continue to be a voice and share my testimony with others that are or have been in my situation. I speak at conventions, forums, gatherings and different events regarding domestic violence/abuse. I am an active volunteer and member of DAHMW.org (Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women). My latest work in progress is Battered Secrets: MEN of Domestic Violence where men are starting to come forward with their stories.

In the meantime, I continue to run my business as an editor since 1997, as well as continuing the fight for victims of domestic violence. I also have a guest television appearance in Atlanta, GA on November 20th called “Atlanta Live”, which is a christian program discussing my novel as well as sharing my testimony.

I have several upcoming booksignings throughout the East Coast as well as appearances for well known radio stations and magazines. I will keep you posted and you can also keep up with my upcoming events and media kit from my website.


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How did she win? She was one of the first ten people to comment on “5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… K.L. Brady, author of The Bum Magnet”. (Click the picture above.) Natalyne’s name was randomly drawn for the book giveaway hosted by JoeyPinkney.com’s Joey Pinkney and -.com’s KL Brady.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Ashea Goldson, author of The Lovechild

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Ashea Goldson, author of The Lovechild
(Urban Christian/Kensington)

The Lovechild provides a riveting ride through the life of Makaeli Lovechild Hunt, a successful fashion designer who struggles with her biracial identity and her spirituality. Born into a dysfunctional family and enduring many hardships, she eventually becomes estranged from them.

She escapes to Italy where she dives into her career and masks her resentment for her family, for God and for herself. Finally a family emergency forces her to face her tumultuous past.

In seven life-altering days, she discovers what firgiveness really means. Amidst crises painful enough to make her turn her back on God forever, she learns what it means to be God’s lovechild.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The Lovechild?

Ashea Goldson: The Lovechild grew in my spirit from the notion that nothing can separate us from the love of God, no matter what it looks or feels like. I was inspired to write a story of an emotionally wounded person and their journey to deliverance and redemption. Although the character’s experience doesn’t parallel mine, I too have been delivered and redeemed.

JP: What sets The Lovechild apart from other novels in its genre?

AG: Not only is the novel different in that it has an international setting, but unlike so many books in this genre, it is neither a love story nor a best friends story. It also adds a fast paced element of mystery.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The Lovechild getting out to the public?

AG: One of the greatest keys to my success is my faith, knowing that nothing is impossible for God. Therefore, I pray, do what I must do in the natural and don’t give up when situations seemingly don’t work out my way.

Other keys to my success are dedication and determination. I’ve always been a believer in doing what I need to do in order to accomplish whatever is needed. Even though my schedule is often hectic with the full-time business that I run, family and ministry, I am dedicated to my calling. I continue to push myself forward. Not writing is not an option.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish The Lovechild?

AG: It took between two and a half to three years to finish The Lovechild because I was studying the craft of fiction writing during those years and. As I learned, the story kept changing, hopefully becoming better. I didn’t have a formal process at the time. I just wrote and edited as I went along.

However, now that I have completed more than one manuscript, my process involves doing a character analysis, research, a plot outline, then a complete rough draft before I start “fixing” the story. The entire process now takes me a few months instead of a few years.

JP: What’s next for Ashea Goldson?

I will be promoting my story, “The Kit Cat Trial” in an anthology entitled Pets Across America which was just released in October 2009. The proceeds will go towards pet activist organizations.

My next Christian fiction novel, Joy Comes In The Morning, will be released in July 2010. I am currently working on the sequel to this which is Count It All Joy. I will be re-releasing a non-fiction work entitled Resurrecting Vision in January 2010 through my own publishing company, GoldWrite Publishing. I also have plans to publish a few other works as well.

(678) 510-6941

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