Joey Pinkney’s Book Discussion/Book Signing for The Soul of a Man Anthology at Southeast Regional Library, October 22, 2009

Award-winning author Joey Pinkney signing The Soul of a Man Anthology at Southeast Regional Library during its African American Book Club meeting dedicated to the author (Garner, NC)

The book signing/ book discussion was special to me for a couple of reasons: 1) It was one that I organized by myself for the first time. 2) It was going to be in my hometown of Garner, NC. (I have collaborated with some of the other contributors on a book signing/discussion in Atlanta.)

Left to Right: DeJah Jones, Joey Pinkney and Don’Tay Jones (Joey’s children)

The gathering was small, about 10 or so people. The room in the Southeast Regional Library has a wonderful set up. I’m going to hold more meetings there in the future.

Author Joey Pinkney with new fan

After the brief introduction, I asked if anyone had a chance to read the book. I kid you not, I think I really did hear crickets…and they are out of season right now. That was cool with me because it gave me a chance to cover all the talking points that I had been practicing in the shower, on the way to work and while I washed dishes.

Author Joey Pinkney with new fans

I talked about my story, the step-parent aspect and the novel I plan to write as a followup. Then I asked it there were any questions. Maybe the crickets were asking me something, I don’t know. Then I started talking about how I got involved with the anthology, my author interview series and how we work together to spread the word about this book. That’s when the crowd started to open up. One lady was asking a bunch of good questions to humor me. She was trying to get her friend to help me out to. Then a gentleman started getting insightful with his questions, eventually asking me to read my favorite part.

Author Joey Pinkney with new fan and winner of Body Works prize for the evening

I read that. For me, the first couple of paragraphs set the poetic tone of the main character’s, Terrence Greene, perspective. Then thought about it: this is a group effort. I told about theSoul Brothers” aspect to our family and ran it down the line. I didn’t know that I knew so much about each and every one of the other contributors of The Soul of a Man Anthology. I guess all those sleepless nights browsing through were for a purpose.

Author Joey Pinkney with JoeAnne Stephens, Reference Librarian and Facilitator of the African American Book Club at the Southeast Regional Library (Garner, NC)

After that, an hour had passed. I wrapped it up, and let them know two things: you don’t have to look towards L.A. or New York for an award-winning author, there is one right here in Garner, NC, and that I was going to donate a book for every two books sold.

JoeAnne Stephens presenting Author Joey Pinkney with a gift from the Southeast Regional Library (Garner, NC)

The librarian that facilitated the event told me she was retiring soon and wanted to add this to her scrapbook. A couple of the attendees said that they had other speaking events that they wanted me to be a part of. I’ll see that when I see that. Sold six books, so three will be donated.

Author Joey Pinkney with attendees of The Soul of a Man Book Signing/Discussion at the Southeast Regional Library (Garner, NC)

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Deondriea Cantrice, author of Rhythm Can’t Keep Time Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Deondriea Cantrice, author of Rhythm Can’t Keep Time, Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough
(GSH Publishing)

(One of the first ten people to comment on Deondriea Cantrice’s author interview will win a FREE copy of Rhythm Can’t Keep Time.)

Can people really be two halves of the same whole? If so, Sterling and Sheridyn are a perfect fit. After experiencing one betrayal after another, Sterling puts his heart under lock and key. When beautiful Sheridyn enters his life, will he grants her access to the one place no one can enter? Or, will he be afraid of another disappointment?

When Sterling and Sheridyn’s worlds collide, will they be able to control the passion between them? Or will their harmonic rhythm, laced in humor and vicarious personas cause this seductive dance to burn up in flames?

Rhythm Can’t Keep Time, Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough is not a sappy love story or an unrealistic male-bashing narrative but explores love through an erotic lens.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Rhythm Can’t Keep Time, Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough?

Deondriea Cantrice: I’ve met people that have made life-altering decisions because of great sex. This book tells the story of a woman searching for love and a soul mate. It tells of the extreme measures she went through to find it, the pitfalls of not finding it and settling for less.

My intent was to write a book that would inspire, entertain and encourage people. I was surprised that men, women, old, young, white and black was able to relate to at least one aspect of the book.

JP: The cover for Rhythm Can’t Keep Time is one of the most enchanting I’ve seen in a long time. What is the significance of the book cover in relation to the relationship that builds between Sterling and Sheridyn?

DC: I chose the cover because it evokes emotion and raises curiosity. Why is he clutching the Bass? Is he passionate about music? Sorrowful? Grateful? Is he missing the cello-shaped hips of the one he loves? More importantly, the cover is symbolic of Sterling’s and Sheridyn’s perfect rhythm and the music they made.

JP: As an author, what did Rhythm Can’t Keep Time teach you about love that you didn’t see before embarking on its journey?

DC: I’ve learned as an author and from readers that most people enter relationships without knowing or clearly defining their expectations. Nor do they make their intentions known. Sterling’s and Sheridyn’s relationship lasted over 10 years without them ever discussing or defining their relationship.

I also discovered most people believe love is an adjective rather than a verb. Without trust, commitment, loyalty and truth, love is just a feeling rather than action. Hince the subtitle: Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Rhythm Can’t Keep Time?

DC: My writing process would make my high school English teacher cringe. My writing style is to pour my thoughts onto paper without paying attention to grammar or punctuation.

At some point, I review what I penned and divide it into sections by subject or situation and write according to what I am feeling that day. For example, if I am happy I write a happy scene.

I have found that this abstract outline style of writing cures writer’s block. It took about 3 months to write Rhythm Can’t Keep Time, but the editing/publishing process took about 9 months.

JP: What’s next for Deondriea Cantrice?

DC: I am simultaneously writing two works of fiction entitled When Emotions Lie and Hellava. In my spare time, if there is such a thing, I am working on the screenplay for Rhythm Can’t Keep Time. I guess that’s why I’m accused of being an overachiever.

About Deondriea Cantrice:

I can also be found on most writing and social networks ie Book Tour, Authorden, Linkedin, iseecolor, etc., with the screen name Deondriea. I am the Colorado State Director of Protocol for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowships.

I am recognized as an influential leader/learner by Regis University 2009, and I hold the pageant title of Ms. American Ambassador 2009. This proves “with discipline and direction accomplishment in attainable.”

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Reverend Dr. Eric A. Lambert, Jr., author of Ingredients for Prayer Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Reverend Dr. Eric Lambert, Jr., author of Ingredients for Prayer
(Bethel Deliverance International)

In his latest book, Ingredients for Prayer: A Practical Approach for Maximizing Your Time with God, Rev. Lambert, pastor of Bethel Deliverance International Church north of Philadelphia, details what he believes is the true purpose of prayer in contrast to the “give me syndrome” of prayer that so many with financial woes seem to have.

By using “The Lord’s Prayer” as a framework, he examines pieces of this prayer model to show ways to connect with God, like understanding the mind and will of God and becoming dependent upon and receiving the peace of God.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Ingredients for Prayer?

Reverend Dr. Eric Lambert, Jr.: I have always felt the need to write a book about prayer. I thought that prayer was misused in the modern generation, so I wanted Christians to get new ideas regarding prayer.

JP: What sets Ingredients for Prayer apart from other books in its genre?

EL: I wrote “Ingredients for Prayer” in the same down-to-earth format as my other writings. I want people to confront prayer as the result of their relationship with God and not to see the Lord as the genie in the lamp.

JP: As an author and pastor, what are the keys to your success that lead to Ingredients for Prayer getting out to the public?

EL: I rely on my ministry media department. I enjoy working with other professionals to take my ministry into areas that I would not otherwise think to engage.

JP: As an author and pastor, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Ingredients for Prayer?

EL: When I write, I like to brainstorm for a few weeks. Then I will write a rough draft. This process usually takes a few weeks or in some cases as much as a month. Ingredients for Prayer took every bit of three months to complete.

JP: What’s next for Eric Lambert?

EL: My next book is entitled The Christian and the Culture. I hope to have it ready by early 2010. This book will challenge the Christian to seriously consider Romans 12:1,2. I expect the title to have three volumes in all.

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