5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Jacquelin Thomas, author of The Ideal Wife

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Jacquelin Thomas, author of The Ideal Wife
(Pocket Books)

Marrying a handsome, wealthy lawyer and living in a Hollywood Hills mansion…it’s a dream come true for twenty-four-year-old Jana, from the moment Lawrence Collins swept her off her feet and into his luxurious world.

True, she put her studies at a local Bible college on hold in order to wed after a six-month whirlwind romance. Beautiful and vivacious, with a stunning body, Jana knows men like Lawrence don’t come along every day, and she vows to be a perfect companion — the ideal wife — to this sexy, powerful man. But at what price?

From her wardrobe and hairstyle to her friends and her choice of church, Lawrence seems to want to change Jana into someone she’s not…and soon, the man Jana thought she knew will test her values and her faith with a shocking revelation that goes against everything she believes.

How far will Jana be willing to go to keep the man she loves?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The Ideal Wife?

Jacquelin Thomas: I was reading about Esther and Queen Vashti in the Bible. I was very familiar with Esther’s story, but found myself wanting to know more about Queen Vashti. The King became furious when she refused his request to show off her beauty to the men in his court and basically divorced her.

Some theologians believe she was not being a submissive wife, while others believe she was a woman of high moral character and her refusal was because she felt her beauty should be reserved for only one man—her husband.

The Ideal Wife was birthed out of my curiosity about the queen.

JP: What sets The Ideal Wife apart from other Christian Fiction novels?

JT: I don’t know that it’s set apart from other Christian Fiction novels in that, the end result should entertain, educate and minister. However, this book is written to spark an open conversation about sex as it relates to marriage.

There are debates on whether or not swinging or wife-swapping is considered adultery. In The Ideal Wife, I attempt to guide readers into the right direction for answers.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The Ideal Wife getting out to the public?

JT: I always strive to tell a good story, and I tend to write about what’s really going on in the world. My characters are flawed human beings who truly love God, but fall from time to time.

I think that’s what readers really enjoy about my books. They can relate to my characters.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish The Ideal Wife?

JT: I am a full-time writer, so I am in my office most days from 10–4, and I usually write 20-25 pages per day. I try not to work on weekends because those are family days for me.

I write a very detailed outline before I actually begin to write a novel (research is covered within the outline). When that’s done, I then began working on my novel. I took me almost four months to write The Ideal Wife.

JP: What’s next for Jacquelin Thomas?

JT: I’ve just finished Samson, which will come out in 2010. It’s an adaptation of Samson in the Bible.


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Congratulations Asia Mays! Winner of Suicide Diaries (Ebonee Monique) and No More Mr. Nice Guy (James E. Alston)

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How did she win? She was one of the first ten people to comment on “5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Ebonee Monique”. (Click the picture above.) She was also one of the first ten people to comment on “5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… James E. Alston”.

Asia’s name was randomly drawn for the book giveaways hosted by JoeyPinkney.com’s Joey Pinkney, Ebonee Monique and JayAlstonBooks.com’s James E Alston.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Kaira Denee, author of My Husband’s Fiancee

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Kaira Denee, author of My Husband’s Fiancee
(Anexander Books)

kaira denee my husbands fiancee on amazondotcom

(One of the first ten people to comment on Kaira Denee’s author interview will win a FREE COPY of My Husband’s Fiancee.)

(Congratulations to Joyce. She won a free copy of Kaira Denee’s My Husband’s Fiancee.)

Kimberly Rose is a career-driven reality-television producer whose career has recently taken a slump. When she witnesses a mistress confronting her lover and his wife in a crowded shopping mall, she immediately realizes she has the next reality show hit on her hands. Her show, My Husband’s Fiancee, is born.

Kimberly’s personal life isn’t as successful as her career. Her past is filled with damaging secrets that still haunt her dreams.When her father’s health begins to decline, Kimberly’s mother can’t understand why she’s unaffected by the tragedy. Her mother doesn’t know it, but Kimberly and her father also share a wicked secret.

Luckily, Kimberly’s love life is just as she wants it: a lust-filled rendezvous with her famous, wealthy “boy toy.” When he starts pressuring her for a deeper commitment, she’s faced with telling him about her past or hiding it from him and hoping she’s never exposed. “My Husband’s Fiancee” is the best reality show you will ever read! Tune in to see whether the husband chooses to stay with his wife or marry his mistress and whether Kimberly resolves her past demons and lets love into her life.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write My Husband’s Fiancee?

Kaira Denee: Twitter gave me lots of inspiration. I once tweeted, “Is it possible to be in love with two people”, and I got so many responses! I knew I’d found a topic that people are really passionate about.

JP: What sets My Husband’s Fiancee apart from other novels in its genre?KD: I always like to think of new perspectives to tell my stories from. With reality shows being so popular these days, I thought it be fun and challenging to tell the story of the love triangle through episodes of a reality show.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to My Husband’s Fiancee getting out to the public?

KD: The key to my success this time around is having the right people on my team that care about the project and being successful together. I’m with the right publisher, the right publicist, a great assistant and I was my own agent this time around. With my first two books, I didn’t have that.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish My Husband’s Fiancee?

KD: I’m not really afforded the luxury of having a writing process, yet. I get it in when I can. When I’m under deadline I do enjoy getting up before the sun rises, making a cop of coffee and baning out a few chapters before the kids get up.

JP: What’s next for Kaira Denee?

KD: Next up, I have a short story, “Purple Kisses” in an erotic anthology entitled Bedtime Stories 2. Currently, I’m writing the sequel to my debut novel, Take it There, as well.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

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