5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… George Hudson, author or Drama

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
George Hudson, author of Drama
(GSH Publishing)

(One of the first ten people to comment on George Hudson’s author interview will win a free copy of Drama.)

(Congratulations Adrienna Turner! She won a free copy of George Hudson’s Drama.)

The drama just doesn’t stop in the lives of Deb, Tammy, and Lisa. Deb, the hard worker and savvy entrepreneur, is blessed with a multimillion dollar contract but has to enjoy the success without the comfort of her man whose fledging music career has him busy from state to state.

Tammy has everything a diva could want: a multimillion dollar home, expensive cars, clothes, jewelry, and what she thought was the perfect fiancee. That was until she found out about the other woman that ultimately tore their lives apart.

The oldest and most reserved Lisa becomes a victim of a scorned lover and is now faced with a baby-daddy dilemma that turns tragic.

In the the lives of the trio, there’s never a dull moment. There’s nothing but DRAMA!

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Drama?

George Hudson: I was inspired by women-friends and family members that went through experiences similar to the characters in Drama and I put a little twist to it.

Also, I wanted the characters to be successful black women, as our women are often seen in a negative light. I wanted the public to know that our women are victorious, as well as beautiful!

JP: What sets Drama apart from other novels in its genre?

GH: It engages your mind and imagination as you make your way through the story and interact with the characters in the title as the storyline unfolds.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Drama getting out to the public?

GH: Passion. I am very passionate in my writing, I am dedicated and ambitious. As an author, my goal is to provide fans of urban fiction  and novel readers with nothing but the best of me.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Drama?

GH: I use the traditional pen and pad and write every chapter at least three times to ensure perfect quality for my urban fiction reader fans.  It took me about four months to write Drama.

JP: What’s next for George Hudson?

GH: Blocked In is my next novel, and it is about a woman that was exploited when she was younger by her mother who sold her for drugs. As she got older, she took the streets and met the man of her dreams which was a very prominent black man. She hid her past from him.

As their relationship grew, she kept being haunted by her past and she was trying to hide it from her new guy. Then a man from her past is trying to black mail her, which leads to more drama and murder. Also, Kingdom Publishing Service, an affiliate of GSH Publishing.


George Sherman Hudson
GSH Publishing
Tel: (678) 628-6674

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Cheryl Lynn Pope, author of The Adventures of Princess Zaria

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Cheryl Pope, author of The Adventures of Princess Zaria
(Second Time Media and Communications)

(One of the first ten people to comment on Cheryl Lynn Pope’s author interview will win a FREE COPY of The Adventures of Princess Zaria.)

(Congratulations to Che Lovett. She won a free copy of Cheryl Lynn Pope’s The Adventures of Princess Zaria.)

The Adventures of Princess Zaria is a children’s picture book that is unlike many princess stories. In this first series, Princess Zaria must locate three precious stones in order to be crowned.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The Adventures of Princess Zaria?

Cheryl Pope:
The inspiration came from my little girl, Zaria. I wanted to give her the foundation to increase her self-esteem at a young age so she wouldn’t feel affected by society’s perception of what beauty, weight, or intelligence can be. There are so many negative images that I wanted to show her the positive side of reality. Another underlying theme was to let girls know that you don’t receive things just because. Many times in life you have to work for or seek out opportunities.

JP: What sets The Adventures of Princess Zaria apart from other children’s books in its genre?

CP: This princess doesn’t come from royalty. She doesn’t live in a kingdom or have servants. She isn’t regal. Princess Zaria is real. She is an average little girl with loving parents and friends. Princess Zaria likes to dress in beautiful gowns, but she can be a tomboy at times. She watches cartoons and climbs trees. Princess Zaria is everybody’s little girl.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The Adventures of Princess Zaria getting out to the public?

CP: I promote every chance I get. I’m a part of several online writers groups. I list my events in community newspapers and media calendars. Lately, I’ve been contributing articles to magazines to get my name and product in the limelight. I’m thinking about approaching a major fast food company to sponsor products. If you google my name you’ll see what I’m doing in the literary community.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish The Adventures of Princess Zaria?

I normally free write then go back and make edits. Actually, writing the book was not a very long process. Now, finding an illustrator was a bit more challenging. The whole process took about two years.

JP: What’s next for Cheryl Pope?

CP: A whole lot! We’re in the process of creating The Princess Zaria Fan Club. By the end of summer, I plan to introduce The Princess Zaria Collection. Right now, I’m working with a clothing designer who has shown me some beautiful sketches. Next year, the second series of Princess Zaria will be introduced. Another goal of mine is to produce a magazine for young entrepreneurs under age 17.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

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And the winner is…


I’ll email you for the mailing info.

Thank you everybody for participating. Thank you Antwan Floyd for providing the prize.

To Everybody: Join my newsletter to stay up to date on the next book giveaway.


5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Jean Holloway, author of Black Jack

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Jean Holloway, author of Black Jack
(PHE Ink)

Detective Shevaughn Robinson has gone from the cop everyone doubted to the “golden child” of the Portsborough Police Department. When Helene Elliott is found dead from an apparent suicide, the police are pressured to take on the investigation.

Buckle up and follow Shevaughn as she moves closer to solving the murder of a lonely widow, unknowingly rekindling old grudges and awakening a sinister spirit. Get ready, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Black Jack?

Jean Holloway: When I wrote Ace of Hearts, I ended the novel with a hint of a possible sequel. I had no idea it would be 29 years before I would start Black Jack!

The idea was to continue Detective Shevaughn Robinson’s story, giving her a new case, telling readers what transpired in her life after her first case and answering some of the unanswered questions readers had when they finished reading Ace of Hearts.

JP: What did you learn from writing and promoting Ace of Hearts that you were able to apply to Black Jack?

JH: One of the hardest lessons for me while writing Ace of Hearts was getting the “point of view” correct. It took extensive editing classes and read many books on writing before the light bulb came on. One of the best for me was Stephen King’s On Writing.

When I wrote Black Jack, I think I finally got it right! As for promotion, I learned you can never do too much, and it’s a full time job. Thank God, I found folks like you and Dana Pittman of Nia Promotions to help me with this. I also learned the earlier you start promoting the better.

JP: Who inspired you to write murder mysteries?

JH: My inspirations began with Nancy Drew and Agatha Christie and graduated to Stephen King and Dean Koontz. I have to tell you, I don’t consider Ace of Hearts or Black Jack murder mysteries. I think they’re adult, romantic, psychological, crime thrillers.

The difference? When reading a mystery, the fun is trying to figure out who done it, when reading a thriller you get up close and personal with the killer.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Black Jack?

JH: I don’t have much control over my writing process. I start with an idea, and my characters take over. It amazes me how some authors plot their story. Every time I’ve tried that, I’ve hit a brick wall and come down with writer’s block.

Mostly, I just write what they tell me to. My only problem is that they’re nocturnal, they usually don’t start talking until after midnight. I know it sounds crazy, but it works for me!

It took 18 months to complete Black Jack. One of the reasons it took so long was this is my first time writing a novel on the computer. I found the ability to immediately edit slowed me down and kept me from completing the story. Also I’m a lousy typist! I’m working on that.

JP: What’s next for Jean Holloway?

JH: Promotion, promotion, promotion. First, Nia Promotions and I will begin Black Jack‘s virtual launch. On October 17, 2009, I’ll be at the Georgia Literary Festival, Rome City Auditorium.

I just wrote the prologue for book 3. So far, it’s untitled since my characters haven’t given me that information yet. I just know this time the bad guy isn’t a guy!


No awards yet, but Ace of Hearts was 2008 Best Mystery (here we go again ;o) Finalist in the African American Literary Awards Show against Walter Mosley’s The Tempest Tales. He beat me like a bad child!

Book Giveaway:

Win a copy of Ace of Hearts by JeanHolloway. One lucky commenter will win a copy of Jean’s debut novel. Deadline for comments is 12:00 pm EST October 7, 2009. For more details and to enter to win one of the Reader Prizes visit http://bit.ly/NctRB.

Banned from Vegas with Jean Holloway, is a virtual book tour organized by Nia Promotions, that assists authors and publishers with using web-marketing strategy to market and promote books on the internet.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

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