5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Jill Mattson, author of Transformative Power in Sound

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Jill Mattson, author of Transformative Power in Sound
(Wings of Light )

jill mattson transformative power in sound on amazondotcom

Transformative Power in Sound is a unique book that takes you on an extraordinary journey filled with secrets from age-old cultures along with the latest findings from today’s scientific community. Together, they reveal the immense power and healing capabilities of sound. Three-time author Jill Mattson, guides us along this life-altering adventure using the vast knowledge that she’s accumulated during her intense 17 year study of Antiquities and Secret Societies. These Secret Societies utilized sound as a profound tool to transform people’s consciousness and to create physiological changes in the brain, which in turn helped them heal their mind, body and spirit.

Ms. Mattson now shares the precise ways that we can do the same thing for ourselves. She mesmerizes and empowers the reader by artfully combining her wealth of knowledge with interviews from our most cutting-edge scientists, researchers and practitioners in the field of “Sound Healing and Sound Techniques”. The information gathered from these modern experts clearly demonstrates how impacting and versatile the usage of sound can be. Transformative Power in Sound illustrates the various ways sound can: Alter a person’s brain waves, increase relaxation, eliminate stress, aid the healing process and help us to become happier, healthier and more productive.

Ms. Mattson also introduces the reader to a whole new category of sound that is derived from the vibrations and frequencies of the very stars and planets above. She further shares how the sounds from these “heavenly bodies” actually contain their own exceptional health-promoting properties. After experiencing this fascinating voyage, the reader will hold sound in an entirely new way. One in which we can all use “sound and music” as accessible tools to improve our over-all health, emotional healing, intelligence, energy and well being…

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Transformative Power in Music: Health, Intelligence and Energy through the Power of Music?

Jill Mattson: Music was an inspiration in my life ever since I was a child. I embarked on a seventeen-year journey into the study of antiquity with an emphasis on secret societies, such as the Tibetan monks, the ancient Chinese, the ancient Egyptians, the Druids and others. My breath seemed to stop every time I learned a technique that used music or sound to increase intelligence, health energy and spirituality. The ancient people summed these qualities into the idea of “consciousness” and created sounds to increase consciousness. I wrote about these technical tidbits.

At the end of these years of studies I accumulated five notebooks of incredible information. For thousands of years people successfully used frequencies to heal, increase intelligence and provide emotional benefits. I wanted to give these same gifts to our communities today, so I decided to write this book.

JP: Transformative Power in Sound covers a unique topic. How were you able to gain information from such a diverse group of people?

JM: Magical coincidences enabled me to meet diverse scientists that were studying subjects that corresponded to the findings that I found in antiquity. I also “bumped” into a sound healer from India, who gave healing sounds concerts to thousands of people with remarkable success.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your successes that lead to Transformative Power in Sound getting out to the public?

JM: The public has loved my talks about these findings. I also offered a free newsletter on sound healing…available at wwww.jillshealingmusic.com.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Transformative Power in Sound?

JM: The research was over 17 years, but the interviews and editing took a bit over a year.

JP: What is next for Jill Mattson?

JM: I had the tremendous fortune to work with Sharry Edwards who has a developed an system of sound healing that precisely analyzes tones in your voice and uncovers frequency codes with in the body for physical, mental and emotional issues. The book is about her discoveries and using the concepts of secret voice codes for healing in a variety of formats.

My website is www.jillswingsoflight.com. Free mp3s and healing sounds newsletters are available at www.jillshealingmusic.com and www.paintyoursoul.com. I am a fine artist with sonorous and fluid paintings and prints at www.jillswingsoflight.com and redbubble.com/jillMattson and artistrising.com/JillMattson.

You can contact me at www.jillimattson@yahoo.com or at MySpace.com/Jillswingsoflight. I’d love to hear from you.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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Black Men Taking Charge Blog interviews Joey Pinkney 7-16-09

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As a person who regularly does author interviews, the experience of being sought out for an interview is a weird one. It’s like asking the scientist to be the subject.

Tinisha Nicole Johnson asked me for an interview based my author interviews and recent foray into becoming an author. The answers that stemmed from her questions were posted on the Black Men Taking Charge Blog.

During the interview I talk about:

  • why I love Black women
  • the Black woman who made a difference in my life
  • my definition of success
  • my advice for the Black young men and women

Please take the time to read and leave a comment by clicking on the picture above.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Michelle Larks, author of Til Debt Do Us Part

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Michelle Larks, author of Til Debt Do Us Part
(Urban Books)

michelle larks till debt do us part on amazondotcom

Nichole Singleton seems to have everything a woman could want. She is a God fearing woman married to her loving husband Jeff. Her career is taking off in the right direction, and her ministry is that of the lead soprano in her church choir.

Despite the content facade that Nikki portrays, all is not well in her life. She has been keeping a secret from all of those near and dear to her. That secrets threatens to unravel the fabric of her marriage and life. Nikki has succumbed to a terrible gambling addiction due to unresolved issues that she is unable to face or communicate to her husband, friends or mother.

Til Debt Do Us Part is the story of a young woman in crisis and how the Lord brought her through a raging storm.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Til Debt Do Us Part?

Michelle Larks: Keeping Misery Company was selected by an online book club as their book of the month. There were discussions as to how readers would like to see characters portrayed in Christian fiction stories.

One suggestion was they’d like to see people experiencing real life struggles, including addictions. I had already began writing Til Debt Do Us Part, so I felt like I was headed in the right direction. I’d hear people around me talk about gambling, going to the boat and playing the lottery or sports pools. I thought that might make for an interesting story line.

JP: Gambling and the Church are seemingly opposite each other in terms of moral standards. What insight will Til Debt Do Us Part provide about the affect of gambling on a Christian?

ML: I’m hoping people will walk away after reading Til Debt Due Us Part and know that God is still there for us, that he loves us and he will help us overcome any addiction. God helps us realize that none of us are perfect even Christians. We struggle with issues from time to time. That’s a part of life. Realizing God is there to guide us, if we just follow his will, is half the battle.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Til Debt Do Us Part getting out to the public?

ML: What I’ve been doing to promote Til Debt Do Us Part is a lot of online marketing. I’ve been participating in blog radio shows as they are available, and I pass out material when I participate in events. Most of all I’ve sent ARC copies of Til Debt Do Us Part to reviewers so they can read for me.

JP: As an author, what did you learn from writing your past novels that better prepared you to write Til Debt Do Us Part? How long did it take for you to start and finish Til Debt Do Us Part?

ML: As an author, I try to give a story my best shot in preparing it for the reading public. That means editing and then more editing. I think writing previous novels along with good feedback from readers and reviewers has helped me to write what I hope are consistently good books that have an uplifting message as well as entertain at points.

JP: What’s next for Michelle Larks?

ML: I just finished writing my 2010 release titled Faith. It will be out in May of 2010. It’s one of my best novels to date, at least that’s this author’s opinion. Also Keeping Misery Company is slated to be released on the big screen in June of 2010. I am really looking forward to both events.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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