5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Jeremy Williams, author of Detroit’s Black Bottom Community

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Jeremy Williams, author of Detroit’s Black Bottom Community
(Arcadia Publishing)

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Local historian Jeremy Williams combines careful research with archived photographs for an insightful look at Black Bottom’s early beginnings, its racial transformation, the building of a socioeconomically solvent community through various processes of institution building and networking, and its ultimate demise and the dislocation of its residents.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Detroit’s Black Bottom Community?

Jeremy Williams: It started many years ago when, as a child growing up in Detroit, I often heard stories about the glorious days Black Bottom and Paradise Valley. I really took interest in learning about the history of this small black community when a friend took me to an Eastside neighborhood bar called Black Bottom.

When I entered college several years later, I took a Detroit African American history seminar with Dr. Richard Thomas where the idea took shape and form. I eventually entered graduate school hoping to turn my research essay into an MA thesis.

JP: What sets Detroit’s Black Bottom Community apart from other biographies of African-American communities of the past?

JW: I think it connects the history of black American struggle to the larger one (even at the diaspora level) rather than separate. There were many Black Bottom communities throughout the nation which were connected by origin, racial and economic structural similarities.

One of the interesting things I learned about Detroit’s Black Bottom community is that originally the name had nothing to do with color. The name was given by French settlers in relation to its rich soil, just as the many other Black Bottom communities were given their names under the same circumstances. That’s why I decided to dedicate the first chapter to the community’s first inhabitants – European immigrants.

The thing that might perhaps set this book aside from others is that it is the first book on Detroit’s Black Bottom community, and it is loaded with great archival photos depicting black and white life in Black Bottom. There certainly are other books on Detroit history that looks at black Detroit history from various angles. Richard Thomas, Elaine Latzman, Herbert Metoyer and Peggy Moore, Ernest Borden, Thomas Sugrue, and many others have written extensively on Detroit’s black history.

I think David M. Katzman’s book, Before the Ghetto: Black Detroit in the Nineteenth Century is perhaps the first critical work on black Detroit history, but I could be wrong. All of these books looked at the black community as a whole rather than study Black Bottom as a black community. I think that is what sets this book aside from other attempts.

JP: What did you learn as a historian that made you a better author while writing Detroit’s Black Bottom Community?

JW: Well, my old college professor, Dr. Christine Daniels, once told me, “If you want to understand history, follow the money.” To really understand what happened to Black Bottom and the constant shifts and changes occurring in the lives of those living in Black Bottom, I had to understand the complex economic interplay between race and politics. Even the violent Jim Crow racism that the Black Bottom community experienced was somehow inextricably tied to money.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Detroit’s Black Bottom Community?

JW: I researched this book for about 3-4 months. I wrote it in about 3 months. After spending about 2 months in Detroit conducting research, I went to Arizona and began the arduous task of sifting through notes, images, and notepad drafts. I found a nice little café, loaded up my laptop and went to work.

JP: What’s next for Jeremy Williams?

JW: I am going to finish writing a historical novel titled A Tunica Sunset, and I’m working on another novel tentatively titled, Denicio Barbier is a Lesbian. And I’m going to go to San Francisco!


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P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… B. Lisa, author of You Know Better

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
B. Lisa, author of You Know Better

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B. Lisa takes you into the lives of four people dealing with the ups and downs in their relationships and friendships caused by love, lies and lust. You Know Better is not a typical story but a story anyone could relate too. It is written similar to Waiting to Exhale, where friendships and relationships are put to the test  and mixed with elements reminiscent of Afterburn where true love is found.

You Know Better is an erotica mixed with urban street lit that tells the story of four friends who are either being mistreated for loving, scared to love, vows never to love and who wants to share their love. Because of the betrayal, deception and unfaithfulness that are going on in their relationships and friendships, will they have a chance at love?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write You Know Better?

B. Lisa: The inspiration came from a challenge from my little sister to write a better story than the book we both were reading. The idea that sparked You Know Better came from a conversation between a friend and I. My friend was going through some craziness with her boyfriend, and the things she was allowing him to do to her made me think she should have known better.

JP: Why did you decide to mix erotica, urban lit and romance to tell the story in You Know Better?

BL: After reading many erotica books and many urban lit books, I wanted my first book to have all the key ingredients to makes me want to read it in a day. With the combination of erotica, hot and steamy sexy sex scenes mixed with urban lit, very explicit and strong language, to me, it’s the perfect recipe of an interesting page-turner.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to You Know Better getting out to the public?

BL: Besides word of mouth, book signings, family and friends, facebook, myspace and twitter, people like you, Mr. Pinkney, that offers interviews on the author and their books.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish You Know Better?

BL: This started out as a joint venture between my little sister and me. I was to start it, and she was to finish it. I end up writing the entire story. Because I was working two jobs, I wrote You Know Better in about nine months.

My writing process consists of watching people, listening to everyday conversations and writing down phrases of what people are saying if I think it is something I may want to put in my book. I also listen to music and just using my imagination.

JP: Whats next for B. Lisa?

BL: I’m in the process of finishing up my third novel, One Love One Addiction: The Alicia Coles Story. I’m having my second novel, La Femme Nikki, professionally edited. I’m still promoting my debut novel, You Know Better.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Rich McLaughlin, author of Southside Hustler

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Rich McLaughlin, author of Southside Hustler
(5ive Star Publications Publications)

rich mclaughlin southside hustler on amazondotcom

Southbridge, located in Wilmington , Delaware, has had it share of hustlers come and go. The daily grind of having to fight every day just to survive can break the strongest of men. Now there is a new breed of hustlers, who are on top of the game. From the projects of South Side come Raymir, Scrap, Pie, Swagger and Boogie Down. The streets adopted them, became their father and showed them nothing but love. These five in turn show love back to the streets.

They have women, cars, money and more importantly the respect. They have many hustles, but the main one, nobody has a clue about. They rob banks, and their heists go according to plan until info leaks that could put the whole operation on front street. Then there is Knowledge. He is Raymir’s life-long friend who went to jail protecting him under the influence of the street code. When he is released from prison after 7 years, he is a humble man who steps back into the game.

The rules of the game and the death of a close friend causes Knowledge to start a war in the streets of Wilmington that set the city on fire. Will the bond that these six share be enough to keep the clique pressure tight? Or will the rules of the game shatter that bond. Take a ride through Southside.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Southside Hustler?

Richard McLaughlin: Like so many young brothers from my era, the streets were our fathers. For me, it was best to write about things that I could identify with. This was especially important for my first novel.

I didn’t want to try to talk about things I had no knowledge of. Not to say this is a true story, but where I grew up at these events were a part of life. For some it’s like running alongside of their past.

JP: What sets Southside Hustler apart from other novels that detail street life?

RM: For one, readers who lived, traveled through or heard about Wilmington, Delaware, can identify with the story. The places that I mention in the book are real.

Also, the main character Raymir has a special bond with three kids from his Projects. Although they too are in the streets, he keeps them on track. He sponsors basketball tournaments in which these kids can get exposure, and he stresses that they maintain a certain grade point average. He makes sure they stay out of trouble. He’s like a modern day Bumpy Johnson.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Southside Hustler getting out to the public?

RM: First and foremost I have an excellent publishing company, and my publicist is on point. Even when I’m lax she’s on top of things. The area in which I live isn’t the issue, I’ve done good here. Sharmina T. Ellis, who is my publicist, has booked numerous book signings in various areas outside of where I live.

I’m also accessible on the internet. I just have to keep pushing with advertisements. I do signings at plays, so there is access to the public who come from other places to attend the event.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Southside Hustler?

RM: Sometimes, I can just sit down and type. The key is as I’m out and about, things come to me. Ideas that I can use in the book. The important thing is to micromanage. Remembering these good ideas and forming them into a story line that doesn’t stray from story.

It took me about a year to write the book. I did it while working full time and going to college full time. I just graduated in December 08 with my B.S. in Human Services.

JP: What’s next for Rich McLaughlin?

RM: I’m currently working on Part II. Southside Hustler Pt. II Raymirs Revenge I have a few ideas with some other areas I want to try as far as genre. I put my education on hold to get my “Grussel” on, “Grinding and Hussling”. I wanted to hit’em hard with my book, and it’s been a good experience. I will eventually go back and pursue my Masters in Social Work.

Richard McLaughlin first moved to Southbridge in 1980. All of his child hood experiences are associated with the South Side of Wilmington, Delaware. He is the proud father of two beautiful daughters. He is a Springfield graduate with a BS in Human Services, a motivational speaker, author, and aspiring poet. He began writing his debut novel Southside Hustler in the winter of 2006, while working and going to college fulltime.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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