5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Cherilyn Vonn, author of Weekly Wisdom: 52 Ways to Live a More Fulfilled Life

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Cherilyn Vonn, author of Weekly Wisdom: 52 Ways to Live a More Fulfilled Life
(Aminia Books and Publishing)

cherilyn vonn weekly wisdom on amazondotcom

Weekly Wisdom acts as a mirror reflecting those images that we often avoid looking at because it reveals the truth about ourselves that we often try to disguise or avoid all together. As women we are taught to be strong and never reveal our insecurities are fears and yet in trying to be everything to everyone we often loose ourselves in the process. This book serves as the foundational platform that allows you to be stress free, drama free and debt free in order for you to live your life to the fullest by:

  • Drawing you desire
  • Getting unplugged
  • Releasing your past

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Weekly Wisdom: 52 Ways to Live a More Fulfilled Life?

Cherilyn Vonn: Pain was the guiding force that paved way for the conception of Weekly Wisdom. I finally got to a point in my life where I was “sick and tired of being sick and tired!” I knew GOD had a larger vision of me than I had for myself. I found myself on an emotional merry-go-round of complacency, failed relationships and negativity. It was honestly draining the life out of me.

I believe we all come to a point in our lives in which we question our existence. For me I knew there had to be more to life than merely working a j.o.b. that I hated, living paycheck to paycheck and spiritually exhausted! I started a journey of understanding and forgiveness that allowed me the opportunity to find myself and embrace the essence of who I am and not the illusion of others perception of who I was or should be.

I released self-loathing for self-love, self-sabotage for self-acceptance and self-criticism for self-knowledge and forgiveness. I wanted to help others. Weekly Wisdom is a life-enrichment tool that has information and insight for everyone who are ready to release the shackles and be free!

JP: What sets Weekly Wisdom apart from other motivational books?

CV: Motivation, ugh! I always cringe when I hear that word. Weekly Wisdom is not a motivational book. Let me explain my reasoning; to me motivation is based off your feelings and emotions. We’ve all been to a seminar or read a book that motivated us to change. Just as quickly as the motivation came, it quickly left. Nine times out of 10, the urge to change did too.

Weekly Wisdom: 52 Ways to Live a More Fulfilled Life is a blueprint for making the necessary changes to be stress free, debt free and drama free. It’s an owner’s manual that never loses its value or importance. The wisdom embedded throughout this book is what I have used to transform my life as well as others who have used these very principles and are now reaping the benefits of living authentically and purposefully!

Many “motivational” books out today offer a sugar rush without giving you the “meat and potatoes” that will sustain the readers. It’s like eating dessert without the main course. This book is the dinner that gives you the valuable nutrients needed to live a healthy life.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Weekly Wisdom getting out to the public?

CV: Commitment, faith, discipline and obedience!

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Weekly Wisdom?

CV: Writing the book didn’t take very long at all. The real work, or shall I say process, started after I wrote the book. There’s more to writing a book of any genre than merely putting pen to paper. There is a lot of behind the scene work that is involved. My writing process was simply making a commitment to write no less than a chapter a day!

There were a few days the chapters sort of spilled forth effortlessly, and there where other times that a chapter was all I could do. My commitment was no less than a chapter a day. Within a month’s time, I had completed my first draft of Weekly Wisdom!

JP: What’s next for Cherilyn Vonn?

CV: I am currently working on my second book entitled Unveiling the Mask as well as a few other projects in which I am contributing too. Weekly Wisdom has become a movement which includes workshops and tele-seminars as well as coaching process! I’m thankful for the favorable responses since it’s release!


Featured in the St. Louis American “People on the Move” section of the newspaper.

Featured as the Inspire Me Today Luminary, an honor that has been given to many of the motivational gurus such as Les Brown, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and other inspirational greats. Go to: http://www.inspiremetoday.com/ and enter my name Cherilyn Vonn

Featured on the television show: Pathways to Healing as 2008 Most Phenomenal Woman

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Patti Lacy, author of What The Bayou Saw

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Patti Lacy, author of What the Bayou Saw
(Kregel Publications)

patti lacy what the bayou saw on amazondotcom

In 1960s Louisiana, segregation and a chain link fence separated twelve-year old Sally Flowers from her best friend, Ella Ward. Yet a brutal rape and a blood oath bound them together.

Forty years later, when Shamika, Sally’s community college student, is raped, Sally must decide whether to dredge up childhood secrets long buried beneath bayou waters in order to help the young woman she’s grown to love.

Will she take the risk to help and to heal or continue her habit of lying and covering up?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write What the Bayou Saw?

Patti Lacy: Sheila Flanagan, assistant director of the Museum of Mobile, provided the inspiration for my second novel. During the 1960s, Sheila was a resident of the Mobile, Alabama’s Toulminville neighborhood. She befriended her next-door neighbor, a little girl who happened to be white.

When both sets of parents forbade the girls to play in each others’ yards, the girls kept their friendship alive by sticking toys through the spaces in a chain-link fence and engaging in parallel play.

This image of two hands, one brown, one white, reaching through links so like the bonds of slavery, captured my heart and wouldn’t let go until I put it to paper.

JP: What sets What the Bayou Saw apart from other novels in its genre?

PL: Three professional black women grabbed my hands and helped me shape the characters of Ella, Shamika, and Ruby. What fun we had kneading and molding those wild personalities! We did our best to examine the glittering monster of racism from all of its often hidden facets.

I thank Kregel Publications for taking a chance on a book some reviewers are “too chicken” to cover.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to What the Bayou Saw getting out to the public?

PL: God has blessed me with a proactive agent, Cheri Kaufman, a couple of wonderful publicists in Kregel’s Cat Hoort and Wynn & Wynn’s Jeane Wynn, and Ty Moody, who’s rapidly becoming a blogging force to be reckoned with.

That being said, God has given me a chance to meet readers through book signings, library appearances, online chats, and radio and television venues. I try to take care of one reader at a time and let God take care of everything else.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish What the Bayou Saw?

PL: I start with that core image that captures my brain and won’t let go. Then I try to write a two- or three-sentence hook for my story, which is expanded to a paragraph, then a three- or four-page synopsis.

Next come scenes and a daily page goal. It took one year, probably averaging ten-hour days of writing (five days a week) to write and rewrite and write and rewrite What the Bayou Saw.

JP: What’s next for Patti Lacy?

PL: My Name is Sheba has been written and awaits publication. Here’s the hook paragraph:

“Sheila Franklin loves a son she never knew and a husband who doesn’t know her. Then her past comes knocking-in the form of a young soldier and a Thai prostitute-and threatens to expose her deceptive ways.”

I’m conceptualizing a story called Reclaiming Lily. Here’s that hook. And YES, I hope to go to China with my “little sister,” Wang Sue. Here’s that hook:

“Li Ming abandons her baby on the banks of the Yangtze instead of tossing the child to the river gods, as fate-and her mother-demand. Broken-hearted, she returns to the studies she hopes will gain her passage through Harvard’s ivy-covered gates.

Inexplicably her test scores plummet. Feeling she has angered the river gods, she pedals to a nearby village to work at an orphanage. A chubby dimpled baby-her own girl-is brought in by a raggedy peddler and later adopted by an American pastor and his wife.

Li plunges herself into her schoolwork and is soon bound for America-but with very different motives than she has listed on the student visa.”


More information about Patti:

When Patti Lacy left the Louisiana swamps for college in 1972, she returned to one of her first homes, the boys’ athletic dorm at Baylor University. Patti’s two hundred big brothers entertained her with magic tricks and tales of wild escapades, planting the love of stories in her heart.

The influence of her schoolteacher parents led Patti to pursue an education degree at Baylor University and master’s work in literature. She taught in public schools and at Heartland Community College until she resigned in 2005 to write full-time.

Patti’s first novel of women’s Christian fiction, An Irishwoman’s Tale, explores the first memories of a feisty woman grappling with scars inflicted by living in two dysfunctional homes.

An Irishwoman’s Tale was a Foreword Magazine finalist for 2008 Book of the Year, General Fiction. What the Bayou Saw, a novel of deception and secrets that will take a chatty Southerner from Normal, Illinois, back to a Louisiana swamp, released in April of 2009.

Patti and her husband Alan, an ISU faculty member, live in Normal, AL. They have two grown children and a dog named Laura.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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Don Durant interviews Joey Pinkney on BlogTalkRadio’s Living, Caring, Learning, Sharing

Press play to learn more about me and my goings on with this website and also http://joeyisinit.com.

When you listen to this interview, keep in mind that it takes more than a two-year-old hopping in my lap begging for candy or a storm in New York to stop me from making my segment a success!

Towards the end, Don kicks a poem for me. That inspired me, and I had to share my poetic inclinations. You’ll get a sneak peak at the poem that can be found at the end of my short story “Like Father, Like Son” from the anthology The Soul Of A Man.

Please leave a comment below and let me now what you think about the interview.

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