5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… LaToya S. Watkins, author of In Love With Losers

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
LaToya S. Watkins, author of In Love With Losers
(Peace In The Storm Publishing)

latoya watkins in love with losers on amazondotcom

Women just love men. Some like ’em tall, others like ’em buff; some women even like ’em chubby. As three friends, Zora, Donisha, and Chelle, journey through life, each fights her own battle of love. Yet, they must all wrestle with determining whether or not the men in their lives are losers or lovers; real or fake.

As the truth slowly reveals itself to each of them, they start to realize what love and relationships are really made of.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write In Love With Losers?

LaToya S. Watkins: A male cousin and I were sitting around complaining about how women get caught up in relationships that they should have seen as bad from the very beginning. I always call this particular cousin a male chauvinist (because he is). Of course, he made his normal negative comments about women.

But this night as he commented, and the wheels turned in my head. I was surprised when he looked at me seriously and said, “You should write something to help them see what they doing wrong, Toy.” I completed the first three chapters that night.

JP: What sets In Love With Losers apart from other novels that deal with the difficulties of finding that perfect, stable relationship?

LW: The characters we meet in In Love with Losers step outside of themselves and are forced to take responsibility for the faults and failures their relationships. This pushes them to evolve into beings who are more capable of understanding others. They become more accepting the reality of their situations, which enables them to move forward and love in a manner acceptable to God, themselves and their significant others.

In a sense the characters have to go through the process of weeding out the inner-loser in order to decide if the lovers they have chosen are losers as well.

JP: In In Love With Losers, which character is most like you? And why?

LW: I can identify with all of the characters in the story. I think I just so happened to drop remnants of myself in each of them. If forced to choose, I would say that Zora is most like me. Zora is strong but human. She is wounded but knows where to go to gain strength and forgiveness for herself and others.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish In Love With Losers?

LW: I always laugh first when asked about my writing process. Usually a good stall to make up one. No, really, I just write. I write about what I’m feeling or what I’m thinking and even what I’m seeing. The best time for writing–for me–is when I’m at the peak of a certain emotion. If I’m real pissed off, I can write. If I’m real happy or sad, I write. So when it comes to defining my writing process, I guess there really isn’t a way to, but even having no identifiable process-is a process, right?

I started In Love with Losers in May of 2005 and had it put in my stack of “things I’m done with” by August of the same year because my summer break from school was up. Once I get started on a piece, I don’t breathe until it’s done. But in my mind, it’s never done. I’m always going back and making adjustments, so I guess, even though “I’m done” with In Love with Losers, I’ll never really finish it.

JP: What’s next for LaToya S. Watkins?

LW: Well, I’m working on a few novels for Peace in the Storm. I’m extremely excited about my next novel, Dorothy, which will be released in early 2010. I am falling in love with the characters in this story, and I’ve actually shed a few tears for them myself.

I am also working on about a dozen short stories right now, which are becoming my little masterpieces in their own rights. I can see God’s hand in my work more and more as each day passes. I know that one day I will disappear from what he creates completely. If I continue to follow him, I go from here is wherever he takes me.


LaToya is also the author of the blog, Loser Chronicles. These chronicles are designed as a sort of personal how-to-guide for women (and men) to spot and recognize the losers in their lives.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Tyrone Sanders, author of Does Family Really Matter

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Tyrone Sanders, author of Does Family Really Matter

tyrone sanders does family matter on luludotcom

Now the new Does Family Really Matter book is available to everyone. This book delivers a true resolution for families being reunited. Parents having better connections with their children and marriages being reconstructed. Some might ask, does family really matter? Within this amazing book for families around the world, you will receive an answer. This book is truly a blessing for families around the world. After reading this book, you should never have to ask if family really matter ever again.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Does Family Really Matter?

Tyrone Sanders: One day when I was visiting family and we reminisced about the good old days. The question of how much I cared about everybody came up. I have shown love for my father, mother, siblings, children, and cousins, so I was not sure why the question came up. I sat there for a moment and told them that family really does matter to me.

Being the visionary that I am, I went over the fun and details of that specific day with my family and how important they made me feel. I came up with the idea to write Does Family Really Matter.

JP: Why did you decide to make this story both a novel and a stage play?

TS: As I read my story, I noticed Does Family Really Matter encompassed a lot of issues that people could relate to. This includes issues such as addictions, love, trust, consideration, faith, understanding, friendship, gang violence, loyalty, restoration, faithfulness and most importantly forgiveness. I saw a message of restoration that the whole world could use. That is the reason for delivering it in a novel and stage play performance.

JP: As an author, what are the keys your success that lead to Does Family Really Matter getting out to the public?

TS: Well, I tested my story locally first. Then I gave it a test through my family members across the country to see what they thought about my work. When my family liked it, I pushed forward in sharing it with the world.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Does Family Really Matter?

TS: As an author, I don’t procrastinate or keep waiting until the mood hits me. Although I came up with the idea, it took about two months to start working on the project and about four and a half months to finish writing the story. I started writing Does Family Really Matter in June and finished it in November of 2008.

JP: What’s next for Tyrone Sanders?

TS: My next project is another play, but I don’t think it will be a novel also. The next play is called, If These Walls Could Talk. It is totally a gospel play, totally a thrill and totally what the world can use in the realms of restoration and forgiveness.

Thank you very much for this opportunity and God bless you Mr. Joey Pinkney for your brotherly love and may God continue to bless you.

To get this book, you can either go to the LuLu Bookstore at, www.lulu.com, type “Does Family Really Matter” to receive your copy of the book. You may also send $14.95 plus $2.95 Shipping and Handling to: Sanders’ Enterprises Post Office Box 783 Jackson, TN 38301-0783. Last, but not least, you may request an invoice by sending an e-mail to: extramilebox@yahoo.com.

Mr. Sanders is asking all of his Family and friends to purchase a copy of each one of his books and keep watching because he is progressively on the rise to stardom. If you would like to write to Tyrone and keep up with the moves that he is making, you may write to him at, tyronesandersbegan@yahoo.com. You can also catch Tyrone Sanders on MySpace at www. myspace.com/sandersenterprises.

If you have a problem finding Tyrone Sanders that way, you can type in the e-mail address sandersenterprises07@yahoo.com to be added as a Myspace friend. Thank you all and hope you all enjoy the new Does Family Really Matter Book and watch out for the Gospel Stage Play for Does Family Really Matter. God bless you all and have a great day.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Gary Johnson, author of 25 Things That Really Matter in Life

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Gary Johnson, author of 25 Things That Really Matter in Life
(Courtland Press)

gary johnson 25 things in life on mahoganybooksdotcom

25 Things That Really Matter In Life will help you identify your natural gifts and how to use them to feel better about yourself. Gary Johnson uses worksheets to outline the principles of Life Mastery to cleanse your mind of all the dysfunctional thoughts that have accumulated over the years.

Practicing Life Mastery will allow you to develop yourself to be the best “you” that you can be for yourself, family and friends. Control the quality of your life by making 25 Things That Really Matter In Life a part of your daily living. This book was written for people who have some sense of needing to make changes in their life but do not know how to do it.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write 25 Things That Really Matter in Life?

Gary Johnson: I wrote this book at one of the lowest points in my life. My businesses were heavily in debt . Although I continued to function every day, there were times when I did not feel good about myself. Through it all, I continued to try to affect the lives of others through my training seminars and speeches.

I also went out of my way to make sure I was an active dad for my sons. On a Friday night, in September 2006, I decided to write down the things that really mattered to me. I stopped the list at twenty-five and shelved the project for another year.

Putting pen to paper was a measure of accountability. Thirteen months later I was ready to be accountable and make a change in my life. Writing my thoughts on paper was therapeutic and gave me a sense of relief. This process was a “freeing” experience that helped me to feel good again.

JP: What sets 25 Things That Really Matter in Life apart from other motivational books?

GJ: This book is universal in that it is easy to read and understand and appeals to men and women of all races and culture. The book has worksheets that help examine your life in a way that perhaps you haven’t done before.

Looking at your life and the choices you’ve made in an open and honest way can be an emotional and gut-wrenching experience. As you rewind your mental tapes, you are likely to see a pattern of decision-making that is self-defeating or sabotaging. This book wastes no time helping you to help yourself.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to 25 Things That Really Matter in Life getting out to the public?

GJ: I’m fortunate that I own digital media in the form of a very popular web site/online magazine called Black Men In America.com (www.blackmeninamerica.com). This site gets millions of hits a month from both men and women and provides a forum that most authors don’t have as a starting point.

I’m also a successful management consultant and motivational speaker who has traveled around the world and developed a network. I have to consistently work hard. When you have an established network, you can also work smart. For authors who don’t have a web site, my advice is to get one. The key to success is to market and let people know you are out there and that your book is worth buying.

JP: Who would best benefit from 25 Things That Really Matter in Life?

GJ: I firmly believe that anyone who purchases this book will benefit from reading it. If you’re asking me about a demographic or target market, I would have to say women would benefit the most from reading this book because my experience is that they tend to read more books than men.

JP: What’s next for Gary Johnson?

GJ: I plan to write a book on relationships using the same “keep it simple and keep it real” formula as 25 Things That Really Matter in Life. I’m not ready to share the specifics just yet. Let’s just say that you can never have enough books on relationships. I also want to continue my efforts to help authors and independent artist have their voices heard through Black Men In America.com.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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