5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Michelle Stimpson, author of Trouble In My Way

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Michelle Stimpson, author of Trouble In My Way
(Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster)

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It’s all Karis’ mom’s fault. If she hadn’t snooped into Karis’s diary, she never would have known about Karis’s unauthorized activies. Now, Karis is grounded indefinitely with no modem, no iPod…and no cell phone.

There’s just no way Karis can survive being cut off from the world. Add a “shiesty” potential stepmother, a dangerous relationship with a self-proclaimed bad boy and the constant pressure to cover her sneaky tracks – the combination makes a perfect recipe for high drama.

Will faith in God help Karis get through, or has she pushed grace, and her mother, too far?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration for Trouble In My Way?

Michelle Stimpson: I was sitting in a Florida restaurant with ReShonda Tate-Billingsley discussing the release of her new young adult book, talking about what a ministry God has opened up through young adult fiction. She encouraged me to write a book for young adults, so I did.

When I write Christian fiction for adults, I know that I’m often trying to “undo” some of the damage that we’ve endured in our lives. When I write for young adults, it’s more proactive. I like that aspect. I wanted to write a book about a young lady who learns some things the hard way so that my readers hopefully won’t have to.

JP: What sets Trouble In My Way apart from your other releases?

MS: This is a short, fun read with a serious message. Since it’s for a different genre, it’s being promoted, shelved and received differently. I hope to be able to capture a whole new audience with this one.

JP: What have you learned from getting your previous book published that will help Trouble In My Way be better than the rest?

MS: Hmmm…this is a tough one because I don’t know that Trouble In My Way is necessarily “better.” All of my books are like my children, so I can’t say which one is better. I can, however, say that Trouble In My Way took me way back as a writer and made me think/reason in teenage terms. In that sense, it has a voice all its own.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Trouble In My Way?

MS: I wrote this book mostly over the Christmas Break of 2006. It took me about 6 weeks to write, and I enjoyed every single minute of it. I had a pretty detailed outline and went from there. Since I was pretty much able to write from sun up to sundown (no school, no work), it went fairly quickly.

JP: What’s next for Michelle Stimpson?

MS: I just signed another 3-book deal (adult Christian fiction), and I’m working on a follow-up to my first novel, Boaz Brown. Aside from that, I’m releasing short stories, and I’ll probably do a little teaching at the college level this fall. I’m also working to earn my ministry license.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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Read an excerpt of Joey Pinkney’s short story “Like Father, Like Son”

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Hello. My name is Joey Pinkney. You may or may not know me, but you know my story. One way or another we all related, even if not directly. I wanted to bring your attention to my short story that was recently published in The Soul of a Man: A Triumph My Soul Anthology. I wanted to take the time to share my story and my experience with you. Hope you can buy a copy or two for our family. If you can’t buy one, spread the word. This is truly a positive event that more people need to know about.

The Soul of a Man features 14 contributors. This book features Essence Best Selling authors, Jazz musicians, Poets…and Book Reviewers. Each of us answer the question: What lies in the soul of a man? There are essays, short stories and a great range of emotions that is normally missing from the portrayal of Black Men in American Literature. Although the official release date if June 21st for the anthology, I’m selling pre-order copies through my website http://joeyisinit.com.

Here is an excerpt from Joey Pinkney’s short story “Like Father, Like Son” featured in Peace In The Storm Publishing’s The Soul of a Man: A Triumph of My Soul Anthology:

Speaking of scrambled eggs, there was something that I always heard after the trains came through: a mixture of clanking, sloshing, and scraping. Like clockwork, the sound of the eggs scrambling was one that would await me on the far end of the house, each and every morning. It got to the point where I could tell which fork and which bowl Mary was using. On this particular morning, she was furiously fusing the yolk with the white using the plastic fork with the three prongs one of our porcelain bowls. I guessed that it was the white bowl with the brown trim around the edge.

I paused and thanked God for waking me up that morning. I relieved myself, washed my face and mentally prepared for battle. This gave the cliche ‘I hate Mondays’ a new significance.

“Good morning.” I figured I would enter the room and break the ice. I slid my chair out, sat down and accidentally shifted the table.

“Morning…” Mary barely said. She sounded like she was asking me a question. I silently watched. Mary solemnly turned from the stove, looked at the table, squinted at me, and paused to look back to the table. She stared at the table for only a split second, but it felt like a whole minute. She turned back around to finish scrambling my eggs. “You hurt my feelings last night…” I could barely hear her over the sizzling grease. She pulled out a spatula from the squeaky drawer.

And there it was…the beginning all over again.

“I hurt your feelings? By wanting to protect the safety of this household?” I figured that if I’m going to go in, I’m going to go all in.

Her body stiffened as she turned around and pointed that old, melted spatula at me.

“No! You don’t love Andre, and it shows!” I could see a mist of spittle spray the message out of her mouth like a shotgun blast.

“Calm down. And stop pointing that spatula at me. You know that ain’t cool.” I hated being pointed at. It always reminded me of the time a cop pointed his gun in my face for nothing more than chuckles and to impress his partner. I was eleven and vowed to never be in that situation again. I told her that story a million times, but she never stopped pointing things at me.

“You hate him… Don’t you…” She wasn’t asking me. Mary was telling me. My world stopped spinning. My face felt flushed with anger as her question forced its way into my mind.

“Yeah, I hate him,” I said with anger lacing my every word. She gasped like a roach had jumped out from my mouth. Before she could jump in and say anything, I finished my statement. “I hate him so much that I call him my son, even though he has always refused to call me anything but Terrence in the eight years we’ve been a family.”

Mary triggered a strange spirit within me. I couldn’t stop talking. “I hate him so much that I sit down with him after I get home from work. Even though I’m tired, I make sure he does all of his homework. Even though I’m tired, I make sure he understands the lessons he should have learned in class since the teachers have him all day.”

Mary tried to jump in the argument, but I rambled on. “I hate him so much that I take time off of work during the day…to run up to the school with you…to plead with the principal…to not expel him for smoking weed in the girl’s bathroom! The! Girl’s! Bathroom!”

At this point Mary was screaming at the top of her lungs, but I couldn’t hear her. I only heard my own words. “I hate him so much that I make it a point to talk to him about being a Black man in America even though he strives to be a low-life nobody.”

With that last statement, Mary dropped the burnt spatula on the floor in utter shock. Chunks of scrambled eggs splattered on her feet and her eyes welled up bitter tears. When I saw her lips trembling, I tried to tell her I was sorry, but I couldn’t get the words out. She ran out of the kitchen shrieking, “Why God?!!”

After she slammed the bedroom door shut, she cried at the top of her lungs and from the bottom of her soul. I wasn’t sorrowful. I was satiated. My soul was serene. I felt like I just had superb sex, and I was spent.

I sighed as I scooped the spatula off of the floor and rinsed it in the sink. I cleaned the mess off of the floor that I had caused. I rinsed out the bowl she used to prepare the eggs. That’s when I noticed that she had used the white porcelain bowl with the brown border. I dumped some eggs on a plate and sat down at the table with my hot sauce. I clutched the fork with the plastic handle and the three big prongs and bowed my head to pray over my food. I was in peace as the storm caused by Hurricane Andre surrounded me.

Please purchase your copy autographed by Joey Pinkney from http://joeyisinit.com. Free Shipping and Handling and discounts on purchasing multiple copies.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Vanessa Miller, author of Through the Storm

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Vanessa Miller, author of Through the Storm
(Urban Christian/Kensington )

vanessa miller through the storm on amazondotcom

Isaac Walker was once a heavy-handed drug lord, who was proud of the fact that everybody feared him. But after dedicating his life to Christ, Isaac begins snatching wayward souls out of darkness and into God’s marvelous light. That is, until the day the people Isaac ministered to start coming up missing and someone begins terrorizing him and his family.

Before giving his life over to the Lord, Isaac would have handled this situation with a Glock. Now that his only weapons are his Bible and prayer, he is counting on God to send His angels to help him fight this battle.

Iona Walker is successful, beautiful and every bit as cold-blooded as her father, Isaac Walker once was. As a lawyer, she represents some of the most unsavory criminals in her city. Guilt or innocence doesn’t matter to Iona; cash is what counts.

Iona is on her way to achieving wealth, and she doesn’t care that she had to turn her back on God to get it. When both her parents are put in life threatening situations, Iona discovers that all the money in the world won’t help her get a prayer through to God.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Through the Storm?

Vanessa Miller: Through the Storm is the fifth book in the Rain series. I already had the characters in mind for this book, and I knew I wanted it to be suspenseful. To me, suspense is at is best when people are getting knocked off and others are trying to stay out of the way. The premise for Through the Storm was born from that concept.

Then I attend this thing called a Prayer Journey at my church. It was such an awesome experience that I knew I wanted to share it with my readers. And that’s why the book also deals with the power of prayer.

JP: What sets Through the Storm apart from your other releases?

VM: The suspense is non-stop, and the reader will have a hard time figuring out who the villain is. It’s a definite thrill ride.

JP: What have you learned from getting your previous book published that will help Through the Storm be better than the rest?

VM: One thing I’ve learned is that at promotion is key. You can’t simply write a good book. If you want people to know about it, you have to get out there and promote it.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Through the Storm?

VM: I treat my writing just like a job that I would go to outside the home. I begin my work day at about nine in the morning. I write until about 4pm.

Because I work from home, it’s harder to turn work off than if I worked somewhere else. So I usually check emails and work on marketing ideas in the evening. I write about ten pages a day.

I do not stop to edit my work while I’m writing. Once I’ve finished the book, I print it out and then cut it up. I then sit back in front of my computer and do my re-writes.

Through the Storm took about three month from beginning to end.

JP: What’s next for Vanessa Miller?

VM: My new book released in October. The title is Forsaken. It is the story of a fallen preacher’s journey back to God. I really believe this book is going to speak to the hearts of its readers.


Former Rain & Rain Storm have been Essence Bestsellers. I can also be found on Facebook. Just search Vanessa Miller.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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