5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Tia McCollors, author of The Last Woman Standing

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Tia McCollors, author of The Last Woman Standing
(Moody Publishers)

tia mccollors last woman standing on amazondotcom

The man. His woman. His ex-wife. After being married to their careers instead of each other for ten years, “Ace” and Lynette Bowers ended their marriage. But four years later, it seems their love never ended – to both of their surprises and denial.

Sheila Rushmore is Ace’s current girlfriend and a woman who is used to getting what she wants – except Ace’s commitment to marriage. When Sheila realizes Lynette may be the cause, she launches a plan to play the hand of God, instead of allowing Him to bring the love all three of them desire.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The Last Woman Standing?

Tia McCollors: I can’t remember the exact moment when the idea for this book came to mind. One day, I was thinking about what would happen if a divorced couple fell in love again – or actually realized that they hadn’t fallen out of love in the first place! One of my girlfriends is a divorcee, but balked at the idea of reuniting with her ex-husband – even though her parents were previously divorced and are very happily remarried!

A match was tossed into the flames of the idea after the dance ministry at my church performed a liturgical piece that told a story about a husband and wife being restored after an adulterous affair. Although that’s not what happens in The Last Woman Standing, it still dealt with the concept of the possibility of restoring a marriage. Throw a girlfriend into the life of the ex-husband, and there is sure to be a little drama.

JP: What sets The Last Woman Standing apart from other novels featuring a torrid love triangle?

TM: Torrid love triangle?! Well I wouldn’t exactly call it that! LOL! I think it’s a love triangle but not in the traditional sense of the phrase. The attractions are beyond the physical…that’s what makes it different.

Both women in the book (Sheila, the current girlfriend and Lynette, the ex-wife) love Ace (the man in the middle) in their own way. They’ve both built memories with him at separate times in his life, and Ace has sincere respect and love for each of the women.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The Last Woman Standing getting out to the public?

TM: Getting your books in the hands of the readers is what I call a brick-by-brick process. Authors must capitalize on their networks, existing relationships and the social rings that the Internet now provides. Authors need to do things like the blog tours, e-newsletters/blasts, radio shows, etc.

Since The Last Woman Standing is my fourth novel, I’m adding new bricks on top of my current readership. My faithful readers are my biggest resource because they spread the word faster than any other viral marketing tactic! Those are just two quick suggestions from the sea of marketing and promo ideas.

JP: What did you learn from The Truth About Love and A Heart of Devotion that made The Last Woman Standing a better book?

TM: As far as it relates to the writing process, I believe I learned how to move a story along faster and keep the reader involved. It’s my goal to become a strong writer with each book, and I believe that I’ve achieved that so far. Of course on the marketing end, I’ve learned how to touch base with new readers and keep relationships with my established readers.

JP: What’s next for Tia McCollors?

TM: Another book of course! The question hanging over my head that needs to be answered is, “What’s the next book going to be about?” In the meantime, I’ll be brushing up on my writing skills, devouring craft books, and catching up on the to-be-read stack of books that I’m going to read purely for entertainment.

Also, I hope to connect with readers who enjoy inspirational reads at the Faith and Fiction Conference 2009 in Orlando, Florida, July 16-19. I’m one of this year’s featured authors and I can’t wait to get there!



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P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Mintues, 5 Questions With… Kendra Norman-Bellamy, author of The Lyons Den

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Kendra Norman-Bellamy, author of The Lyons Den
(Urban Books)

kendra norman-bellamy the lyons den on amazondotcom

Lieutenant Stuart Lyons has a growing son, a fulfilling career and after years of singleness and a promising relationship. He’s a veteran law enforcement officer and head of security at New Hope Church. Life is good.

Sudden pandemonium strikes when Stuart begins receiving threats from someone who only identifies himself as Dr. A.H. Satan. The stalker knows where Stuart lives, works and worships. The blocks of the near-perfect life that he has built begin falling…piece by piece.

Will Stuart’s faith help put an end to his distress, or will the infamous Legend of Shelton Heights swallow him whole?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The Lyons Den?

Kendra Norman-Bellamy: All of my story inspirations are drawn from life – those things that I observe around me. Many of them are birthed from something I see or hear in church.

A couple of years ago, one of the men who serves in the security ministry at my church was assigned to provide security at my 40th birthday celebration which was held in the youth facility of the church I attend. At the time, I didn’t know him personally.

After the party ended and the cleanup had begun, he and I stood outside the facility and chatted awhile. I learned that he has not only provided security for the pastor and church, but he was also an active police officer. It made me wonder how many other men and women of God were also public servants, putting their lives in danger to secure our streets on a daily basis.

I wanted to write a book that might embody some of the heightened fears, challenges and perils that a person who serves within a security ministry at a church might face when he or she is on the clock in the capacity of a police officer. Then I wanted to show how that officer would handle these life-threatening situations when he has a personal connection to Christ.

JP: What sets The Lyons Den apart from other novels in its genre?

KNB: As I indicated previously, The Lyons Den is a romantic suspense. I don’t readily know of any other Christian fiction novels that fall into that category. That alone probably sets it apart to a degree. At least that mixes it in with a very small pile of others that might also carry that theme.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The Lyons Den getting out to the public?

KNB: As cliché as it may sound, it’s the truth. I accredit God for any success that I have garnered over the years. In addition to His favor, I am not a sedentary author. I’m always on the go, promoting my work and meeting my readers at conventions, conferences, book club gatherings, and other literary and church-related functions.

As with all of my novels, I started promoting The Lyons Den long before it released. When it hit bookshelves on April 1st, readers had heard about it for months prior and were ready to purchase. I’m the first to admit that all of the promotion and travel that I do is very time-consuming and tiring, but I love every minute of it. In the end, it’s all worth it.

JP: Which character in The Shelton Heights series has a personality most like your own?

KNB: None of the characters in this series bear much of a resemblance to me aside from their loyalty to God and their families. However, with each of the female leads in this series, there are small similarities to me. For instance, Jade, the leading lady in In Greene Pastures (first book in the series) is a preacher’s kid. Her dad is a pastor, and her mother is a minister as well. That’s my real life testimony as well.

Janet, the female lead in Battle of Jericho (book #2 in the series) has a cousin who is also her best friend and the person she has confided in more than any other. Although mine is nothing like Janet’s, I do have a cousin who I categorize as my closest friend and confidant.

And in The Lyons Den, Candice is like me in that she comes from a small southern town and is the first of her parents’ children to graduate from college. All of these ladies are described as being relatively short in statue, which is also a trait that is a mirror image of me.

JP: What’s next for Kendra Norman-Bellamy?

KNB: That’s a loaded question because I have so much on my plate right now. I’m currently working toward co-authoring a nonfiction book with Ralph David Abernathy III (son of the late Dr. Ralph David Abernathy, who was a civil rights legend and best friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.).

In the meantime, my next immediate project is Cruisin’ For Christ, the star-studded annual gospel cruise that I host each summer. This year it launches September 5-12, so I’m working toward finalizing everything for that right now.

My next book will release on January 1, 2010. The title is The Morning After (Urban Christian), and it is the sequel to a previous novel, Three Fifty-Seven A.M. In addition to The Morning After, I have two other titles on the horizon: Fifteen Years (Moody Publishers/February 2010) and Song of Solomon (Urban Christian/June 2010).

http://www.cruisinforchrist.org/ Cruisin’ For Christ – annual gospel cruise
http://www.writershut.com/ The Writer’s Hut – an online community I founded for published authors of African American fiction
http://www.writerscocoon.com/ The Writers Cocoon Focus Group – a support group that I founded specifically as a means to assist all aspiring and new writers


8-time national bestselling author (eight of my 13 titles have made Essence best selling books list)
Walmart bestselling author
Black Expressions bestselling author
Winner of Best Christian Fiction of 2008 (African American Literary Awards Show)
Winner of Best Anthology of 2008 (African American Literary Awards Show)
KNB Publications nominated as Best Independent Publisher of 2008 (African American Literary Awards Show)

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… David L., author of Chalk Outline Confessions

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
David L, author of Chalk Outline Confessions
(Total Package Publications)

david l chalk outline confessions on amazondotcom

Enter The Mind Of A Woman Scorned. Francine Styles receives a visit from two detectives one fateful night announcing her husband’s death. She later finds out that his killer is another man that he has been having an extramarital affair with. Now she is on a mission to end the lives of men that lead a similar double life — a life of deception that their partners are unaware of.

Witness each murder firsthand as Francine’s wit and cunning continue to develop with each death. Even Fran’s trusted psychiatrist is nothing more than a helpless pawn in her quest for notoriety. Unable to pinpoint her whereabouts or deduce who is next on her sadistical list of names, she is labeled “The Revlon Killer” by law enforcement and media — a name given to her based on what she does to her victims after she kills them. Like the black widow spider, she seduces her victims before killing them in cold blood!

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Chalk Outline Confessions?

David L: I got the idea to write Chalk Outline Confessions from my love for well-written mystery and suspense movies. Historically, movies (as well as books) that involve anything related to serial killers have been overlooked and unmentioned. My premise for this book was premeditated: very little exposure has been given to serial killers.

Most (if not all) serial killers are typically White middle-class males. I wanted to reverse that trend and succeeded. My antagonist is a Black, female character. Like most women I’ve encountered throughtout my life, she is very calculating and methodical in her approach to each and every one of her victims!

JP: What sets Chalk Outline Confessions apart from other novels in its genre?

DL: Chalk Outline Confessions is different from any book from its genre for more than just what has been explained in the first question. First and foremost, the main character has completely rationalized why her actions are logical. Even more importantly, she has a required rite of passage.

In many novels written by some of the “top” authors, the book’s theme is surrounded by its character’s quest for right vs. wrong. My character takes that quest and combines it with the need for vindication. Secondly, Chalk Outline Confessions is written using an assortment of writing styles that accomplishes its mission in a way that does not confuse the reader: first person vs. third person and past tense vs. present tense.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Chalk Outline Confessions getting out to the public?

DL: The first thing that comes to mind is ensuring a fanbase of satisfied readers and holding myself and my writing accountable BEFORE my novels become available to the public. Chalk Outline Confessions already had validity as being a worthwhile novel to read due to the success of my first novel, Over Your Dead Body.

Also, I follow the same format before releasing a novel: write the book, edit the book, add needed detail and fix any “holes” in the storyline, then send the book to my editor (who is very judgmental and has no problems not sparing my feelings!). Finally, I send several drafts and galleys to reviewers in order to gauge the probability of releasing another well-written book worthy of being on the market.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Chalk Outline Confessions?

DL: My writing process is relatively simple: I write when the mood evokes me. In other words, I do not “force” what is written, thus avoiding a situation in which I am not mentally ready to give my readers my best product. One of the best things about running your own publishing company is the avoidance of writing based on a deadline.

Because I pride myself on developing characters that are universally identifiable with the reader, I often write based on the emotion that I am in. In other words, if a portion of the story calls for a graphically violent or angered individual, I often wait until I am in a mood which is somewhat close to what the character is feeling. Conversely, if the plot or particular part of the story calls for something that evokes happy thoughts or actions, then I too should feel somewhat similar to how the storyline is playing out. In other words – I prefer to become one with the character. So far, its worked to perfection!

I know of many authors that claim to have written their novels in several weeks…if not days. For the reasons stated above, my novel took somewhat longer. Exactly twelve months.

JP: What’s next for David L.?

DL: Up next for David L. is my upcoming novel, My Life Is A Movie. Readers can view a sample excerpt on my website blog at: totalpackagepublications.com/blogspot. Every month, I award one loyal reader to a gift card (of different value and store) just for being supportive of all of my literary endeavors and signing the guestbook that can be found on my website: www.totalpackagepublications.com.

Also coming up is the movie option that has just been approved for my first novel, Over Your Dead Body. The movie will probably begin filming sometime around early 2010. For now, look for me at your local book festival or local bookstore signing copies of any of my aforementioned novels. I’ll continue to say it over and over again…people lie. Reviews don’t! If you doubt any of what I’ve said: google me!

Thanks to you all and…TELL THE WORLD MY NAME!!


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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