5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Marlon McCaulsky and Jarold Imes, authors of the Love & Life anthology

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Marlon McCaulsky and Jarold Imes, authors of Love & Life
(Abednego’s Free)

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Popular Street Lit Author Marlon McCaulsky teams up with OurTeenVoices.com Editor Jarold Imes to bring two novellas that focus on two of the most things most teens are concerned with… love and life.

“Real Love” by Marlon McCaulsky

When Raina’s family is uprooted from Cleveland to St. Petersburg, FL, she immediately becomes the new “it girl” at Lakewood High School aka “Hollywood High” that every guy wants. She becomes the envy of the snobbish and popular Lissa while catching the eye of her boyfriend Dan.

With friends like Sheena (the self confessed shopaholic), Marcus (the smart-ass jock) and Cory (the wannabe playa), Raina firmly establishes her place at Hollywood High. Can Raina compete with Lissa who is willing to use sex, lies and manipulation to get what she wants. Is real love enough to keep the boy she loves?

“Love No Limit” by Jarold Imes

Dre Lawson has to be everything to everyone: the apple in his father’s eye, whom happens to be the leader of one of the notorious gangs in North Carolina; father to his trifling sister’s son; and leader of his own gang set. Never mind the fact that he still has to do chores and make good grades while running the streets.

When the woman of his dreams finally stakes her claim, what lengths will Dre go to find that love has no limit?

Joey Pinkney: Both of you are well known for your previous releases. How did you go about teaming up with each other for Love & Life?

Marlon McCaulsky: Well, it was Jarold that reached out to me about doing a project together. I was between books, and he came to me with the idea of doing an anthology type book together based on romance. I immediately jumped on it.

Jarold Imes: We met via the Triple Crown Publication forums. I approached Marlon to help me grow and expand the company Abednego’s Free. I had originally approached Marlon about doing a different anthology. When he sent “Real Love”, I told him it wouldn’t fit the concept. However, I felt the story was strong enough to complement another story I had written some years ago. I felt we could do this as a two author anthology instead.

JP: What are the things that differentiate Love & Life from others in its genre?

JI: As far as I know, Love & Life is the first, modern two author anthology for teens. I don’t think there has ever been a two author anthology like ours, especially a street lit anthology that is age appropriate for teens. My teen books have always been strong enough for adults and made for teens and I think we have a project that all can enjoy.

MM: This is my first venture into the teen book market. I didn’t originally write this story with the mind set this is a “teen book”. I just had a story in my head to get out, and it happens to be teenagers in high school that made it work. What differentiate “Real Love” from others in its genre is that I set this story in 1994 to 1995, so it’s kind of a throw back-story. This was the time period I was in high school. I see this story as being a “Teenage Love Affair” written for adults LOL…

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish “Real Love” and “Love No Limit” for Love & Life?

MM: I wrote “Real Love” back in 2003 as a screenplay for a movie I wanted to do. The movie thing never happened, but I loved the story. I kept writing on it over the years, and it became a novella. When Jarold came to me about this project, it was really already done. I just needed to clean it up a bit.

“Real Love” was based on some real life events. Some names have been changed to protect the people involved, and some names weren’t! It was funny to write because of the truth in some of the scenes, although the story itself is fiction.

JI: I write whatever I feel, be it a short story, an article/commentary, participating in different message boards where I try to spread knowledge or just working on my own novels. I always try to write something so I can keep my voice new and fresh.

“Love No Limit” is based on a short story I wrote twelve years ago about a gang member. I wrote it while I was writing what would become Never Too Much – The Remix and U Can’t Break Me. It only took me six weeks to add to the story for what would become Love & Life.

JP: Are you both Mary J. Blige fans? Is it a coincidence that both of the titles are also the title of Mary J. Blige songs?

JI: I’ve liked Mary since she first came out in 1990 when she sang the hook “I’ll Do 4 U” for Father MC. Also, What’s the 411? is the soundtrack to my life in Denver, Colorado.

Marlon’s story was already called “Real Love” when he sent it to me. Mary’s first album was what I thought of when I read his story. I named my story “Love No Limit”, so it could tie into the Love & Life theme we felt both of our stories had.

MM: I am definitely a Mary J fan. I wanted the reader to know that real love was what was really happening between Raina and Dan’s character. Plus, my story is set in that 90s era. It made sense to call my story that. Jarold decided to run with the idea of using Mary’s song titles as a theme of the book.

JP: What’s next for Abednego’s Free?

MM: All I can say is big things are on the way. Jarold is the mastermind behind Abednego’s Free, so he knows more than I do. As for myself, I just hope to continue to give my fans more good books to read. Thank you, Joey!

JI: I will finally get to live my dream and publish a few anthologies. Lord knows I’ve been trying to create one since 1999 when I first came on the scene. Now it’s coming true. Broken But I’m Healed, my inspirational anthology that I’m still collecting submissions for, will come out in October. Love & Life drops on Black Friday.

The Boy is Mine is an anthology featuring my first author, Victoria Vanee Anderson, and a few other friends of mine. That comes out the end of January. Victoria’s first book, Just Me & You, comes out in March. My next teen book, Case of the Fake People, will come out in April. I’m still working on my book now and another anthology project that I can’t talk about just yet.

I hope to begin work on my next Street Christian Lit title next month so I can drop it in 2010 too. Plus, I’m still taking submission for young adult books as well.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Toyi Ward, author of Par for the Curse

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Toyi Ward, author of Par for the Curse
(Naphtali Books)

toyi ward par for the curse on amazondotcom

Toyi Ward is a freelance writer, author and media host who likes to tackle the tough issues that affect contemporary women. As the host of Blog Talk Radio’s “TOYi Talk”, she does just that. Her debut novel, Par for the Curse (Naphtali Books, 2009) examines the influence of voodoo and the impact of generational secrets on family, life and love.

After ten years as a Fortune 100 sales and marketing executive, Toyi decided to pursue her passion for writing full-time by moving forward with the completion of her first novel. She is very social and says it can sometimes be a hindrance to her writing. She expresses a desire to write projects that will in some way help people to think about their own lives and make a change.

She wants to make people think and laugh, even cry. She describes herself as a happy person. It’s easy for her to be happy for others when they pursue their dreams. It’s very rewarding when she can help someone along that journey. Toyi is married with two children. She resides in Central New Jersey.

If readers want to catch the “Don’t recycle that!” Speaking Tour or host a Par for the Curse reading go to http://www.toyiward.com/events.html

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Par for the Curse?

Toyi Ward: There are so many families dealing with generational curses. I run into so many broken women who can’t figure out why they can’t get out of the rut that their mothers and grandmothers lived. So, they end up just accepting their fate. I was raised in a matriarchal family that was very close and not without it’s drama. We loved and supported each other through a lot of tough times.

I think most families are that way so the Briggs girls are no different. The backdrop of voodoo came from my great grandmother, who was a palm reader. I knew a little about the lines, so I put it in the book.

JP: What sets Par for the Curse apart from other novels in its genre?

TW: Par for the Curse is unpredictable and not easily put into a box. All genres have their rules i.e. romances have to have happy endings, mysteries need to be solved. Breaking the rules of genre, this story is based in life’s reality…there are no rules. It will give readers lots to discuss at the conclusion because there are not right or wrong answers in Par for the Curse.

If a reader was to ask me, “Was Stormy the good girl?” I don’t have an answer for that. It’s up to the reader to decide. How you feel about the Briggs girls will be ultimately determined by who you are as a person. No different than in real life.

JP: The concept of a generational curse is a pervasive topic among African-Americans, particularly Christians. What does this book have in terms of themes that makes it more than African-American literature?

TW: One of the things I love about this story is that it is universal. The women in the story are African-American, but the story doesn’t center around their ethnicity. This story was written to shed light on how we often hurt our family members with the best of intentions. Family secrets are most often meant to protect loved ones but instead end up being painful baggage carried for generations. One of the biggest themes is that of the complexity of family love.

From a Christian point-of-view, the story is peppered with the notion that saying you are Christian is not enough to have a victorious life. It takes more than that. It takes an active pursuit of the good things God has for us. There is a line in the story where Nona says, “Honey, going to church every Sunday doesn’t make you Christian any more than standing in that driveway will make you a car.” I guess the closest scriptural context for this would be that faith without works is nothing.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Par for the Curse?

TW: Par for the Curse took me 5 years from start to finish, but I was working full time. I started with a short story about a grandmother telling her grandchildren that they were cursed. Then I became intrigued with how and why they were cursed.

My writing process starts with an issue. I tack it up on my board and let it sit there until I get a “what if” story comes to mind. A “what if” is a list of possible stories that fit the issue. For example if I were to tackle abortion, I would stick a card that says “abortion” on my office board. So, then I go from there.

What if it were someone who was contemplating an abortion? What if it were someone who had an abortion and is pregnant again? What if it’s a baby that was aborted, lived, and now grown facing abortion? I “what if” it until something sticks with me. Once I get the premise of the story then I start taking various dramatic turns. I’m very methodical. I use story forming software, index cards, and good old fashion notebook paper before I even begin to type the first draft.

JP: What’s next for Toyi Ward?

TW: Whatever God has for Toyi Ward, I want it. I’m in a very uncomfortable place because I have no idea what is going to happen in my life from one day to the next. With the radio show, the book, my company and my civic involvement, God could take me anywhere. As far as writing, I have started my next project. Hopefully, since I write full time, I’ll finish it in 2010. It tackles the secrecy of incest in Black families.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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