5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Samaya Young, author of The W.I. Investigations

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Samaya Young, author of The W.I. Investigations
(Lulu Publishing)

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W.I. Investigations has opened for its first day in the story “Shape Shifter”, introducing Vin Rubio and his new partner Willow Mooserunner. They are asked to check up on their boss’ recluse friend to find out who is harassing him. What they find is something not of this world.

In “The Martyr”, unlikely partners, Ru Pascall and Wally Saunders, trail a ruthless serial killer who is able to see the future. At that same time, sisters Elyse and Ashley plunge into the occult to search for a dangerous sect in the case of “The White Doves”. They discover that its founders possess the ability to control the minds of their followers and perhaps even the sisters’.

In Case 4 “Hero” Ayre Walsh is allowed to work her much-wanted first assignment. Her father asks her to find a mysterious man, who saves innocent would-be victims just before disaster strikes.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The W. I. Investigations?

Samaya Young: I’ve always loved thrillers and paranormal stories, gritty realism with a hint of the extraordinary. I’ve always been a huge fan of TV shows such as Law & Order, Medium, Criminal Minds and the X-Files. I wondered what it would be like to create a series of stories with all the elements combined.

Rather than pick two main characters, I liked the diversity of several pairs. That allowed me to diversify in the individual cases and also the dynamics between partners. The W.I. Investigations specialize in the extraordinary cases where normal authorities don’t know how to, or can’t, proceed.

JP: What sets The W. I. Investigations apart from other novels in its genre?

SY: With these stories I’ve tried to create a new writing style that combines literature with cinematography. I’m fusing imagery and story development, much like it would be when you switch on the TV and watch your favorite show. Basically that means that I designed The W.I. Investigations for easy reading.

From all around, I’ve been hearing that readers have less and less time for reading. With the W.I.’s, you can just pick a free moment without needing to go through the “settle-in” ritual. I want you to be able to pick up a story in a bus or train, to and from work, during lunch or in your favorite reading chair.

Uncomplicated escapism wherever you are, in separately bound stories, or as volumes 1 to 4 in a single bound bundle.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The W. I. Investigations getting out to the public?

SY: Having fun writing, this is main ingredient that every author needs. The support of family and friends who all love the people I created. Devotion to the stories and their characters and a need to share them with like minds. Then just gritting my teeth, going ahead and taking the plunge.

It is scary, exciting and a continuing road of discovery, in every aspect.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish The W. I. Investigations?

SY: I started with the main idea of W.I. back in ’99, I believe. The individual cases/stories started out as fun relaxing scribbles while I was in-between bigger projects. They grew from there.

It’s a collection of paranormal tales about a versatile group of detectives learning to work together and form a bond of trust and friendship while facing danger time and again.

This rapidly created a new world for me. Once that happened, it became inevitable that I would continue with them, and I did. Writing these cases and the multitude of opportunities the original idea offers is without limit and makes it a beginning of many more to come.

JP: What’s next for Samaya Young?

SY: W.I. Investigations Vol. 5-8 is near completion, of course. I have a cookbook for vegetarians, which is in the process of being completed. But also, a brand new series of full-length psychological thrillers going under the main title “No Escape From Rising Sun”. This series of stories doesn’t aim for the paranormal angle but espionage, terrorism and a dangerous sect intent on ruling the world, instead.

Other than that…whichever way the muses take me.

(Samaya Young previously published as Sam Young with “Trust Me” Said The Spy, available on Amazon.com)


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Elaine Flowers, author of It’s Morning: Torn Lovers and Other Stories

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Elaine Flowers, author of It’s Morning: Torn Lovers and Other Stories
(Hollygrove Publishing)

elaine flowers its morning on amazondotcom

It’s Morning: Torn Lovers and Their Stories is a compilation of two novellas and one short story, each having a love triangle involving two men and one woman. “Never As Good As The First Time” is a novella with high school sweethearts Germaine and Melinda who rekindled their relationship after reuniting at their ten-year reunion.

In the short story “The Letter,” silently admiring his beautiful neighbor, Mahogany for months, this brotha discovers a love letter under his door from her. In “Daddy’s Maybe”, the two candidates for fatherhood, Calvin (Kendra’s husband) and Brad (Kendra’s white lover), give us the sordid details of this love triangle while they are both hoping to be the father of her baby.

It’s Morning: Torn Lovers and Their Stories (2008) is a Dallas Morning News Bestseller, garnering a 5 star rating on Amazon.com. Elaine Flowers’ Black Beauty (2004) is also a Dallas Morning News Bestseller.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write It’s Morning: Torn Lovers and Their Stories?

Elaine Flowers: Since there are three different stories in It’s Morning there are really three different detailed answers. But, for everything I write, real life experiences (for me and people I know) inspire my writing. Also, music is a great inspiration.

JP: What sets It’s Morning: Torn Lovers and Their Stories apart from other novels in its genre?

EF: There are a lot of books with two women at odds over one man. One thing that sets It’s Morning apart from other novels is each story involves a love triangle with one woman and two men.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to It’s Morning: Torn Lovers and Their Stories getting out to the public?

EF: Like anything else, word of mouth is greatly beneficial. Nothing is comparable to reader to reader interaction. Of course, that means having a book that is well written and well put together as a quality product that readers can love and respect is of prime importance. Also, being accessible to the targeted audience through public events, such as book signings and book club meetings is another key. The Internet is a great tool, which I utilize more with It’s Morning than I was able to with my first book.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish It’s Morning: Torn Lover and Their Stories?

EF: My writing process is slightly different with each project. One thing that remains the same is that I write/work everyday on something. I don’t beat myself up when a project is not coming together at the pace that I expected. I have a lot of quiet time that I take advantage of. Also, I only write about things that excite me.

The two novellas and short story were all finished at different times and at different speeds. In fact, there was no original plan to put the three of them together until I was deciding what I would do with “Never As Good As the First Time.” This is pretty much how the book came together.

JP: What’s next for Elaine Flowers?

EF: I’m not especially big on mentioning what’s next because an author can sometimes talk a book out of coming to fruition by going on and on about it. However, I will say that I am a full-time writer, and my first love is fiction even though I have been working on a couple of non-fiction projects.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Donna Deloney, author of Journey to Jordan

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Donna Deloney, author of Journey to Jordan
(Hollygrove Publishing)

donna deloney journey to jordan on amazondotcom

Journey to Jordan was the 2nd place winner in the 2007 Black Expressions Book Club Fiction Writing contest.

Jordan Crawford is a successful attorney who has little room for people and no use for God in her life. When a phone call alerts her to the death of the one person she cared the most for in the world, Jordan is sent on an emotional journey that forces her to face her feelings about the people in her past and about God. She quickly learns that the road to forgiveness takes a lot of turns.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Journey to Jordan?

Donna Deloney: The original idea for Journey to Jordan stemmed from the song “One Sweet Day” by Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men. The song was playing in my head over and over again. Slowly, the characters began forming in my head. The character and story that I started out with eventually evolved into Journey to Jordan.

JP: What sets Journey to Jordan apart from other novels in its genre?
DD: I think that some Christian fiction now tends to shy away from the gospel, preferring the message to be more subtle. Part of what sets Journey to Jordan apart is that there is a real call to accept Christ within the novel. In addition to knowing that God can forgive, heal and deliver, we must be willing to accept Him as Savior and Lord.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Journey to Jordan getting out to the public?

DD: First, I’d say perseverance. It’s easy to get discouraged in this process. I had the book marketed for two years and for whatever reason, the major publishing houses didn’t pick it up. Also, I think having a good editor is key. You never have a second chance to make a first impression. My editor worked with me throughout the process to make sure that the manuscript was on point with content and mechanics. Another key is having the support of writers in your corner. I’ve reached out to authors in and out of my genre for advice and they have been most gracious and encouraging.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Journey to Jordan?

DD: My story ideas usually spark in the weirdest ways. A song lyric or a piece of dialogue may pop in my head, or I’ll see something that sticks with me. I’ll mull that over for awhile and the characters and initial story idea will take shape. At that point I’ll jot down the idea, chapter or initial character sketch. If I continue with a story, at around chapter 3, I’ll put down plot points just so I have an idea of where I’m going. Sometimes I stick with the points, sometimes I don’t.

From start to finish, Journey to Jordan took six years. I stopped working on it for about three years before picking it back up. Then it was sporadic at best. I’d have gaps of six months between working on it. After being laid off from my job in 2005, I spent about four weeks completing the first draft. It took another year of revisions and adding to it before I presented to an agent.

JP: What’s next for Donna Deloney?

DD: I’m currently working on my next manuscript, tentatively titled A Decent Proposal. I’ve also contributed to the Christian fiction anthology Bended Knees, which is coming out in November from Hollygrove Publishing. I have several other story ideas in the hopper including a children’s book that I hope will become a series.

In June, I’ll be a workshop presenter at the Black Writers & Reunion Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. In July, I’ll be an author panelist at the Faith & Fiction Retreat in Orlando, Florida.

Blog: http://www.dcdeloney.wordpress.com/
Facebook: Donna Dickson Deloney
Twitter: http://twitter.com/DonnaD69
Website: coming soon

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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