5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Brian Smith, author of Nina’s Got a Secret

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Brian Smith, author of Nina’s Got a Secret
(Hollygrove Publishing)

Nina’s Got A Secret has already made the Dallas Morning News Best Seller list. It has also made the Oprah Book Club list on Oprah.com.

Nina Arceneaux (a former stripper) marries a wealthy sports agent named Larry Denison. Nina doesn’t love him, but she married him for the financial security he could provide. Larry and Nina both have eight year old daughters. His daughter has autism.

Nina reluctantly accepts Larry’s daughter but makes it clear she doesn’t want to raise a handicap child. She has a car crash and decides to save her child and let her handicap step-daughter drown. She decides to lie to her husband about what happened…but someone saw the entire incident.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Nina’s Got A Secret?

Brian Smith: I was talking to one of my employees one day and asked her if she had to save one of her two kids, which one would she choose. She couldn’t answer me. That’s where the idea started. I decided to make that simple question even more complex by making a situation where a step-parent (Nina) had to decide whether to save her biological child or her handicap step-daughter. Nina decided to save her own child – the way most people would. But, she couldn’t tell her husband the truth about his daughter. She’s intends to take the secret to the grave, but someone saw what she did.

JP: What sets Nina’s Got A Secret apart from other novels in its genre?

BS: I try real hard to write novels about topics other writers haven’t addressed. This can be hard because it seems like all of life’s interesting topics have already been written about. However, this book is unique because it addresses a very real scenario and the issue of telling lies. The book forces the reader to wonder – if you knew that the truth would devastate your partner and ruin your lifestyle, would you keep it a secret if you thought no one would ever find out. The topic is real – I think people can relate to it.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Nina’s Got A Secret getting out to the public?

BS: I’ve been blessed in that my books have become more popular, and I’ve made a few best seller lists. People have come to expect me to write about a thought provoking topic and to throw in some suspense, sex and drama. Nina’s Got A Secret paid for itself just in pre-orders via my company’s website. God is good!

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Nina’s Got A Secret?

BS: My writing process is very unorthodox. I’m usually writing two or three books at the same time. Because I’m also the owner of Hollygrove Publishing, I don’t have the luxury of just writing when the mood hits me. I have too many other people’s careers in my hands, and I have to devote time to preparing and publishing their projects. So, I am the king of multi-tasking. I wrote Nina’s Got A Secret over the course of three months. I was writing it during the same time I was writing my book, Final Fling with Torrian Ferguson.

JP: What’s next for Brian W. Smith?

BS: I have two books being released on June 1, 2009, My Husband’s Love Child and Donna’s Comeback. I will also be in three anthologies between now and the end of the year: a Christian Fiction Anthology called Bended Knees and two Erotica Anthologies called Bedtime Stories 1 & 2.

I know people are going to be questioning whether or not it’s a conflict to be in an Erotica Anthology and a Christian Fiction Anthology, but I don’t care. I’m a Christian who ain’t afraid to talk about sex…the haters will get over it. Besides, that’s the beauty of owning the publishing company. I don’t have to abide by all of the outdated industry rules that say an author should only write in one genre. I can do me and not apologize. It’s a beautiful thing.


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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Krystal Waters, author of A Fantastc Opportunity

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Krystal Waters, author of A Fantastic Opportunity
(Blu Phier Publishing)

krystal waters a fantastic opportunity on amazondotcom

Jack Samson is running for his life. A week ago he started looking for a new job with better benefits and salary. He came across this ad that said,

“A fantastic opportunity for you if you hire on with our company; one of the top 500 fortune. Get that dream house, car and vacation. Stop worrying about bills… you can have it all. We just ask one thing in return, you sell your soul for eternity.”

The extractors came to take his soul. What did they do entirely? Would he be the same? He did not tell his family, but they were just as involved. Trying to get answers he hires a private investigator, who tells Jack he needs a priest. The underworld and all unseen are trying to enslave the people of the world.

The question is, can Jack stop evil at its highest point without getting his family enslaved as well? Can he stop the captivity of all mankind?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write A Fantastic Opportunity?

Krystal Waters: I was surfing the internet and some how got to a site about selling your soul. I questioned if you could really do it, so I thought I would write about it n the context of the experience of one family. It’s a fiction Thriller/Mystery. I came up with the story about the “what if” scenario and the book came to life.

JP: What sets A Fantastic Opportunity apart from other novels in its genre?

KW: The economy today, the realism in which you can sell your soul and whether it’s fiction or not are some serious factors that makes this novel absolutely intriguing. I think most people who like to read thrillers also like a little mystery added to the mix to make them wonder.

The names of the people are fictitious, however, there is a lot of undeniable truth in A Fantastic Opportunity. It’s not the type of book you want your ten year old to read. It takes a mature mind to separate the truth from fantasy.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to A Fantastic Opportunity getting out to the public?

KW: I network with people online using websites like myspace. There is also Facebook and other places where an author can get the word out and have success. There is also a lot of tenacity that you have to have. You can not give up.

You have to show publishers that you are serious about your product. You do this by working hand to hand with your publisher, going on book signings and also talking to people about your book. There is a lot of work behind the scenes of selling a book, which most authors learn after they get published. For instance, you may need to go on a T.V. show or go to a book reading. Book signings and word of mouth are also important. Get with the readers association if you can and have them read your book. Libraries are a little harder to get in, but when you are, that’s a great way of selling yourself.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish A Fantastic Opportunity?

KW: I surf through the internet looking for conspiracies and ideas. There is so much on the internet that a genre of my type is an ongoing experience. If it attracts me, I’ll write about it. Second, the book took me about a year to write. My twin sister passed away while I was half way through. I didn’t pick up the book until later. Friends and family encouraged me to continue. The book is dedicated to my twin sister.

Question 5: What’s next for Krystal Waters?

KW: I have a book with another publisher that is in the works. I’ll be doing more writing and make a name for myself. Hopefully I’ll get a fan base, so my other books will sell. This next book is called Charlotte and Henry’s, Stairway to Hell. It’s more of a Comedy/Horror, which I hope will make people laugh and want to read more of the series.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Joy Turner, author of Content…Right Where I Am

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Joy Turner, author of Content…Right Where I Am
(JNF Enterprises)

joy turner content where i am amazondotcom

Content…Right Where I Am is not just another book but a life changing tool that will be utilized for cultivating contentment based around the scripture 1 Timothy 6:6 “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” Content…Right Where I Am is a Christian non-fiction work that promises to encourage, uplift and inspire through the author’s very own testimony.

There are also interactive exercises for the reader to complete and biblical references to study and meditate. The author challenges each reader to become a RAWC star (Realizing Ambition Within Contentment) and is on a quest to have everyone proclaim “I am content… right where I am!”

JP: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Content…Right Where I Am?

Joy Turner: My own personal struggle with searching for contentment. I share a lot of these struggles in my book and talk about what it takes to get to the root cause of discontentment.

JP: What sets Content…Right Where I Am apart from other novels in Christian Non-fiction?

JT: Well I can’t really categorize my book as a novel, but what will separate this from all the rest that follow the same inspirational format is that it is very interactive and a quick read. Most people finish my book within a day or so, but a good majority tell me that they desire to go back and reread and complete all of the exercises in the book.

I also believe that the message conveyed is very timely as we face economic uncertainty. It’s time for Christians to restructure priorities and recognize the blessings from God each and every day.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Content…Right Where I Am getting out to the public?

JT: Effective marketing and networking. I’m on Facebook, Twitter, working on a MySpace page and a member of several Ning groups. I am utilizing them to my advantage to promote my book as well as my business. I’ve had two television appearances and multiple radio and blog talk radio interviews since the book’s launch in November 2008.

I will continue to aggressively pursue media opportunities as well as networking with people like you, Joey, who are also an integral part of getting authors like myself out there for the world to see!

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Content…Right Where I Am?

JT: I didn’t have a writing process per se because I didn’t start out to write a “book”. I was writing to get some things off of my chest. It was more of a healing process, and God revealed to me that He was going to do a great and mighty thing through my writing and obedience.

Now that I am a published author, I am learning the “business” of writing. I strive to always develop myself through workshops, classes, teleseminars, etc. My “process” at this point is pretty basic. I spend a lot of time lately with marketing and networking the book, but I have to organize my schedule so that I’m shutting off the Facebook, Twitter, etc and concentrating on writing.

It took me 7 days to write the majority of my book, but it took me a whopping 5 years to get it out there to you all! Procrastination is everyone’s enemy!

JP: What’s next for Joy Turner?

JT: I’m in the process of writing two books, one for young girls, teens, tweens called The Butterfly Club and another one that is somewhat of a spin-off to Content…Right Where I Am. It is on the topic of transformation. My book cover is an image of a butterfly, and I am going to stick with that theme.

I am currently on a book tour with several other Christian authors. For tour schedule, you can visit www.christianauthorsontour.com. In addition, I am also sole proprieter/CEO of JETSET Business Solutions, a marketing and business consultation firm that specializes in marketing and strategic planning for start-ups and small business.

Tour Info http://www.christianauthorsontour.com/

People can always connect with me on Facebook or Twitter. To reach me directly they can e-mail me at info@joyturner.net. To book me for speaking engagements or other events one can also contact me via e-mail and visit my site for more details about the book and the author. www.joyturner.net To purchase Content…Right Where I Am, you can go directly to the author site, publisher site (www.try3jesus.com) or buy from Amazon.com.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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