Joey Pinkney was on The Dedan Tolbert Show discussing Like Father, Like Son and The Soul of a Man Anthology

Peace in the Storm Publishing is gearing up to Father’s Day 2009 release an anthology entitled The Soul of a Man. I am a contributor with a short story entitled “Like Father, Like Son”. (Autographed copies available at

I was a guest on Dedan Tolbert’s blogtalkradio show. Brian Ganges, a fellow contributor, was also on the show.

Click the link below to listen to the show:

Listen to the whirlwind discussion between Dedan Tolbert, Brain Ganges and I.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… S.D. Denny, author of The Baker’s Dozen Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
S.D. Denny, author of The Baker’s Dozen
(Peace In The Storm Publishing)

Breanna Baker felt her life was under control, as long as she was in control of her life. The moment she makes the startling discovery that she’s five weeks pregnant, things started spinning out of control for sure. To add fuel to the fire already burning in her life, her grandmother passes away.

She returns home where she’s compelled to turn her attention to issues other than her untimely pregnancy. Breanna feels she’s obligated to save everyone from themselves. When she uncovers the dark secret that had been hidden by her family for years, she is forced to face herself in the mirror to discover a truth that must be reckoned with before she can go any further in her life.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The Baker’s Dozen?

S.D. Denny: I’ve always dreamed of doing something in my life to help or inspire young women. I’ve always loved to write. When I decided to pursue my dream of writing a novel, I knew my main character would be a woman who had to climb some mountains before reaching a point where she finds meaning and purpose in her life.

Some of the topics that are addressed in the story are near and dear to my heart, as well as some of the characters and their personalities. The idea of the title, The Baker’s Dozen, and the meaning behind it, was my way of adding a juicy twist to the story.

In a baker’s dozen there are thirteen, so I thought it would add some mystery, spice and intrigue to the story line.

JP: What sets The Baker’s Dozen apart from other novels in its genre?

SDD: The Baker’s Dozen is a work of fiction that brings problems to the forefront that real people face but may have swept under the rug in a subconscious effort to avoid having to confront them or to make it appear that we have things under control.

It’s not just a story – it’s a story that will inspire with hope and possibly even motivate someone to take the first step towards healing a deeply rooted wound in their life.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The Baker’s Dozen getting out to the public?

SDD: One cannot begin to measure the value in networking! I’m always making new literary contacts and constantly utilizing the resources available from my current contacts. I was prepared to move on it when I learned that Peace in the Storm Publishing was accepting submissions. I researched the company and made sure that I understood the submission guidelines clearly.

I presented a professional, organized and intriguing submission package. Elissa Gabrielle contacted me immediately and signed me with Peace in the Storm. From there, we began planning my book’s release. Everything just fell right into place as though it was meant to be. It was that moment where preparation met opportunity.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish The Baker’s Dozen?

SDD: For me, writing is life, so I write whenever and wherever I can. The ideal setting for me to write would be some place with a majestic mountain or lake view. Until that’s possible, I write in my apartment in Charlotte, NC.

I’m very organized and detail oriented, so I begin with an outline of what the project is about. After the outline, I begin to build each character with details. Then I move on to scene building as I write the story. It took about one year to write The Baker’s Dozen from start to finish.

JP: What’s next for S.D. Denny?

SDD: I plan to do a great deal of promoting for The Baker’s Dozen. This includes attending literary events, giving interviews, and I’m looking forward to the possibility of a multi-city book-signing tour soon. By the first of next year, I look forward to putting the wheels in motion for my literary project which will be very different.

I’m trying to show my diversity as a writer, and I’ve got something in mind that might raise some eyebrows and evoke some deep thought – make some people go “hmmm.”

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Polo AKA The Fur King, CEO and Founder of Exclusive Fashion and Furs Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Polo AKA The Fur King, CEO and Founder of Exclusive Fashion and Furs
(Dessalines: The Private Collection)

Joey Pinkney: Who inspired you? What did you see when you were younger that influenced you to choose fashion as a profession instead of an obsession?

Polo AKA The Fur King: My father and mother. Really, my whole family stayed sharp. It’s just what they did.

JP: Many people who want to feel “young, fly and flashy” tend to lean towards huge logos and high-dollar names. What can Polo Exclusive Fashion and Furs provide to fashion conscious people who want to be distinguished, yet subtle?

Polo: I’m not really into the big logos. If need them, then sometimes I use them. My concept is this: just be you. My clothing line is bringing swiftness, cleverness and precision to fashion.

JP: Where do you plan to take fashion that it hasn’t been before? What are you doing creatively that is being or will be seen for the first time?

Polo: I’m hoping you will see me, the under dog, on David Letterman or CNN or something. I want you to see me talking about what I do and the success that came my way. Nobody around my way has pulled that off, and I think I can do it. I already killed my haters by making the cover of Against The Grain Magazine. They were upset with that, but that’s what haters do.

JP: You clientele is growing, and you are slowly becoming well known for your freestyle approach to producing custom clothing with your team. Why did you choose North Boston as your base of operations as opposed to your native Bronx, New York?

Polo: It really wasn’t suppose to be Boston. It really just happened. Being from that part of Jersey and that New York area, the hustling is so in us. When I found out about their fashion and their fur game had a shortage, I knew it was “Operation Take Over”. I knew I had the product and the hustling that was so in me. That’s how it all started.

JP: What is one thing most people would be surprised to know about you?

Polo: That a man like me even exists.

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