5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Ronald Lewis, author of Stick It to the Man

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Ronald Lewis, author of Stick It To The Man
(Skyhorse Publishing)

ronald lewis stick it to the man on amazondotcom

Ronald Lewis is the author of Stick It To The Man (June, Skyhorse), a brilliant guide to confronting the lopsided world of law and power during a time of trillion dollar bank bailouts, and million-dollar executive bonuses. In addition to his first book, Lewis remains busy as a blogger, speaker, technologist, and activist who has been featured or quoted by ABC, The Associated Press, CNN, Businessweek, FastCompany, and elsewhere.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Stick It to the Man?

Ronald Lewis: The idea for Stick It To The Man originated at Skyhorse Publishing. They were looking to market a light-hearted book that tackled everything from social issues to corporations. When I was brought on to write it, I had 20 years worth of observations and frustration to lend a voice to a book of this type. The blatant abuses by those in power in government and corporate America fueled the inspiration to make this book a reality.

JP: What sets Stick It to the Man apart from other books written in the same vein?

RL: What sets this book apart from others is that it doesn’t tackle just one issue, but many. While the content is broad, it all intersects at one point: invaluable information that’s useful to people of all socio-economic backgrounds.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Stick It to the Man getting out to the public?

RL: The keys to my success as an individual have been broad and evolving over the years. The best thing I could have done was launching my first blog in 1995 and establishing a global presence for myself. It was a single blog entry that clinched my first book deal, and I’m still overwhelmed by all of it. I also attribute the release of my first book to the many role models I’ve adopted over the course of my life to date. I’ve learned a lot from them.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Stick It to the Man?

RL: When I started writing Stick It To The Man, I didn’t have a writing process at all! Three weeks had passed before I finally sat down and started thinking about an approach to get it done. I decided on meditation, which involved me telling myself that it was time to write a book. The idea was to embrace a mindset that allowed me to write something that read like a book.

JP: What’s next for Ronald Lewis?

RL: What’s next for me? Well, there are several things on my plate at the moment. I’m seeking sponsors to support a North American tour for the book. It’s imperative that I visit most states and provinces to talk not only about my book, but the state of our global economy, our future, and more. It’s also an opportunity to intimately connect with many people and listen to their stories, whether they buy the book or not.

I’m exploring speaking engagements to talk about the power of dreaming. I have more than sixteen years of wonderful experiences that will motivate many people to overcome obstacles and make something of themselves, especially those in disadvantaged communities. I’m very passionate about making this happen.

I’m working on returning to a weekly schedule of travel. I love exploring the world and there’s so much for me to discover and learn. You could say I’m addicted to frequent travel.

Personal website: ronaldlewis.com
Book’s website: ronaldlewis.com/stickittotheman
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ronaldlewis
LinkedIn: http://twitter.com/ronaldlewis
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=507721418

Recent press

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BusinessWeek: Why Pay Match.com When Dating’s Free Sites Beckon?

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P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… M. Raye Turner, author of Pretty Monster

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
M. Raye Turner, author of Pretty Monster
(Faith Works Production, LLC)

m raye turner pretty monster on amazondotcom

Experience tears and laughter walking through the life and times of Tangie Waters, a resilient daddy’s girl who grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. Pretty Monster is an attention-grabbing tale of a young woman’s determination to survive that leaves one questioning their own maturity.

Despite her monstrous ego, Tangie finds humility through her faith in God and the wisdom of her grandparents as she struggles to be at peace while overcoming constant setbacks, family woes, and the complexities of being a single mother pursuing higher education. Pretty Monster is powerfully portrayed story told with raw honesty and love.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Pretty Monster? Is Tangie Waters you?

M. Raye Turner: Pretty Monster fell into my spirit as I was on the way to buy a cup of coffee one morning. The introduction just came to me: “I want to paint you a picture and write you a song about the love below…” I rushed home to write that down. The flow didn’t stop until I had outlined a whole book that had no title. I didn’t decide or plan to write a book.

It was just the next logical step with the purge that I began to share with others. I eventually bought into the idea to go for it and turned it into a tribute to my deceased parents.

Tangie was created to be a rare breed with a masculine appeal to male readers and from the daddy’s girl perspective. Misunderstood and envied by most women who can’t relate to her deep faith and free spirit tendencies. Tangie could very well reflect my alter ego and the twin I wished for but never had.Also, in retrospect I give some credit to Outkast and the movie Idlewild as it sparked something-something.

JP: What sets Pretty Monster apart from other novels in its genre where the protagonist is a single mother struggling with survival in the inner-city?

MRT: It’s succinct and lacks product placement/free marketing… It’s suburban, country, faith driven, intellectual and raw as hell. My readers say its real and that they can see and feel the movements in the literature. They laugh out loud, tears up and get mad based on the way the story pulls them into the characters.

Tangie is never a victim of her circumstances; she has book and street smarts. She knows what she wants and knows how to get it. She learns from the mistakes of others as well as hers and keeps moving.It has been compared to Lackawanna Blues.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Pretty Monster getting out to the public?

MRT: Time and chance, Mr. Pickney. Word-of-mouth and public speaking opportunities have been awesome venues with positively powerful results. I have been blessed by people God has placed in my path that want to share the light and actually push me to the front of the stage and out of my comfort zone behind stage.

I was encouraged to publish my mental purge, harassed into self-publishing and delighted by the way Pretty Monster has begun to create its own following, interest and success.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Pretty Monster?

MRT: (Smile) I like a quiet workspace or a place of beauty (a beach or nature trails). I only write when I feel like it which means I might jump up at 2 or 3am and write until I get it all out of my head. I may not revisit that piece for days or months. I started Pretty Monster in October and finished it in January. The story took 3 months at best.

The revision process came as people showed interest in publishing my work. Months and months later, I found myself making notes to add comedy sketches, Gullah vernacular and the things I love about Chicago to the emerging list of revisions, time lines and the themes of the book.

JP: What’s next for M. Raye Turner?

MRT: I have 3 books outlined. I don’t feel compelled or inspired to move on those at this time. My focus is to take Pretty Monster to the next level, which to me means stage and film plays.


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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Book Review: From the Soul of a Woman by Valorie N. Parker

From the Soul of a Woman: Love Shouldn’t Hurt
Valorie N. Parker
(Vision Press Publishing)
4 out of 5 Stars

valorie parker from the soul of a woman on amazondotcom

Valerie N. Parker’s From the Soul of a Woman is much more than a woman escaping abuse. It was much more than the pain she endured. This book details Parker’s journey into and out of a major trial in her life, her marriage to an abusive preacher. She details how her growth is Jesus while still a child gave her the strength and direction to come out on the other side with a prosperous career and four beautiful children.

Parker first heard the voice of the Lord at about five years old. She didn’t know where it had come from; her cousin had to tell the source. Later in her teenage years, God would again visit her while she was sinking in a drunken depression. The shock of the Lord’s presence woke her from her stupor.

Again, the Lord spoke She shared her joy in the Lord and was able to claim her little brother as her first convert based on faith. Parker spent the next few years doing the Lord’s work and getting closer to God. It would be years before she was actually Saved. At 19, she found the Lord while anxious to leave a New Year’s service.

Her next stage in life was 19 years of marriage. Parker knew the preacher who would become her husband. He grew up near her grandparents. Their marital bliss came to an abrupt halt when he slapped her in the face in front of another couple who went to her church. From there, she endured verbal and physical abuse while giving birth to and raising four children. While fronting like the perfect Christian couple at church, Parker fell into a deep depression that would have taken the unbeliever.

Instead of succumbing to her husband’s ignorant ways, she was able to overcome the fear and doubt that she had for her own abilities. Although she had the gift to preach and minister into the souls of man, she chose to stay in her husband’s shadows.

That same voice that had been with her since kindergarten gave her will to strike out on her own and make a better life for her children. A chance meeting with Les Brown allowed her to use her God-given gift to the fullest, and From the Soul of a Woman glows because her testimony.

Valerie N. Parker has provided a sermon that will summon your soul to the summit of sweet victory. From the Soul of a Woman is not about being abused; it’s about how Jesus will help you turn that trial into a triumphant testimony. This book should be required reading for anyone who is truly ready “Let Go and Let God”.

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