Tag Archives: 5 minutes 5 questions with

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Kendra Norman-Bellamy, author of Fifteen Years

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Kendra Norman-Bellamy, editor of Fifteen Years
(Moody Publishing)

Fifteen years after being taken from Thomas and Joanne Smith (his foster parents), and Sammy and Patrice (his foster siblings), 30-year-old Josiah Tucker, a successful corporate executive on the outside, but a broken man on the inside, seeks to reconnect to his “life-line” in hopes of also finding himself and a renewed faith in God.

But he finds more than he bargained for, and the reality of it all has the capability to make him a more tortured soul than he ever was before his mission began. A lot about the people you love (and the way your heart loves them) can change in fifteen years…

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Fifteen Years?

Kendra Norma-Bellamy: Over the years, inside and outside of the literary industry, I have seen people rise to a certain level of fame and basically push aside those who pointed them in the right direction; those who played a vital role in equipping them and preparing them for their pending success.

I wanted to address the importance of remaining humble and not forgetting the bridges that brought us over. When good seeds are sown in our lives, it is because God favored us enough to place a capable sower in our path who took time to nurture us.

Regardless of how much success we gain over time, we never know when life will bring us full circle and we may need to go back to our humble beginnings and find refuge or other assistance. If we burn the bridges, we don’t have a pathway to get us back to where we need to go.

JP: What sets Fifteen Years apart from other novels in its genre?

KNB: Fifteen Years is a story about un-biological family and how important a role that they can play in one’s life. It touches on thought-provoking topics such as foster care, drug abuse, child neglect, broken homes, forbidden love, family secrets, and it even addresses the subject of autism and speech impediments and how those challenges can affect the mental and social growth of a person.

It’s a drama-packed, fast-paced Christian based story that I hope will keep readers turning the pages to see what happens next. It’s one of those stories that make you go, “Hmmmm…”

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Fifteen Years getting out to the public?

KNB: There is only one master key to my success, and that’s Christ. He orchestrated it all. I never could have planned it the way that it happened, so it was certainly a divine set-up. I’ve had wonderful people who were placed in my life along the way. Some were placed for a reason, others for a season, and then there are those who are lifetime connections.

But whatever capacity that they played, or still play in the success of my career, God is still at the root of it. For Fifteen Years in particular, I have a great backing in Moody Publishers. They have set very capable people in place to market this book worldwide through many avenues including blog tours such as the one that landed me a spot with you, Joey.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Fifteen Years?

KNB: I begin each day with prayer. Before I type the first word on my work in progress, I talk to God. It’s crucial to me that my stories not only entertain, but that they encourage and spiritually inspire readers. It’s only after prayer that I sit to begin my work.

I don’t do preliminary preparation like chapter outlines and such. There is nothing wrong with that; it’s a process that works great for other writers, but it’s not the way my creativity flows.

I simply sit at my computer and type out the story as God directs. Including the editing that I did once I finished writing the story, Fifteen Years took about four months to complete from start to finish.

JP: What’s next for Kendra Norma-Bellamy?

KNB: Well, I have two more books that will release before the end of 2010, and I’m excited about them both for different reasons. My next book, Song of Solomon, will come out in July, and I will be touring Mississippi and Louisiana to meet with book clubs who will be hosting release celebrations for it.

And then my first nonfiction/ministerial book entitled, I Shall Not Die, will release in October. Because this book is based on my true-to-life tragedies and triumps, it is very dear to my heart, and I know that it will minister to people on a different level than any of my fictional novels have.

Additionally, I’m gearing up for the 4th launching of Cruisin’ For Christ (a cruise that celebrates Christian artists and artistries) which will take place in June of 2011. It’s definitely going to be a busy year, but in this business, busy is a good thing. I’m very grateful, and I feel abundantly blessed.


Recent author awards Kendra Norman-Bellamy include: 2010 Induction into Who’s Who in Black Atlanta (for the fifth consecutive year) and winning 2008 Best Christian Fiction Award from the African American Literary Awards Show.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Dwayne P. Carter, author of My Ideas & My Opinions, Your Decisions

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Dwayne P. Carter, editor of My Ideas & My Opinions, Your Decisions

I’m Dwayne P. Carter, an inspiring poet who resides in Greenwood, South Carolina. I enjoy writing, reading, traveling, movies and spending time with family and friends. My life has been filled with joy and pain from childhood until now that is being expressed through poetry.

I simply have a love for seeing people enjoy all the parts that life it has to offer. In order to do my part to make people feel good and smile, I write beautiful heartfelt poetry to show others that I experience many of the same things they do and how much more alike we are than different.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write My Ideas & My Opinions, Your Decisions?

Dwayne P. Carter: The idea and inspiration for My Ideas & My Opinions, Your Decisions originated over a period of time from childhood until the present moment. Life has taught many lessons that I could not keep inside my mind just for me to live with.

With these thoughts, I decided to write a book to let the world know how I feel about the many different situations that we face daily. I used poetical form to express my ideas and opinions.

JP: What sets My Ideas & My Opinions, Your Decisions apart from other collections of poetry?

DC: What sets my poetry apart from other collections of poetry is the fact I write about every topic imaginable. For example, I write about the thoughts I have pertaining to world peace and how to get there, world corruption, life, death, love, fantasy, family, events, art, the universe and more. I think this gives me an identity among millions who have expressed there experiences through poetry.

JP: Who were the poets that inspired you and shaped your style?

DC: Poets who inspire me and shape my style are Joshua McCarter Simpson, Gwendolyn Brooks, Maya Angelou, Tupac Amaru Shakur, James Baldwin and many more. There are too many to name at the momen,t but all have been great influences to my gift of poetry.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish My Ideas & My Opinions, Your Decisions?

DC: My writing process is very spontaneous, but my poems have a rhythm to them. First, I think of exactly how I want to place my thoughts on paper so that the reader will get a feel for what I am trying to express. I am inspired by so many things of simplicity that my writing process actually never ends.

As long as I’m able to think, at any moment I may decide to write about something in poetical form. It took about two months to start and complete My Ideas & My Opinions, Your Decisions which is a collection of poems over a three year period.

JP: What’s next for Dwayne P. Carter?

DC: Next, I plan to continue thinking of ways to create poetry that will last for centuries to help humanity, and I enjoy the life I live along the way. Thank you.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Pauline R. Evans, author of Winter’s Kisses

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Pauline R. Evans, editor of Winter’s Kisses
(Pink Peach Publishing)

Winter’s Kisses is a novel that entails a heart-capturing and soul-comforting tale of two lovers that were on the verge of a destructive marriage that could only be saved through determination and a new outlook, and of course the help of good friends.

Certainly, it’s a book that values the moments of time and the essence of true love, no matter the outcomes. Many of characters, who grew up together from the days of high school in the suburbs, are personified as first loves, crushes, and the once daydreamed. Each search for fulfillment of love. Their consciences were never settled, but the principle was always the cornerstone of their very existence.

The novel is indubitably unique which brings the soap opera right at your eyes. Each chapter gives a first-person, first-hand account for each of the characters experiences, thoughts and feelings. It allows the readers to see the scenes magically before their eyes.

Though the dramatic, the sensual and the playful, Winter’s Kisses gives the synopsis of the everyday life of marriage and the thoughtful moments that couples should have and be aware of in order for the union to be blessed and flourish. Life is certainly a challenge, but with goodness and with love, even the very impossible in life can be a miracle.

Behold, in the blue skies, the passion that burns deep, but ousted. Yet, the colors of the garden will come again, and her name shall no longer be of season. Winter said she will never change.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Winter’s Kisses?

Pauline R. Evans: One morning in June of 2009, I stood in my bedroom after my morning’s devotion and reflected intensely. I was contemplating on what purpose life has for me, after being laid off from my job. I remember I asked the Lord what’s next.

Emotions were running wildly, and yet, with all control, I decided to sit by my laptop. After I reminisced for a few hours, I started typing. After a while, my typing became words that reflected on two important virtues that mattered to me greatly: love and relationships.

At first, it was just 106 pages of something. Having realized the coherence of my thoughts, I called it progress and named it a story. After weeks of writing, reviewing, re-writing and editing, with the help of great and true friends, it resulted in the composition of my first novel, Winter’s Kisses.

JP: What sets Winter’s Kisses apart from other novels hinged upon love lost and torrid affairs?

PE: What sets the novel as a cut above the rest is the idea of scope: how a story is viewed and how far the story can go. While other stories allow the reader to see the events like a window shopping experience, Winter’s Kisses allow the reader to “walk in an feel what the store has to offer”.

Opening the book invokes a panoramic experience to the reader, as the emotion and texture of the feelings of each character intensified with every flip of the page. Each chapter has its own character speaking. Each chapter has its own expression.

What sets the book above the rest however is with each ups and downs of relationships, there was always someone to offer guidance. This brought great resolve and a conscious realization that true love can take anyone anywhere.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Winter’s Kisses getting out to the public?

PE: The keys to my success are based solely on interaction and referrals. I would, for example, send my book to various book clubs for their review and suggestions for future books. My friends in different states would spread the word about the novel and would also be involved in handing out book markers and flyers.

With daily interactions and communications online, I would make referrals to my book on my website www.paulineevansonline.com, as well as various social networks online such as Facebook with a fan page specially created for Facebook users to join and to be updated with the latest in sales, contests and announcements and MySpace.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Winter’s Kisses?

PE: My writing process starts with inspiration and reflection. I will think on what life has been like for me and how life has contributed to my growth and development as a woman. Then the process is extended into writing these experiences and memories down.

Personifying the experiences is the next step, thinking of characters that may match the dispositions displayed throughout the entire story line. The final step is now building the scenes around the character which enhances their personalities effectively. It took me a couple of weeks of writing, changing, editing and re-editing.

Though I may think of and jot the ideas, I didn’t write from an outline. I, however, wrote from my heart and about the things that the Lord pours inside me at night when I lay in bed.

JP: What’s next for Pauline R. Evans?

PE: I am almost finished with the sequel to Winter’s Kisses, which I am anticipating as the readers are anxiously waiting to see what happens next. I will promise this much: I will continue writing as God grants the strength, wisdom and opportunities for the books to be a success and an inspiration to many.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html.

P.S.S. Pauline R. Evans and Pink Peach Publishing have paid to advertise with JoeyPinkney.com. Pauline R. Evans and Pink Peach Publishing have provided JoeyPinkney.com 10 books to give away to its readers.

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