Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Essence Best Selling Author Big Boom, author of How To Duck a Suckah: A Guide to Living a Drama-Free Life
(Fireside Books)

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Big Boom, a.k.a the “Bodyguard to Women’s Hearts” hit a nerve with his straightforward advice in If You Want Closure in Your Relationship, Start with Your Legs (June 2007). Big Boom returned in the same vein with raw, uncensored advice in his new book How To Duck a Suckah: A Guide to Living a Drama-Free Life.
In How To Duck a Suckah, Boom explains his controversial past and why he has decided to take a stand against suckahs by guiding women out of the “sitting duck syndrome”. Boom says, “Men are always looking for something to catch or shoot and if you aren’t careful you will be their next target”. A relationship book designed specifically to empower women and safeguard them physically, mentally and emotionally, How To Duck a Suckah helps women duck that potentially hazardous relationship.
Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write How to Duck a Suckah?
Big Boom: The idea to write How to Duck a Suckah came from my first book If You Want Closure In Your Relationship Start With Your Legs. I felt like I had more to say and wanted to get women out of that ‘Sitting Duck’ syndrome and influence their decisions to lead a healthy, rich, drama-free lives. I decided to express that sentiment in How to Duck a Suckah.
JP: What sets How to Duck a Suckah apart from other novels in its genre?
BB: How to Duck a Suckah is nonfiction. From what I’ve been told, women love the truth whether they can handle it or not. This is what sets my books apart from other titles on relationships. I try to be as honest as possible, but I try to do it with love and support. It’s the culmination of my life experience, common sense and its coming straight from the heart.
JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to How to Duck a Suckah getting out to the public?
BB: Wanting to make a change and help one woman to have a happy, loving life. Believe that your book will help, inspire, motivate and change someone. I believe I have an authentic message that needs to be told, and I try to do that publicly.
A good marketing and publicity plan (lectures, book signings and interviews), promotional material to hand out to the public and never assume that everyone already knows about your books.
JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish How to Duck a Suckah?
BB: My first process, I put all my information on a hand held recorder. Second, I get my ghost writer to transcribe it into a book form. Third, it’s read to me over the telephone. I make changes via telephone even while traveling! Six months later I have a master piece. Not bad for a man with no formal education…
JP: What’s next for Big Boom?
BB: Since I’m known for telling the truth, my next book is going to tell women what men really want them to know about themselves. This a danger zone! Somebody must do it! What better person then me, a person that cares and has a proven track record of delivering with sincerity.
If You Want Closure in Your Relationship, Start with Your Legs and How to Duck a Suckah are both Essence Best Sellers.
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