Tag Archives: hl stampley

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… H L Stampley, author of A Fragile Child’s Cry

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
H L Stampley, author of A Fragile Child’s Cry
(Street Positive Publishing)

A Fragile Child’s Cry is about child abuse and a broken down foster care system . It touches highs and lows of what happens to some children that enter the foster care system and also what happens when children come into the system that have been abused and neglected.

A Fragile Child’s Cry  also talks about Shaken Baby Syndrome and the life long effects that it has on children that have been abused . It talks of the mental as well as the physical challenges that these children that has been abused have to face as well as challenges for the parents that have to love and care for these children .

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write A Fragile Child’s Cry?

H L Stampley: My son, whom I adopted and whom also was a victim of Shaken Baby Syndrome, inspired me to write this book. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… H L Stampley, author of A Fragile Child’s Cry