Category Archives: african american author

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Multi-Platinum Singer Faith Evans, author of Keep the Faith: A Memoir Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Faith Evans, author of Keep the Faith: A Memoir
(Grand Central Publishing)

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R&B sensation, Faith Evans, gives us a first person account of life from Newark, New Jersey to the highest echelons of the music industry.

Keep the Faith: A Memoir is Faith’s first person account of life at ground zero of hip-hop’s greatest generation. She’ll share the truth about the love affair that changed her life and the innuendo that rocked the hip-hop world to its core. From her passionate and tragically short life with Biggie, Faith will finally lay the true story on the line.

We’ll get to see the good, the bad and the ugly side of the music industry. She shared with us how she worked her way to the top without ever sacrificing her morals. Faith also give us a first-hand account of how she managed to steer her God-given talent into a platinum-certified career.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Keep the Faith: A Memoir?

Faith Evans: For many years, people have always suggested to me that I sit down and set the record straight on a lot of things that went on in my life. I wasn’t sure I wanted to do that, but there have been so many stories told ABOUT me. At some point, you have to decide to tell your own story. No one can give my truth but me, and that was my inspiration for deciding to tell my story.

JP: As a songwriter, you were able enter snippets of your emotions and experiences in the various songs you have written. Were you intimidated by a work of this length, and how was the experience?

FE: I wasn’t intimidated at all. I was ready, and I was prepared to do it. I had just had a baby. The collaborator I worked with had also just recently given birth, so it helped that we were both juggling newborns. It was intense. I definitely had to revisit a lot of painful memories, but in many ways it was therapeutic for me. I’ve learned from everything I’ve gone through.

JP: What did you want to achieve with this book?

FE: I wanted to set the record straight on a lot of issues. I wanted to connect with my always loyal fans and give them a piece of me that I haven’t shared before. I wanted to have a record of my life so far, for myself and for my children.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Keep the Faith: A Memoir?

FE: I got serious about getting started in May of 2007. I would speak with my collaborator a few times a week. We would trade notes back and forth. I would also enlist my friends and family to help me remember when and where certain things happened. The book came out in June of 2008, so it was just about a year from start to finish.

JP: What’s next for Faith Evans?

FE: I’m already working on the proposal for my next book!

About the Author: Faith Evans started her music career as a songwriter for artists like Hi-Five, Mary J. Blige, Pebbles, Al B. Sure, Usher, Tony Thompson, and Christopher Williams. In 1994 she met producer/impresario Sean “Puffy” Combs, who signed her to his Bad Boy label. In 1995, Evans released her debut album, Faith, which went platinum.

A high-profile career in R&B has endured, with several platinum-certified albums and appearances in films such as The Fighting Temptations, with Oscar-winner Cuba Gooding Jr and Beyonce Knowles.

Faith lives in California with her husband and four children.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… M.L. Jacobs, author of The RestStop: Jeff and Jeanine Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
M.L. Jacobs, author of The RestStop: Jeff and Jeanine
(Chaklet Coffee Books)

ml jacobs the reststop on amazondotcom

Jeanine, a sexy yet lonely young woman meets the man of her dreams on the Internet. When she meets Jeff, she believes that her prayers have been answered…finally. They date by email, text, and cell phone for three months before deciding to meet face-to-face at a popular motel called The RestStop. Jeff promises to fulfill her darkest fantasies.

But, does anyone truly know if the person behind the monitor is who he says he is? What happens when Jeff and Jeanine meet at The RestStop for a night of unadulterated passion?

Follow the clues in this fast-paced psychological thriller that has a surprise around every corner.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The RestStop: Jeff and Jeanine?

M.L. Jacobs: Originally, a friend dared me to extend my writing from inspirational to adult, specifically erotica. What began as a simple sexual situation between two characters became a short story. The short story developed into each character having an intriguing past with memory flashbacks and present-day inner conflicts based on past experiences. The short story easily became a thrilling novel which I am extremely proud of.

JP: What sets The RestStop: Jeff and Jeanine apart from other erotica novels?

MLJ: The RestStop: Jeff and Jeanine is so much more than an erotic novel. It has suspense, mystery, thrills, twists, and great passionate scenes. The main characters are multidimensional, very believable, and either makes the reader love or hate them.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The RestStop: Jeff and Jeanine getting out to the public?

MLJ: Through social networking sites like Myspace, Yahoo, Twitter and others The RestStop: Jeff and Jeanine was introduced to a wide audience. The characters seem to appeal to people on the Internet because they can easily be related to. We all know at least one person who has dated and met people from the Internet.

JP: If you could be one of your characters from past or present novels, who would you be? And why?

MLJ: If I could be one of my characters I would be Blondie from The RestStop because although she has a few hang-ups, she is the most grounded of all of the main characters, making her very believable.

JP: What’s next for M.L. Jacobs?

MLJ: We are finishing up editing on the premier edition of EROS369: An Anthology for Adults which will be released in January 2009 – it contains a sultry 69 erotic short stories and poems in 3 chapters from many of today’s hottest writers. Published by Chaklet Coffee Books.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Lorraine Elzia, author of Mistress Memoirs Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Lorraine Elzia, author of Mistress Memoirs
(Peace in the Storm Publishing)

lorraine elzia mistress memoirs on amazondotcom

What kind of woman becomes a mistress? Someone who has no regard for the unspoken cardinal rule among women of “Thou shalt not covet another woman’s husband?” Certainly not Kahla Thompson; or so she thought.

Kahla is beautiful, single, and independently successful, possessing all the material goods a woman could desire. Her life is surreptitiously turned upside down when she meets Kevin Eckhart, a married man with a million-dollar smile and a seductive charm she falls prey to. The two have a magnetic, compelling attraction for each another and begin a relationship under the guise of friendship.

Kahla struggles to suppress her hunger for Kevin, but soon finds herself in a paradox: fighting her natural propensity to avoid an affair versus her lascivious desires for a married man and all he represents.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Mistress Memoirs?

Lorraine Elzia: There is one thing that women do. They share their feelings with family, friends and via the internet. Over the years my “sistergirl” conversations seemed to have a recurring theme, and I began to recognize that a lot of women were sharing men. That observation intrigued me to delve in a more detailed level into the mindset of a woman who had placed herself in the position of “the other woman”.

JP: Do you think that it will be hard for your readers to sympathize with a main character who 1) is in love with another woman’s husband and 2) smart enough to never have gotten caught up in the first place?

LE: I think the topic of my book is profusely more rampant than women want to publicly acknowledge or admit, yet it is a topic that readers will be able to either empathize or sympathize with. Mistress Memoirs is that dirty little secret in the closet that is interesting to most women even though it may be a topic people may not want to openly address.

We live in a day and age where the African-American male to female ratio is slightly to the advantage of men. There simply are more women then there are men. Add to that ratio societal plagues against our black men, and the pool of potential mates becomes smaller and smaller. This has caused some women to reconsider their options of either sharing a man, remaining alone or going outside of their race.

Today, more than ever, women are realizing that a good black man is a precious commodity. That has left a portion of black women finding themselves in situations they may otherwise not have been involved in. That fact alone makes my book a bit of insight into the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of affairs.

JP: What have you learned from your past publishing experiences that you were able to apply to this project to make it better?

LE: In writing for anthologies, I had to tailor the pieces to the needs of the publisher and adhere to what they were looking for. In doing so, I lost a little bit of me as a writer in the process. The anthologies gave me the foundation, experience and much needed exposure that a writer wants and needs. It also muzzled on my individual form of expression.

Readers like a good story, but they also like one with some pizazz, a feeling that the author put every bit of themselves into what they are reading. That’s what I was able to bring to this project that I think is better than previous publications I have been in. Less restriction has bred more creativity.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Mistress Memoirs?

LE: I began writing this book about 5 years ago, writing a chapter here and there as I was inspired to do so. Then I put the manuscript up on a shelf in my closet where it sat for a couple of years until I was encouraged to publish it. Once I was serious about giving life to the book, I blew the dust off. It took me about 5 months to complete.

JP: What’s next for Lorraine Elzia?

LE: Right now I am ghost writing. Because of the need for anonymity, it doesn’t allow for my name in lights or for personal publicity; but it is something I enjoy doing. Eventually, I’d like to publish a book that encompasses my ADQ’s (A Deeva Quickies), which are short antecedents of motherhood and family life. It’s kind of like an ongoing sitcom of words, just without the actors. I have been writing my ADQ’s under the pseudonym of “A Deeva” for years. One day I would love to have them published into a coffee table type book so that others can smile, relate and release.

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