Book Review: The Storm is Over by Kelvin Lassiter

The Storm is Over: Quotes for Achievement and Success
by Kelvin Lassiter
(Lasstime, LLC)
5 out of 5 Stars

kelvin lassiter the storm is over on kelvinspeaksdotcom

Kelvin Lassiter’s The Storm is Over: Quotes for Achievement and Success is far more than a bunch of quotes and random thoughts. The Storm is Over is more like a manual for overcoming life’s struggles from an author who is full of wisdom and passion.

I was once told that to gain a better understanding of a book, you have to know who the author is. Lassiter’s background as a motivational speaker and a strong Christian man shines through each commentary. Lassiter showed promise of intelligence early in life. Although he had a rocky young adulthood, he has risen to motivate communities to achieve greater things. The Storm is Over is an extension of his outreach.

Many self-help/motivational books simply drown you in good information. It’s like having a year’s supply of food and water shipped to your house in one day – overwhelming. With The Storm is Over, there are fifty-two quotes. Each quote and explanation are assigned to a certain week of the month.

This gives you a chance to read the quote and internalize the message by revisiting the week’s quote over the course of seven of days. This is good for two reasons: 1) it allows you to keep an informal schedule for utilizing the book’s wisdom and 2) it allows your to read the book one portion at a time for maximum effect.

The organization of the quote being on the left-hand page and the advice being on the right-hand page makes it easy read and digest the great information given in this book. Plus, the quotes are broken up in a way that you can use this book as a reference and come back to it time and time again. As Lassiter covers topics such as being open to change, ending the blame game and even using your brain’s full potential, it is Lassiter’s solid identification of the strength of the quote that makes this book a powerful document.

Lassiter’s strategic choice of the people from whom he drew quotes will not go unnoticed. From presidents to well known entrepreneurs to globally-recognized leaders of change, the quotes really hit home from people who have achieved amazing things. For instance, Bill Gates quote (“It’s Fine To Celebrate Success But It’s More Important To Heed The Lessons Of Failure”) is powerful because of the angle it takes on using failures as valuable learning tools.

Another quote that impressed me was “When It Rains, It Pours”. Although the quote is cliche, the advice given on the adjacent page is intricate and truly inspirational. There was only one quote that didn’t fully related to the advice given, but the quote and the advice were powerful enough to stand on their own merit. Lassiter ends each section with an affirmation to repeat. This allows you to harness the power of self-motivation as you continue forward with a more focused and fruitful life.

The Storm is Over is not only a book about self-improvement. This is also a book about being able to interact with people whether they are your customers (I Want Minimum Information Given With Maximum Politeness) and or your children (It Is Easier To Build Strong Children Than It Is To Heal Broken Men).

The Storm is Over urges you to take action. It urges you to move in a positive direction. The Storm is Over does this by giving your bite-sized steps to pursuing your life to its ultimate destiny and the space to incorporate its teachings into the fabric of your life.

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I had the opportunity to ask Mr. Lacy a few questions about his contribution to The Soul of a Man: A Triumph of My Soul Anthology. This clip was filmed during a book signing in Border in The Mall at Stonecrest in Lithonia, GA on 08-08-09.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… LaCricia A’ngelle, author of Girl, Naw! Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
LaCricia A`ngelle, author of Girl, Naw!
(His Pen Publishing)

lacricia angelle girl naw on amazondotcom

(One of the first ten people to comment will win a copy of LaCricia A’ngelle’s Girl, Naw!)

Congratulations to Dorothy for winning the free copy of Girl, Naw!

Antoinette Walker has seen the good, the bad and the ugly. Those that know and respect her think she has it all: a wonderful husband, children that thrive in school and a counseling practice that is growing by leaps and bounds.

When hidden things from her past begin to surface, they threaten to destroy everything Antoinette loves. Only God can give her the strength to continue to counsel other women as she struggles with her own issues of forgiveness.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write Girl, Naw?

LaCricia A`ngelle: When I wrote Girl, Naw!, I was in a position in my life where people often came to me for counseling in one form or another. I often felt like some of these people thought my life was perfect. Girl, Naw! was birthed from the thought of “who counsels the counselor?”.

JP: What sets Girl, Naw apart from other Christian Fiction novels?

LA: Girl, Naw! shows the life of a woman that is supposed to have it all together. It helps readers to understand that no matter what status someone has in life in many ways we are all the same. We all face obstacles in some form.

Girl, Naw! is also written in what I like to call plain English. You don’t have to have a dictionary next to you when you read it. The words are clear enough to reach a broad audience.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to Girl, Naw getting out to the public?

LA: Persistence was the key to getting Girl, Naw! out to the public. While writing Girl, Naw!, I faced many obstacles. I knew it was a story that had to be told.

I didn’t settle for traditional publishing, although it is something I will consider pursuing in the future. I chose to independently publish Girl, Naw! because I wanted to maintain the complete integrity of the story.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish Girl, Naw?

LA: As an author, I use several methods for writing. I use written outlines, and I also record voice notes on my Blackberry. I try to make writing, in some form, a part of my daily routine.

The total process from concept to completion of Girl, Naw! was three years. This was not with constant writing. At the time that I wrote Girl, Naw!, I had no formal training and didn’t write consistently.

JP: What’s next for LaCricia A`ngelle?

LA: I am writing a short story entitled “Journey to Love” as part of the anthology A Love Like His to be release in early 2010 by His Pen Publishing.

I’m very excited about this anthology. I will be joined by several award winning authors. I am also working on the sequel to Girl, Naw! and another novel.

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P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at or

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