5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Dapharoah69, author of The King of Erotica 4

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Dapharoah69, author of The King of Erotica 4: The DeTHRONEment of a King
(TKOE Publications)

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The King of Erotica Book 1 introduced a THRONE no one knew existed. The King of Erotica Book 2 introduced the Throne and the CROWN of a King, with gut-wrenching stories other authors were too afraid to touch. The King of Erotica Book 3: VIP showed the world a scorned, battered author with a painful past willing to change the world with his vision. Over 200 separate Five Star Reviews later, Dapharoah69 is back with The King of Erotica 4: The DeTHRONEment of a King. Could this quite possibly be the last The King of Erotica novel…ever?

FATE WILLIAMS was abused by her own flesh and blood mother over the years. After reluctantly poisoning her mother’s drink, she has to plan her mother’s funeral. But someone won’t let her forget…and it could be deadly.

Ex-prostitute, PRINCESS WEBSTER’S stomach sticks out further than her Booty-Do…because she’s in love with a one night stand and pregnant! But her best friend, Georgia, knows Princess slept with her husband, Ed. Does the baby belong to Ed? Or Thomas?

FRANCINE, FRANCINE, FRANCINE strikes! She was betrayed in Book 1. She makes a pivotal choice when she calls a cab in a wedding dress to rush home to marry the man who has her best friend Chandra hooked on drugs and pregnant. Will her heart speak now, or will her pride forever hold her…peace?


Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The King of Erotica 4?

Dapharoah69: I got the idea after being betrayed by a former publishing house back in 2003. Entering and winning over a hundred Myspace Erotic Story and Poetry contests, my fans and people who read my blogs christened me “The King of Erotica”.

So like Zane’s Sex Chronicles, I decided to name my first book The King of Erotica and using sex as a weapon but giving the characters background, dilemmas everyday people acknowledge or deny and to give the characters an identity so I wasn’t just writing sex in vain.

JP: What sets The King of Erotica 4 apart from other novels in the series? And why might this be the last one?

Dapharoah69: The King of Erotica 4 is the DeTHRONEment. Book one was the actual Throne, so the message was raw, blunt and took no prisoners. Book 2 was the Crown, not as raunchy, but deeper in the storytelling. Book 3 is the VIP. Book 4 dives deeper into the scandals, digs into the core of the abuse, dives deeper into the emotional state of the characters. It shows what makes them tick. It shows why they are so promiscuous. It shows why they worship two masters.

This might quite possibly be the last because this was the hardest book to write out of the four because I had to dig deep into the abuse I suffered as a child to give the characters flesh and air. The first book took 5 days to write. Book 4 took almost 3 months. I had to stop and start. It was too emotional for me.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The King of Erotica series being as popular as it has been?

Dapharoah69: The keys to my success was my faith in God, faith in my ability and doing it all to get the message out: shunning paychecks, huge bonuses and turning my back on traditional publishing blueprints. It’s kind of like Akhenaton in Africa back in the 1350 B.C. Era turning his back on the pharaohs that ruled before him to pave his own way with his own formula.

Being humble, showing readers and naysayers alike that you can be successful if you work hard to achieve your goals with good intentions was necessary. Writing to express myself, letting them know that I am not trying to make anyone happy was critical. Giving books out for free to those who can’t afford them was important. All that has made The King of Erotica a bestselling, 5 Star Series.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish The King of Erotica 4?

Dapharoah69: Book 1 took me five days, fourteen hours a day or more I always contribute to my work. Book 2 about a week. Book 3 two and a half days. I always map and blueprint the characters, so that makes it easy for me. I don’t stop or take breaks until it’s done. I lock myself in my room, cut off all phones, no internet access, no outside world when I create. So friends and family don’t hear from me for weeks sometimes.

I research different cultures, areas, environments animals -  everything. I write from the female, male, gay, straight, married, sheltered points of view. Book 4 took me nearly three months to write because of all the pain I had to relive. So I went through a depression phase. Book 4 was almost scrapped, but I stuck with it.

JP: What’s next for Larry Wilson, Jr.?

Dapharoah69: I have a book, Some Men Wear Panties, coming out with bestselling author of On the Down Low, JL King. And I have my first full debut novel, Call Her Queen Hatshepsut, coming in late October. I’m nervous about it because it deals with a deranged plastic surgeon who raises her son as a girl to get back at the father for marrying and fathering a child with her identical twin sister.




  • The King of Erotica Books featured in Bestselling Author E Lynn Harris Literary Cafe
  • A combined 210 (5) Star Reviews on Barnes and Noble.com and not a star less
  • Featured in over 400 book clubs worldwide
  • The King of Erotica Books 1, 2 and 3 were Barnes and Noble.com Top 100 Bestsellers at the same time, with book 3 peaking at #71.
  • I was the only self-published, African-American author with three different titles in the Top 100 at the same time.

P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html
P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Jaree Francis, author of There’s No Tomorrow, Only Today

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Jaree Francis, author of There’s No Tomorrow, Only Today

jaree francis theres no tomorrow only today free copy

Introducing Shawn Weston, an ambitious photographer who is focused on his career. That is until he’s blindsided by an uncanny woman by the name of Kanjia. The more he gets inside of her body, the more she gets inside of his soul.

Most would say that he’s way out of his league, but she thinks he’s just right. His boss thinks he’s dead wrong for slacking on his work performance. Shawn’s got much bigger problems than job security. They say all’s fair in love and war. Shawn Weston is about to find out just how true it is. To get out of the hole he has dug for himself, see how far he will go to get out.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write There’s No Tomorrow, Only Today?

Jaree Francis: I wrote this because I feel like people lose a grip of today for tomorrow. The tomorrow they anticipate may never come. This has been a year of death. People we never could imagine passing have passed. What we can do is embrace today more. This novella brings you into the mix of a love that is magnified substantially by living for the moment.

JP: What sets There’s No Tomorrow, Only Today apart from other novels in its genre?

JF: When I write, I try to give the reader an original experience. I bring them to the world in my mind. That, Mr. Pinkney, would be the defining difference between “this” and “that.”

JP: Why are you willing to give this novella away for free? Tell us more about this situation.

JF: I’m willing to give this novella away for free for a number of reasons. Three quick ones:
1) because I have no doubt that it’s a good read
2) I definitely would like feedback on what can make it ever better or what the reader wants to see more of, etc
3) we are still in a recession, so why not make something available for free?

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish There’s No Tomorrow, Only Today?

JF: My writing process varies for projects. For this project, I let the cage open. It’s somewhat erotic, so I just let it go. The time length to finish There’s No Tomorrow, Only Today is a hard question. It started as a short story I wrote last year. I felt that it had so much more to offer the readers. Based on that, I eventually extended it into a novella this year.

JP: What’s next for Jaree Francis?

JF: What’s next? I don’t know. There’s no tomorrow, only today. Remember? Ok, seriously, I’m just going to focus on putting out the best possible works to challenge the reader and fill the mind with food for thought. That’s the road I’m on.

The novella will be availalbe @ MetraCity.wordpress.com 7-31-09

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P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Kisha Green, author of And Even If I Did

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Kisha Green , author of And Even If I Did
(DivaBooks, Inc )

kisha green and even if i did on amazondotcom

Three Jersey girls with different backgrounds try to survive in the “real world” while learning that life isn’t that terrible when you have friends. As fast as things are good, they turn bad. This makes the girls come to the real definition of “friends forever”.

Simone is a self proclaimed diva who is battling her abandonment issues while longing for the love she thinks she needs in order to make her complete.  Taylor, who has made a life of looking for love in all the wrong places, is forced to make the right choice once given the reality check of a lifetime. Lastly, Jordan leaves behind an abusive and unfaithful ex for a better life. Unable to run anymore, she has to confront the past that haunts her. Will the truth finally set her free?

Their experiences teach them about self-love and recognition while earning the trio the right to say, “And even if I did… Can you?”

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write And Even If I Did?

Kisha Green: The story came from past relationships of my own and my friends. I wanted to talk about relationships in general but also how they can be unhealthy too. This was a story that was floating around in my head for a long time, and I couldn’t get these characters out so I decided to pen a novel.

JP: What sets And Even If I Did apart from other novels in its genre?

KG: I truly believe that And Even If I Did is unique because the the storyline is so real. People will feel like they either can relate or know someone like one of the characters in my novel. I touch on taboo topics such as HIV, infidelity and domestic abuse while still providing a semi-happy ending.

JP: What have you learned from you previous experience in the book industry that will make And Even If I Did a different experience?

KG: Well, originally when I released this book I was using a print on demand. Now with this being a re-release, I have taken some time to learn the industry and the business side of literary. With my new knowledge, I felt more confident about my book and the decisions that were made in the release of it.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish And Even If I Did?

KG: My writing process is rather simple if I have an idea for a storyline. I am constantly making little notes to myself. When my family is sleeping is when I can truly get into writing mode. As for the process to complete And Even If I Did, it took about a year because I started it and was half way complete then my mother passed away. (RIP Mommy)

I stopped writing to simply take time to mourn and get my head right. Upon doing so, I felt better and knew that not only did I have to complete this novel. Not just for me, but for my mother. I can confidently say she is proud!

JP: What’s next for Kisha Green?

KG: To continue writing, publishing, reviewing books, blog talk hosting and living my life to the fullest! Failure is NOT an option for me, so I will continue to do it all and then some!


P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at http://joeypinkney.com/joey-reviews-newsletter.html

P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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