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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Charles L. Mahoney, author of Story of The Ghost Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Charles L. Mahoney, author of Story of The Ghost
(CM9 Digital)

Nicknamed “The Ghost” by an overly ambitious newspaper reporter, a sixteen year old boy learns what it means to sacrifice when he plays the game of eight-man football alone, solo.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Story of The Ghost”?

Charles L. Mahoney: I was a football player at the University of Arizona, and one day I had a person come up to me and call me “The Ghost”. I had never heard that name before nor did I know what the person was talking about. Years later, I wondered what it would be like if the hero of my story was called that name by a reporter, achieving a lot of local fame in the process. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Charles L. Mahoney, author of Story of The Ghost

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Dominique Wilkins, author of Theresa in Wonderland Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Dominique Wilkins, author of Theresa in Wonderland


After being viciously attacked with a box cutter, a bystander named Tina jumps in to save Theresa’s life. Theresa becomes indebted to her and determines they’d be friends to the world blows up. Until it does, and Tina happens to be the bomb! Find out why and how!

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Theresa in Wonderland”?

Dominique Wilkins: There is a message I wanted to get across to my readers: just because a person does one good deed, does not overshadow that they are capable of doing 10 bad ones. This is something that must be treated accordingly because people fall victim to this everyday. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Dominique Wilkins, author of Theresa in Wonderland

5 Years Strong!


The “ 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Author Interview Series” turns 5 years old today!

I am so proud to say that because this Author Interview Series has connected hundreds of thousands of readers to hundred of authors.

Five years ago, Facebook and Twitter were sparkles in their founders’ eyes. Mainstream Social Media was pretty much Myspace. I put in many hours, sitting in my bedroom, clicking away at my computer. Why? Because I wanted to give Black authors to under-recognized authors an avenue to not just spread the word about their books, I wanted to give readers more.

Five years later, I have interviewed authors from around the world.

When I started this author interview series, I had no clue where it would lead, because I was focused on the inner-workings of “book life” from the authors’ perspectives.

Many times, we see a book and the story begins.

I see a book and wonder about “the story” before the story. I also wonder about the story “after” the story. In other words, there is more to a book than the book itself.

Five years later, I’m still intrigued with the process. The who, what, when, where, why and even the how.

Special shout out to each and every author, reader and publisher that has supported this Author Interview Series over the past five years.

Here’s to five more…

~ Joey Pinkney