5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Sheila L. Agnew, author of Dear ____, Are You Missing Your Calling?

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Sheila L. Agnew, author of Dear ____, Are You Missing Your Calling?
(Mo Better Publishing a division of S. Agnew & Associates, Inc.)


“Dear ______, Are You Missing Your Calling?” is a non-fiction book that uses the invitation as a metaphor to encourage readers to chronicle their most significant and important life events whether joyful or painful to help develop a clear path and direction to understanding our callings and purposes.

The events of our lives are like a road map that becomes key to opening our minds to accept the invitation God has extended to each one of us. Recognizing most people at some point will address the question of calling and purpose, I incorporated personal experiences and inspiring real-life lessons of people who connected to their callings even though enduring unimaginable adversities only to find their true purpose.

If deep within lies a burning desire for something more, something deeper, the stories in this book will inspire and help you to remain focused on the path. We have all received a personal invitation to use the gifts and talents so divinely given to us. You can choose to accept the invitation with an RSVP or send regrets, I cannot come.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Dear ____, Are You Missing Your Calling?”?

Sheila L. Agnew: I am deeply inspired by my experiences and people. I keep notes and journals about life, situations and my spiritual journey. Often, people ask the question, “What is my purpose”? Some people are confident they are living their purpose, others not. The inspiration for this book was the people who question their purpose. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Sheila L. Agnew, author of Dear ____, Are You Missing Your Calling?

JoeyPinkney.com Book Review – “It Is Well” by Y. Sharre DaCosta

JoeyPinkney.com Book Review
“It Is Well”
by Y. Sharre DaCosta
4 of 5 Stars


Y. Sharre DaCosta is a woman whose testimony of a modern-day miracle that has been captured in her book “It Is Well”.

As Y. Sharre DaCosta shares the tragedy of her second birth, she sets the reader up for the sweetest victory with God being at the helm of a true miracle. Her son, Stephen, was born with gastrointestinal problems that left no room for survival in the eyes of the doctor that delivered him. DaCosta met that challenge with an unfaltering faith, an activation of Scripture, a group of true prayer warriors, and God. Continue reading JoeyPinkney.com Book Review – “It Is Well” by Y. Sharre DaCosta

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Missy B. Salick, author of Claiming Jeremiah

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Missy B. Salick, author of Claiming Jeremiah
(J.J. Autumn Publishing)


On the same night that twenty four-year-old Jordyn Sims has a miscarriage, her sister-in-law Tori Sims conceives a child. Nine months later, Tori, a long term heroin addict, abandons her two-hour-old drug addicted newborn Jeremiah, in a hospital stairwell.

Jordyn receives the news and pursues foster adoption. However, Oscar, Tori’s possessive drug-addicted boyfriend, is not about to give Jeremiah up so easily.

With all odds against her adoption of Jeremiah, and her pregnancy at high risk from increasing stress, will Jordyn win this tough battle, or will her world crumble before her?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Claiming Jeremiah”?

Missy B. Salick: “Claiming Jeremiah” is a fictional memoir, based loosely off of my personal experience to foster-adopt my son. Through the foster adoption process, there was many times I felt alone and wish there was a book or somewhere I could turn to for insight. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Missy B. Salick, author of Claiming Jeremiah

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