Tag Archives: joey pinkney

National Reading Month With… Jahzara Writes, author of Love Don’t Live Here Anymore

jahzara writes love dont live here anymore on amazondotcom

Jahzara Writes, author of Love Don’t Live Here Anymore: My love affair with reading and writing started with my grandmother. My grandmother used to tell the most magnificent stories. Listening to her, I could visualize the images and feelings that she created. I can recall being a pre-schooler and thinking to myself, “I want to do that”. I wanted to tell magnificent stories, too. I wanted to capture a person’s attention.

This was only the beginning. I remember being mesmerized by hearing my elementary school librarian, Mrs. Kevins, read to the class when we had Library Day. However, I don’t think anyone could read a story like my third grade teacher, Mrs. Mary Smith. She introduced me to Paul Laurence Dunbar. She read his poetry with such emotion and caused me to be intrigued with dialect.

I was disruptive back in those days. I’m sure she didn’t quite know how to manage this young girl who had a knack for fighting boys. One day, she put me in the “Wee One’s Corner”, the equivalence to today’s “Time Out.” With no distractions, I breezed through my work which was correct. Mrs. Smith was not letting me out of the “Wee One’s Corner” that easily. She gave me a blank composition book and told me to write. Hence the beginning of Jahzara’s writing career.

After marrying a man that everyone warned me not to marry and learning dark secret after dark secret about him, I thought my life would end. Every day with him became a dreaded adventure. “It can’t get any worse,” had become my daily mantra. Everyday it got progressively worse, so I ditched the mantra. I wanted my life to be over. At night before going to bed, I wished I would go to sleep and wake up in my Maker’s arms.

Finally, after waking up morning after morning to a dreaded nightmare, I decided that I would live. I decided that instead of waking up with dread, I would wake up with delight. I decided to take my life back. Love Don’t Live Here Anymore is a novel that tells my story. I had to write this book in order to heal and promote healing, motivation and inspiration in others.

For more information about Jahzara Writes and Love Don’t Live Here Anymore, please visit: http://www.jahzarawrites.com/.

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5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Paulette Harper, author of That Was Then, This Is Now: This Broken Vessel Restored

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Paulette Harper, author of That Was Then, This Is Now: This Broken Vessel Restored
(Tate Publishing & Enterprises)

paulette harper that was then on amazondotcom

How could God have a purpose for me amidst this mess? Why do such bad things happen to good people? If you’ve recently asked yourself these questions, Paulette Harper’s That was Then, This Is Now has the answers. Paulette Harper gropes for meaning and understanding, and through her searching, God reveals Himself to her in ways she never before imagined possible.

By sharing her struggles with transparency, she illustrates how a heart attitude of surrender allows God to use a broken vessel for His ultimate plans of glory. That was Then, This Is Now is a heart-wrenching account of one woman’s true story of determination, loss and triumph. Struggling to recover from a broken marriage and disappointed dreams.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write That Was Then, This Is Now: This Broken Vessel Restored?

Paulette Harper: I was inspired to write That Was Then, This Is Now by God. It was derived from actual events that took place in my life. I wanted to share with people how God restored my life spiritually and emotionally.

JP: What sets That Was Then, This Is Now: This Broken Vessel Restored apart from other novels in its genre?

PH: What sets That Was Then, This Is Now different from other novels is my sound reliance on biblical scriptures. That Was Then, This Is Now offers readers the reasons why and the solutions to many of the challenges we will face.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to That Was Then, This Is Now: This Broken Vessel Restored getting out to the public?

PH: Some of the keys to my success for That Was Then, This Is Now have been me knowing the market for which my book is trying to reach. This includes identifying people, groups and organization that will embrace my writing. I talk about That Was Then, This Is Now to everybody which has afforded me the opportunities to be on radio and television. I also try to stay connected to my readers my email, newsletters and by speaking and having book signing events.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take for you to start and finish That Was Then, This Is Now: This Broken Vessel Restored?

PH: When I starting writing That Was Then, This Is Now, it began with the titles of each chapter and I built my stories around those titles.  For example chapter 1 Built To Stand- Though It All in this chapter I share with my readers the personal challenges that I faced and how certain scriptures helped me cope with and eventually overcome those challenges and gain spiritually victory. I started writing That Was Then, This Is Now in January 2007 and completed my manuscript in March of the same year. Tate Publishing offered me a contract in April 2007.

JP: What’s next for Paulette Harper?

PH: I have several projects that I’m working on. I’ve started writing my next book   Completely Whole another inspirational book which will be released next year. I’m launching a new radio show called “Broken & Restored “ and will be starting “Write Now” workshops to help other inspiring writers and authors.



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P.S.S. If you want to be feature in a 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… series, email me at joey.pinkney@gmail.com or myspace.com/joeyreviews

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National Reading Month With… MG Hardie, author of EveryDay Life

mg hardie everyday life on Amazon

MG Hardie, author of EveryDay Life: As a youth, I had to read because I didn’t have a television until I was about ten-years old. When I finally got one, it was a black and white piece of [crap], but it worked. I got a color one at fourteen, and it was like Christmas everyday. We lived in a four-walled shack. I never had a room of my own. At night when I heard sirens, all I could do was read. I would get a book and read about all of the magnificent and wonderful places my mind wanted to go. In my reading, I imagined that I traveled further than anyone else. Most of the time my stomach growled louder than my wildest imagining, and reading was my solace, my salvation and my friend.

EveryDay Life is a journey from hopelessness to hope. It is a new kind of literature. It’s a raw, intensely humorous, personal and inspiring look at the journey of a young African-American man who, against the odds and his environment, decides to change his life for the better. It delves into uncharted literary territory and deals with so many relevant issues about life. EveryDay Life is an interactive literary journey that implores readers to read it more than once.

For more information about MG Hardie and EveryDay Life, please visit: http://myspace.com/MGHardie.

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