Tag Archives: joeypinkney.com

JoeyPinkney.com Book Review – Welfare Grind by Kendall Banks

JoeyPinkney.com Book Review
“Welfare Grind”
by Kendall Banks
4 of 5 Stars


“Welfare Grind” is the first of the Welfare Grind series of novels by Kendall Banks.

Keema Newell is a Land Shark. There is no other way to put it. She is to society what sharks are to Shark Week. She was born to “eat food”, slang for getting money. Keema even named each one of her children after money: Treasure, Cash and Dinero. And she looks at them as her “investments”. What’s worse, she’s keeping her boyfriend Dupree’s autistic son, Shane. Dupree is a drug dealer that stashes drugs, money and guns in Keema’s apartment. Legality and morals are not a part of her DNA. Continue reading JoeyPinkney.com Book Review – Welfare Grind by Kendall Banks

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… DeVaughn Lilly, author of Memoirs of the Homosexual President (Told by the First Lady)

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
DeVaughn Lilly, author of Memoirs of the Homosexual President (Told by the First Lady)
(Young Revolutionary Publishing)


At its core, “Memoirs of the Homosexual President” is a love story. This tale takes you into the well kept life of a sophisticated southern belle named Birdy as she recounts a life with the man she loved and the man he loved – who coincidentally happens to be her best friend.

Their love was not only unorthodox and unheard of, it is also unusual in that it was between a master and one of his dear slaves. For fifty years, she watches through scorned eyes as her husband and her dearest friend embark on this secretive, shrouded existence.

They all find success through politics as their affair is carried from their home town of Savannah, Georgia, all the way to the Capitol City and into the grand White house.

This gentleman was plagued his entire life by America’s misgivings, slavery as his pursuit of justice. Freedom is what drives him to the highest office in the land, all while his peculiar love life ensures his premature demise.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Memoirs of the Homosexual President”?

DeVaughn M. Lilly: My inspiration for “Memoirs of the Homosexual President” came from my love of storytelling and also my love of politics. I was inspired to write a love story, one which I had never heard the likes of before. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… DeVaughn Lilly, author of Memoirs of the Homosexual President (Told by the First Lady)

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Princess Dior, author of Crowned

JoeyPinkney.com Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Princess Dior, author of Crowned
(La Femme Fatale Publishing)

“Crowned” is loosely about my life. I tell the story through Roxy. She’s willing to do any and everything to come up. She meets a guy named Face. He offers her a job on his team. Roxy doesn’t realize that Face is trying to use her to take over her uncle’s empire.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Crowned”?

Princess Dior: My life. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Princess Dior, author of Crowned