Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Pashin, author of The Other Man
(HBF Publishing)

Destiny, Chanel and Tesa were three completely different women with two things in common: Laz and the fact that they are all married.
Laz Moore was successful, educated, handsome and quite happy with being one of Miami’s most eligible bachelors because he only preferred married women. He offered his women comfort when their men weren’t providing: someone to count on if they needed to talk, a brotha who was sensitive to the needs their men neglected, and someone to lay it down in the bedroom until they were completely satisfied!
Laz was content with his complex lifestyle and even more content with the waves of success that he was riding at the moment. When it seemed things couldn’t get any better for Laz, he learns his best friend and frat brother, Brandan, is moving back to Miami and getting married. Laz wants nothing less than happiness for Brandan; although, he’s aware of Brandan’s old player-listic ways and wonders if Brandan is truly ready to settle down.
Before long, Laz thinks he has finally found the woman of his dreams. Drama quickly surrounds the love he believes he’s discovered when the other man faces the wrath of karma…Will things work in his favor? Or will he fall victim to the life that he created for himself?
Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the idea and inspiration to write The Other Man?
Pashin: The idea popped into my head after I pondered on the idea of women being on the side for men. You hear about the other woman a lot. I wondered about the other man and what his story was. I took it even farther to say what would his story be like if he was the other man to more than one woman. My thoughts intrigued me and led me to create this character and his journey.
JP: What sets The Other Man apart from other novels where a man used to be a predator of love only to become the prey?
Pashin: Unlike other novels, the main character’s thought process is not that he means harm, but rather that though he’s without love. He’s not opposed to having it; he just doesn’t believe its for him. He’s not out to prove some point that he’s untouchable; he just doesn’t want to be hurt.
I think often times subject matter such as this proposes characters that pride themselves on being “players”. That is very unlike the main character, who is seeing himself not as a “player” but someone who is helping the situation.
JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that lead to The Other Man getting to the public?
Pashin: One of the key elements to getting my book to the public was promoting it years in advance. This almost backfired at times because people kept asking when it was going to be out. I had to say soon.
I started pushing it on Myspace about 2 years ago, of course hoping at the time to have a release date for it then. Over all, pre-promoting has helped. Now that it’s out, all of my devoted fans that have been patient can go get it.
JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish The Other Man?
Pashin: My writing process is focusing and brainstorming. I do this when I have the time and peace. I don’t really like thinking about my books or story ideas if I’m not somewhere I can sit and write. An idea may spawn a chapter.
Though I have handwritten things before, I like to really concentrate and be at my computer. Once I have a flow going, I can write one chapter or more at a time. The book was written within three months but took about a year to get it to a perfect place.
JP: What’s next for Pashin?
Pashin: Well, I’m going to continue to promote this great story that I believe will be on a best-seller list by next year. I also would like to start writing a script for a possible movie for The Other Man.
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