Finian Black, a RT, 9,000 downloads of The Nightmare Stone and Olympic Gold

Finian Black is an author from Winchester, UK. We RT each other on Twitter to support eacother endeavors. (@FinianBlack on Twitter)

Recently, he held a four-day giveaway on for the Kindle version of his debut novel The Nightmare Stone. He asked for a RT of the giveaway’s annoucements, and I obliged.

It was a great feeling to get a report back that The Nightmare Stone received over 9,000 downloads over that four-day period, in part due to my RT. Plus, sales have soared since then.

To show his thanks, Finian Black gave me a mention on his blog in a blog post that compared his successful giveaway to winning an Olympic Gold Medal. I am honored to be a part of that success. Read the blog post here:

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One thought on “Finian Black, a RT, 9,000 downloads of The Nightmare Stone and Olympic Gold”

  1. Thanks Joey – you’re a gentleman. Sites like yours are the lifeblood of independent authors like myself. Your help and support is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

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