Category Archives: 5 minutes 5 questions with

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Nicole Dunlap, author of Shattered Imperfections (Shaw Family Saga Book 4, The Finale) Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Nicole Dunlap, author of Shattered Imperfections (Shaw Family Saga Book 4, The Finale)

Nobody is perfect. Through the scandalous family lies that bind them all together, the Shaw women have triumphed. Four generations of women have tackled ups and downs. Now, Annette is perfectly comfortable with her life. Charlene has tasted the bittersweet notes of success. Raven is preparing for the wedding of a century and a life rich in love afterward. Beautiful, young Royael has all the pleasures of a princess…

While Dallas is in uproar over a gruesome rape-homicide, a lead Detective transforms into the ultimate stalker. A hitman lurks nearby. And death will surely come. The list of those wanting vengeance has reached its peak, but the Bible says that “God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.”

Take one last roller coaster ride with the Shaw and Devereux families. Will there be rest for these souls?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Shattered Imperfections”?

Nicole Dunlap: The entire series is based on dysfunctional families that I’ve counseled, bringing up the controversies of young teens dealing with depression, neglectful mothers, and more. As a family saga, these stories take on a mother-daughter relationship over the better part of a lifetime. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Nicole Dunlap, author of Shattered Imperfections (Shaw Family Saga Book 4, The Finale)

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Craig A. Hart, author of The Writer’s Tune-Up Manual Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Craig A. Hart, author of The Writer’s Tune-Up Manual
(Sweatshoppe Publications)

One thing every writer wants is the opportunity to improve their craft, to hone their skills, and create the most dazzling prose possible. “The Writer’s Tune-up Manual” is just what you need. Maybe you’ve been away from the game for a while, struggle with a certain aspect of writing, or perhaps you just want to put your skills up on the rack and give them a good tuning. Filled with 35 targeted exercises, The Writer’s Tune-up Manual will help you do all these things by expanding your writing savvy in five specific areas: Character Development, Dialogue, Point of View, Description and Setting, and Plot.

The exercises in “The Writer’s Tune-up Manual” are more than just writing prompts; you can find those anywhere. No, “The Manual” gives you a real opportunity to flex your literary muscles by laying out detailed, often difficult assignments. Nobody said that becoming the best writer you can would be easy, so roll up your sleeves, flex your fingers, and get ready to take your writing to a whole new level!

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “The Writer’s Tune-Up Manual”?

Craig A. Hart: I got the inspiration for “The Writer’s Tune-up Manual” largely as a result of seeing a huge number of submissions in the course of my work as a publisher and editor. After awhile, you begin spotting ongoing problems with manuscripts, issues that often keep a piece from being accepted. “The Writer’s Tune-up Manual” seeks to address the most common of those issues. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Craig A. Hart, author of The Writer’s Tune-Up Manual

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Jodie Renner, author of Fire Up Your Fiction – An Editor’s Guide to Writing Compelling Stories Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Jodie Renner, author of Fire Up Your Fiction – An Editor’s Guide to Writing Compelling Stories
(Cobalt Books)

This award-winning, reader-friendly writing guide by respected fiction editor Jodie Renner will help you take your writing skills to the next level, bring your story to life, tighten your writing, add tension and intrigue, and develop a more authentic voice. This clear, concise, highly accessible handbook is packed with excellent tips with examples to help you write like the pros and create a compelling novel that sells.

“Fire up Your Fiction” won a Silver Medal in the FAPA President’s Book Awards for 2013 and an Honorable Mention in the Writer’s Digest Self-Publishing E-Book Awards for 2013, and is also a finalist in the Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Awards.

Judge, Writer’s Digest: “This should be on the booklist for Master’s Programs in Writing for Publication. You must be a wonderful editor to write such a readable, but comprehensive book.”

IndieReader review: “Jodie Renner’s Fire up Your Fiction is a handy manual for writers looking to make the biggest impact with their craft. Fire up Your Fiction is the Strunk and White for writers who want to be not just mere storytellers but master story-compellers.”

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Fire up Your Fiction – An Editor’s Guide to Writing Compelling Stories”?

Jodie Renner: In my freelance fiction editing business, which I started in 2007, I found I was making many of the same suggestions over and over to my aspiring author clients and even published novelists. I started writing blog posts on various techniques for writing compelling fiction, and my blog posts eventually grew into my two books, “Fire Up Your Fiction” (formerly titled “Style That Sizzles & Pacing for Power”) and “Writing a Killer Thriller“. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Jodie Renner, author of Fire Up Your Fiction – An Editor’s Guide to Writing Compelling Stories