Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Dr. Patricia Pickles, author of Are You In A Pickle? Lessons Learned Along The Way: Students’ Performance And Achievement Gaps

“Are You In a Pickle?” addresses improving students’ performance and closing achievement gaps among all populations and zip codes. Through proven research-based practices that work, the reader gains insight into specific strategies, tactics and techniques that work for K-12 educators and leaders.
Dr. Pickles bluntly addresses politics and personal agenda’s that can demise results. Readers are encouraged to learn from life experiences by reflecting on the past, acting on the present and embracing the future.
Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Are You In A Pickle? Lessons Learned Along The Way: Students’ Performance And Achievement Gaps”?
Dr. Patricia Pickles: Approximately 2% of African American women in the US serve as superintendent of schools. It was a very lonely journey. I want to assist others who may need support in there quest to improve students’ performance and quality of life for all American’s.
Whether at the classroom, school, or district level, under my leadership, performance always improved. I wanted to leave a record of action-based-research techniques that work.
JP: What sets “Are You In A Pickle? Lessons Learned Along The Way: Students’ Performance And Achievement Gaps” apart from other books in the same genre?
PLP: Although there are many books on improving students performance and closing achievement gaps, very few authors have actually served as a teacher, principal and superintendent of schools; in other words she was actually in the trenches.
Further, you will not find “Are You In a Pickle?” on the shelves of your typical classrooms or in education leadership classes at the universities. I prepare the readers for real world experiences. While I learned about collaborative and autocratic leadership styles, I was not prepared for the top dog, the accommodating under-miner, or one who sabotages.
JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to “Are You In A Pickle? Lessons Learned Along The Way: Students’ Performance And Achievement Gaps” getting out to the public?
PLP: I have a proven and national brand for being an advocate for children, securing needed resources, creating schools of excellence, and empowering communities.
JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish “Are You In A Pickle? Lessons Learned Along The Way: Students’ Performance And Achievement Gaps”?
PLP: It took me two years to write “Are You In a Pickle?”. I am a reflective writer. While I share successful strategies, I also took time to reflect on how I could have done things differently and more effectively. I candidly share this information with the reader.
JP: What’s next for Dr. Patricia Pickles?
PLP: I am currently working on my second book. The book will be for families, communities, organizations and institutions that deal with individuals who are intellectually challenged.
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