Category Archives: 5 minutes 5 questions with

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Margaret Curley Sanborn, author of The Practical Guide to Happiness: If You Don’t Like How You’re Feeling, Think Again Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Margaret Curley Sanborn, author of The Practical Guide to Happiness: If You Don’t Like How You’re Feeling, Think Again
(Think Again, Inc.)


The “pursuit of happiness” is a human right so basic that it’s named in the US Constitution. Unfortunately for most, it is little more than a pursuit, as happiness is elusive to many. “The Practical Guide to Happiness: If You Don’t Like How You’re Feeling, Think Again” delineates, in a concrete way, the direct link between perception, thinking and feeling.

By using highly relatable stories, readers of the book are able to form a concrete link between abstract ideas regarding how they perceive and think, and how they feel. Realistic characters deal with real-life circumstances to demonstrate how the same situation and events, perceived and thought about differently, can yield different levels of happiness.

“The Practical Guide to Happiness” educates the reader on the number one challenge to their happiness, the human ego. The reader learns about the power of the human ego that makes constantly holding positive beliefs about the future, in the face of the challenges of ordinary life, almost impossible. It explains how the ego will impede and thwart most people who chart a course to manifest the type of results that experts, in leading positive thinking books, cite. It then teaches the reader how to curb the ego, and to Think Again.

By using the Think Again strategies, the user learns to create happiness now, regardless of less than ideal life circumstances.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “The Practical Guide to Happiness: If You Don’t Like How You’re Feeling, Think Again”?

Margaret Curley Sanborn: I’ve always been a seeker, wanting to understand ‘why’? I remember as a child being told, “You think too much”. I probably did, but I needed to understand why things were a certain way. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Margaret Curley Sanborn, author of The Practical Guide to Happiness: If You Don’t Like How You’re Feeling, Think Again

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Ron Mills, author of Healers Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Ron Mills, author of Healers


“Healers” is an urban supernatural thriller about three ordinary people that acquire the power to instantly heal all disease and sickness. This miracle gift would change lives of a teenage gang banger, a baptist preacher and an abused mother of two small children.

There are three tales in Healers: “The Gangster and the gift”, “Good Intentions” and “Only Women Bleed”. They will let you know that miracles come with a price. What would you do with the gift?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Healers”?

Ron Mills: I saw a televangelist late one night claiming to have the ability to lay hand on people and heal them for a cash donation. He appeared to be a fraud, but I wondered if there are people out there with this gift. I also wondered how this gift would complicate a person’s life. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Ron Mills, author of Healers

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Cachet, author of Miserable Matrimony Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Cachet, author of Miserable Matrimony
(G Street Chronicles)


“Miserable Matrimony” is a glimpse into the life of a woman named Chandra, who married a man twenty years older than she. In the beginning of their relationship, Malik treated her with nothing but respect.

Directly after marriage, he changed. He turned into a controlling and abusive bully. He wanted to dictate everything in her life, including what she wore. Chanda does everything in her power to make things right, but nothing seems good enough.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Miserable Matrimony”?

Cachet: “Miserable Matrimony” came about because I was sitting at home watching Law & Order. A woman was being abused by her husband. I hadn’t read a book about that sort of thing. I researched about it. From there, it came to life. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Cachet, author of Miserable Matrimony