Category Archives: 5 minutes 5 questions with

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Michelle Campbell-Scott, author of Goodreads for Authors Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Michelle Campbell-Scott, author of Goodreads for Authors
(Coo Farm Press)

Goodreads is a fabulous, free website with over 20 million members – all of them avid readers. The site has lots of features that are available to authors, because they want author involvement in their site. It’s kind of hard to find all the features though! That’s where ‘Goodreads for Authors’ comes in.

I wrote it after searching for ways to promote my own books – I wanted free, non-cheesy or salesy ways of reaching potential readers. It took me so long to find the best ways of using Goodreads as an author that I decided to turn my research into a book, to help other authors find their way around quickly and get back to their writing!

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Goodreads for Authors”?

Michelle Campbell-Scott: From sheer frustration! I spent so long trying to get the hang of Goodreads as an author that I hoped my research would be helpful to other authors. Once you know how, it’s quick and easy to use Goodreads, but the finding out how takes SO long! Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Michelle Campbell-Scott, author of Goodreads for Authors

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Perri Forrest, author of A Lioness’ Tale Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Perri Forrest, author of A Lioness’ Tale
(Chic Lioness Publishing)

A Lioness’ Tale focuses on the life of Gabriella Alexis Sandoval. The story begins with a young Gabriella going through a very painful breakup with her high school sweetheart. Distressed by the turmoil that her daughter is enduring as a result of this life event, Gabriella’s mother suggests that she travel to Brazil to visit extended family, regroup, and begin her healing process.

When Gabriella arrives in Brazil, her best friend Natalia introduces her to the beautiful resort, Paraiso Belo. Gabriella comes of age and  emerges from her experience in Brazil having faced some realizations about herself. Those realizations plant seeds inside Gabriella that push her into overdrive. She delves deeper into who she was, who she is and who she hopes to become.

She finishes college and sets out on an entrepreneurial road and is successful in all areas . . . except love. When she comes face-to-face with a past love, she comes to understand that person is the very reason she has steered clear of love.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “A Lioness’ Tale”?

Perri Forrest: A Lioness’ Tale, was actually born from a short story titled, Rendezvous. When I wrote Rendezvous, I had such a great time and felt like I was in the story doing a walk-through. Hopefully, that doesn’t sound weird, but I did feel like a part of the story. There was that much of a connection. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Perri Forrest, author of A Lioness’ Tale

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Desiree Future, author of It’s A New Season Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Desiree Future, author of It’s A New Season
(Self Published)

It’s A New Season is the continuation of the beautiful love story The Pastor’s Heart, which is now a part of A Kingston & Sinclair Series.” It picks up where newly married main characters Pastor Kingston Carter and Sinclair Madison left off.

The unlikely couple continues to build their own professional businesses, as they had done before marrying. Hardworking Sinclair strives to make her agency, Aged Out Foster Care Inc., more reachable to former foster care kids now turned adults in need of assistance. Family man Kingston is constantly helping to grow his family-owned grocery store, Carter Market, as well as their church Christ the Lord Fellowship.

In the midst of the two sharing their heart and love for one another, something comes crashing into their blissful world. One of the two will have their padlocked closets forced opened. The contents that spill will wreak havoc into the lives of the pastor and his first lady.

With the battle of David and Goliath standing at their front door, it’s hard to see who will remain standing if and when that door finally closes.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “It’s A New Season”?

Desiree Future: My audience gave me the inspiration to write It’s A New Season. I had only intended to write one book. However, my readers had another plan. Within a week of releasing The Pastor’s Heart, my audience immediately started requesting a sequel. Having receiving so many requests, I simply sat down and started writing It’s A New Season. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Desiree Future, author of It’s A New Season