Category Archives: 5 minutes 5 questions with

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Randall Barnes, author of The Diary Of Aaliyah Anderson Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Randall Barnes, author of The Diary Of Aaliyah Anderson
(DC Bookdiva Publications)

The Diary Of Aaliyah Anderson is about an intelligent, ambitious thirteen year old young woman that writes diary entries chronicling her life living in the fictional city of Willowsfield, Georgia, statistically the #1 most dangerous city in America.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “The Diary Of Aaliyah Anderson”?

Randall Barnes: Originally, I got the inspiration to write a book after seeing the void in aesthetically true young adult fiction books in the market. If it wasn’t a relationship book about a girl falling in love with a player or high school “jock”, it was about mythological worlds, warlock, wizards, dragons and vampires. How can that entertain a brother that’s obsessed with getting money, garnering the attention of pretty females and the stats that LeBron James posted up in his last game? Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Randall Barnes, author of The Diary Of Aaliyah Anderson

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Charles L. Mahoney, author of Story of The Ghost Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Charles L. Mahoney, author of Story of The Ghost
(CM9 Digital)

Nicknamed “The Ghost” by an overly ambitious newspaper reporter, a sixteen year old boy learns what it means to sacrifice when he plays the game of eight-man football alone, solo.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Story of The Ghost”?

Charles L. Mahoney: I was a football player at the University of Arizona, and one day I had a person come up to me and call me “The Ghost”. I had never heard that name before nor did I know what the person was talking about. Years later, I wondered what it would be like if the hero of my story was called that name by a reporter, achieving a lot of local fame in the process. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Charles L. Mahoney, author of Story of The Ghost

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Yanatha Desouvre, author of Savor the Moments: Inspired by True Stories Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Yanatha Desouvre, author of Savor the Moments: Inspired by True Stories
(RDJ Publishing)

“In Yanatha Desouvre’s Savor the Moments, “Goodman’s gift, which is also the author’s, is his ability to be uplifting… His hopefulness is undeniably contagious; his empathy is admirable; his interest in the ordinary is extraordinary.” (from the foreword by best-selling author and historian Robert P. Watson, Ph.D.)

In this collection of 11 timeless short stories, we meet Grayson Goodman, a traveling businessman, who encounters people dealing with challenging situations in life that are no different than our own. As we share in his conversations, we travel with Goodman on his warm-hearted and inspiring journey to different establishments throughout the world as he searches to find the answers to the difficult questions we all face.

We face obstacles each and every day, but the question is: How do we allow these challenges to affect our lives? Discover how people cope with the unexpectedly difficult circumstances they face and how Goodman touches their lives with words that ring with simple, honest clarity. Desouvre takes us around the world with engaging short stories that encourage us all to “savor the moments”.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Savor the Moments: Inspired by True Stories”?

Yanatha Desouvre: Joey, two things inspired me. A college professor whom I used to work with at Lynn University name Carrie Simpson inspired me. She asked me about two years ago this October to write a play, and I never wrote a play in my life. However Professor Simpson sparked something in me that I didn’t realize already there: these sets of poems inspired by actual conversations titled “Grand Marnier I, II..etc” that had the elements of a play, a main character, supporting characters and locations. The second thing is that Savor the Moments was inspired from actual conversations. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Yanatha Desouvre, author of Savor the Moments: Inspired by True Stories