Category Archives: 5 minutes 5 questions with

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Quigley Castle, author of Camille’s Bi-Curious Birthday Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Quigley Castle, author of Camille’s Bi-Curious Birthday

Camille is turning the big three-O in just a few hours, and her three best friends ask her what she wants for her birthday. They are utterly shocked when Camille answers, “A threesome,” because as far as they’ve always known Camille was a square, a nerd, a geek and a goody-two-shoes all roll into one, little uptight petite package. Will Camille get her birthday wish?

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write Camille’s Bi-Curious Birthday?

Quigley Castle: The inspiration came from a thought I had when I was watching “Orange is the New Black” on Netflix. I thought to myself, “What would a lesbian experience be like for me?” I’m positive that I’m heterosexual, but it was fun to think about what it would be like to be with a woman. Camille’s Bi-Curious Birthday is my idea of what it would be like to have a lesbian experience with my closest girlfriends. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Quigley Castle, author of Camille’s Bi-Curious Birthday

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Rumont TeKay, author of Venom In My Veinz Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Rumont TeKay, author of Venom In My Veinz
(Wahida Clark Presents)

“Bonnie and Clyde times ten” would best describe Bromise and Chasidy in this explosive, true-to-life tale. They share a twisted love story that hinges on murder, mystery and calculated brilliance! While in the midst of completing each phase of their ingenious plot with precision, they fight against their rivals, love for each other, and their demons within!

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write Venom In My Veinz ?

Rumont TeKay: I was inspired much like Wahida Clark. While doing time, a very talented author caught my attention with his novels. He wasn’t the first to do it, but his books were the first to resonate with me. His name is Victor L. Martin. After I read his first book, the flame within me was lit. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Rumont TeKay, author of Venom In My Veinz

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Umar Quadeer, author of Enemy Bloodline Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Umar Quadeer, author of Enemy Bloodline
(Wahida Clark Presents)

Son of a black gangster and an Italian mother with ties to a high profile mobster, the deadly mixture allows Spaz to become the most ruthless gangster in the City of Brotherly Love. What starts off as a plot to move his mother out of the lethal streets of North Philly turns into a multimillion-dollar drug enterprise.

With his mafia drug supplier, Sticky Scilionni in his right ear, and the leader of the Black Boss Family, Kareem, in his left ear, who can Spaz trust once he becomes a threat to the very street mentors that have trained him? His life takes on a ferocious transformation as he rises in power and becomes the gatekeeper of the hood between warring families.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Enemy Bloodline”?

Umar Quadeer: I came up with Enemy Bloodline sitting in prison bored. I wanted a TV in my cell and couldn’t have one, so I went into my mind and started watching TV! My inspirations came from me wanting a GT Bentley. I imagined me in it. I imagined what I was wearing. I saw myself riding around my city in this luxurious automobile. Continue reading 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Umar Quadeer, author of Enemy Bloodline